I literally said it my first post in this thread: "That's an issue with a specific encounter and not anything inherently wrong with the mechanic itself."
Better encounter design. No more here's an easy boss so let's hurl 100 little adds at the group to make it challenging. Also smarter mobs. If Half Life from 1998 can create enemies that do suppressive fire and do fire and maneuver, flanking, etc then we should get mobs smarter than ones who walk up to you, have 1-2…
Okay I do, but you seem to be basing that on the DnD tt game (I assume). That's not how it's working out in this game. It seems that the GWF has taken over the role of a barbarian for all intents and purposes. Whether that's true to the tt game or lore is a different argument.
You answered your own question. It's been brought up that fight mechanics consist pretty much of a boss with too much HP without any serious mechanics to them so to offset their ease the devs simply get dozens of mobs to spawn in an attempt to overwhelm the group. That's fine for a few encounters but it's every encounter.…
So your real beef is the specific encounter, but then you go on to make a post about an effective tool at dealing with enemies that has legitimate use? It makes more sense to ask for a change in encounter mechanics as opposed to asking to remove an awesome mechanic. Think beyond the encounter you have in mind. For soloing…
Cut with the ******y BS. Not all of us are DnD (or Diablo) nerds. What the hell would the difference be between a GWF and a barbarian since you seem to smug about it??
No. Just quit now. Tired of the WoW syndrome of making content stupid easy to appease the lowest common denominator. I'm not by any means one of those 'hardcore' raiders that demands things be tuned to some crazy difficulty, and I'm certainly not saying that some fights don't need fine-tuning but no way in hell should they…
Pretty much this... My mind just can't grasp how there's people that are against this. It's about friggin' time there was a game that had this mechanic and it not be considered an exploit or causes the mobs to glitch. As games increase in sophistication I expect more creative/realistic ways to overcome challenges. And the…
I used to get the occasional rubber banding too but what's been happening the last two days has literally made the game unplayable. I either flat out cannot log in or just sit frozen. Absurd. This isn't 'occasional rubber banding'. I can't play. Period.
Um... what? Your reply makes no sense. Devs clearly intended for potions to be one of the primary forms of (self) healing and comparing an OP ability to an entire class? Really? C'mon man. At least try and form a logical retort. I stand by what I said. Encounteres and the rest of our abilities need fine-tuning but the AS…
Good list. Every in-game AH should have this feature imo. YES! I expect clipping in certain older MMOs (WoW) but not something this new... I have a half-orc rogue so this is really irksome. Just made a thread about how lackluster the Neverember Guard is despite costing Zen... he creates less threat than the COMMON tank…
I can agree with that, but let's get back to the AS nerf. It was needed. Even now the ability is powerful - especially with divinity. After the nerf, encounters became much more difficult because they were fine tuned to be beatable with an overpowered ability in play. So they nerfed AS. But they didn't boost healing…
Let me make sure I am understanding things correctly here. Deepstone Blessing -> 10% extra healing to players with temp HP. DA grants temp HP. Moontouched grants 5% HP when HG is cast. I propose making Moontouched effect DA instead of HG. At max rank DA increases HP by 15% so let's say I have 1000 health. I would now have…
Okay so it's a relic from the tabletop game then..? It doesn't translate to a video game well at all and as others have pointed out becomes useless at sixty anyway. At lv 20 you can get a full blue set that should carry you over to 30 then you can hit that AH for some really cheap greens. At 47 you can buy blues again…
I feel that if I invest points into a talent of a particular tree, those talents should synergize with given abilities. As they have it right now, it doesn't make sense. Moontouched already provides burst in the faithful tree. This simply increases the amount of burst awarded so it's not some radical design change. And…
I'm a software developer too but I work for a medium-sized airline and the approach of "we modified our business to incorporate the bug into the business process" would be absurd. If it's a bug, it needs to be fixed. Any issues/inconveniences that the bug fix incurs need to be addressed separately. "incorporating" a bug…
That suggests a problem with the encounter and not AS. Maybe other priest heals can be buffed ore made to scale better with gear. If any 1 ability is an absolute must have or all progression stops then the encounter is not fine tuned.
This game is in BETA... WoW and Planetside are the only MMOs I've played for anything more than 1-2 hours and they had a of of problems during launch too.
This +1. Also why don't manticore seals and some of the other type of seals that drop off bosses go into regular bags instead of the currency tab? Is this a bug?
Support everything said here... it's annoying to have to run back to Protect Enclave every time and even then go to the one and only sport with a mailbox.
Wow, are you saying that if your computer goes to sleep the patch process resets instead of maintaining where you left off..?? That is ridiculous and should be addressed ASAP given how slow the patching process is...
Yeah they really should look into this, especially since the game is new and patches *should* be more frequent. Been dling the new patch for a half hour and only 9% done...