with the GF i have like 150 bags and not dog, i log in with my GWF and in the firts bag i open there it was the blue dog.... only 1 bag with my alt, almost not have my blue dog, is for fashion only
Yep, so now i dont use the gateway, almost all the time it not give me the rough astral,this has be here forever, better resign that it will take sometime to fix, for now, i wont use it
i think is better to say it, that way they will have to fix it, i dont remmenber well, but if it not of public knowlegde, they wont fix it,for my, well i dont care, i dont do dungeons, i dont have the time of the patience, to go and spend like 1 hour killing mobs.... and hp boss that take sometimes forever to kill, i think…
is almost a week i dont do dungeons too, i dont have much time, sometimes, and killing a lot of adds is not really tahta fun..., they are chaeting with the difficulty of the game, they only put a loot of hp, and more defenses, there is your dungeon....a and knokc backs
for me some spells make lag my computer, and yep i dont run it in hi because the frame go down, i dont have that problem with other of my games, crysis run better....., but yep it will be good if they optimize the game
Same for me, i stay like 30 hour in montains killing mobs waiting for enter to quebec, but never.. i really want try the pvp but i can, because for waht i see, anybody want to play the pvp,at leats for level 60, so.. that is that, i will try in the night for someone to going, lets pray
This is more like a Horde Mode but, no very fun, they are only to much..., and with a lot of hp, is more like a running contest to not die, some times spawns mobs, that do knocks , and not escape for that, i almost never do dungeons, they are too long, and i not have time always to wait a group to querbec and them pray for…
the PvP is fun for me, but yes have some bugs that need to be fix, and more rebalancing the clases. but for now is one of the things i do more, because i sometimes dont have time too wait, and then try to make a team en epic dungeons, and pray for someone to know how to the play the dungeon too finish it, soo pvp is fast…
Same think happen to me 1 time,that and the end of the match, seconds to finish and take the glory points, i get kick..., i was very mad and get away for a while and do some Foundrys that day, and some times the leader is bug, and dont get to the instance, or other weird thing you can say, went someone is bug and dont…
Agree i have a mount tier 3, that cost 3000 Zen, the only i thing do was play, and enjoy the game, doing dungeons, making my day quest, in dungeons sometiomes i get drops that i can sell (always of my tipe), i dont spend nothing of real cash to get that mount, now that i have a job, i will buy some zens , i have payed more…