It is telling me the server status is back up and I agree I hope this will be worth the wait the game has already shows signs of improved optmization for me and since I stuck with a bad comp for a while thats a bonus that I can still play a game I love without having to break my bank because of grafics loads.
My only real issue inst even related to the downtime to be honest but it is horribly troublesome for me as I was wanting to get some levels and get a dungeon run, I still have time for that thou so I am at no real loss. my only big stick up the butt was loseing my Mount (that was not an issue because when i looked into it…
Rare large bout of downtimes usally come with some sort of curtsy form the staff... I don't care much for perks at this time I just want to get back to normal gameplay soon. I hope this move evens out when done thou, the bad Rubber banding is killing my gameplay experince.
Well it is looking like today is a loss for sure, more so for me. I Do hope this long downtime is worth it, As stated before I love this game and I want to see it grow.
I would rather the game stay free to play and the Devs stop being greedy and Anti Consumer about spesfic things case in point over $200 for an Expansion? that's is a little much by any since and the only thing the expansion does is race, class, and a mount. Now pay to win is one thing, paying to get to level cap is…
okay I don't get the Hampster thing but I'm going to put this here if it helps you can refresh my entire account with Neverwinter I have to restart my archer anyway and since somehow my WarDog wound up character bound and not account bound (I don't recall it ever being bound to begin with) I Allready lost my WarDog pet. It…
Just keep the feel of the game the way it is and I am good, still looking for that who to contact thing. (I suppose events can be improved to include things lower level players can actually get involved in and wasn't custom clothing a thing that was going to be in the game for events and cash shop items? I still want a…
This brings up what I mentioned about people leaving if they go speed-leveling like they did for other games in the Arc launcher I do not support PVP pandering (which is what speed-leveling is) and with a game like Neverwinter it would seriously kill it in under a day but I do not sneeze at longer dowtime IF and I mean…
they still have plenty of bugs I lost my WarDog pet to one and have a idea that will fix it, but I'm not too salty because I will likely spend money again on this game if they don't do a rush to lvl-cap and ruin the immersion and only pander to higher level players who don't care much for the masses anyway other than "they…
Most MMO players like a little grind and speeding to lvl70 is BS anyway why are the staff hellbent on this Anti-Consumer nonsince in a game that you know, HAS TO PANDER to its consumers or fail? Neverwinter is still on a top ten list doing this "rush to 70" is going drop it like a rock form that list and after the 'PW Snap…
@ilithyn its past the time of normal downtime, but extended downtime for problemmatic bugs is nothing new in my eyes but if I get back form lunch and the servers are STILL DOWN I will worry. @staff is there anyone I should contact in regards to the thing I mentioned earler? i just think it would help with one of their…
Are you running a little slow its almost 10:30 in my area you guys are usally done with your server stuff by the times you list where I am at. it says the patch servers are still down, hay I know you guys have that big thing with the new updates but it would be nice to get a heads up if bug-fixes were takeing longer than…
oh it was the new update. same here unable to access server and even do something as simple as spend the zen I deposited in server, (waiting for enough to buy uni mount.)
It says the server is down on my end and I can not acess the game to get my mail form the mailbox or check my auctions. this begits hte question was I forced into a server I do not want to be in? I keep hearing things abotu pvp on chat but I still cant tell if its server related or generaly just the pvp instances.
1) sumon shrines in Neverwinter (the main city) disabled (its completly unnessary and only causes lag) 2) Improved mount quality (your mounts can be dumed down a little this wouldmake them more player frendly the beauty of cartoon grafcs is you can still doa realistic horse) 3) Players may now select the dies they recive…
'Standard clothing (other than Pessant cloths) now avalible for players' Come on guys lets be honest its kinda ugh to offer raggs but no other way to get some nicer cloths other ethan cash currency or events. 'Player grafics options now feature a Low definition button' I got a good look at how 'high def" your mounts are…
I woul pay for a little player home XD its been done beofre I know but its a ridiclious thing I would pocket money into specaly if i could use it as a storefront/ stash
I woudl pay for a substantual account stash that is about as big as the standard bank box; I would also like to see more outfit options maybe something you can waer over your armor like a talbard with your deitys logo. While on that topic isnt corellons symbol a blue Moon with silver vines on it I thought the star was…
NO MORE PVP MANDATORY; for reasons I dont need to dicslose but will (it reminds me of being bullied in highschool people say its c-- but they are not the one that has to live with the trama) and it would just be nice if I (as in ME not YOU not SOMEONE ESLE) had hte abilty to choose that.
I havent had much time to play the archer/hunter class (partly due to complileing probelms caused by the city neverwinter I would explain but im on new member posting probation and thats a general bug and feedback) but I can voice that originaly the ranger (hunter/archer) was profecent in not just long range (they were a…