I got the email, no companion yet though. Not sure why I was selected. I was an early supporter but haven't played in a few months, so that could be it.
And.... motion rejected. He has done nothing outside of the realms of his position. Review the code of conduct for the forums, all of his proposed transgressions are within the keeping of the CoC. L2Forum, don't blame the mod for correcting your actions
I'm sure they have plenty of metrics tracking what is being bought and how often. It may take a little time, but they will adjust things to maximize profits. Any company looking to make money will. A corporation the size of PWE will have at least on economist/financial guru on hand.
In a PnP game you can create anything your imagination conjures. This is not PnP. Creating skins and animations is far from easy. Not to mention they might want to ensure anything new added to the game does completely destroy what has already been established.