There's three things to look at with this mount addition. First, the Movement speed increase up to 140%. This is actually pretty cool, since the introduction of rank 4 means we can get around more easily now. However, important to note is that unless it's in some way available to other mounts, this is a massive blunder and…
I've been running a Damnation 'lock for a bit now, and I'll see if I can answer your questions 1) Soul Puppets aren't what I'd call tanky, but they're not exactly constantly one-hits. They survive for a decent amount of time against mobs (particularly if you're killing things quickly). Thing is, even if they were squishier…
Chest and shield for me. I have extras in my inventory that I can't equip to those slots, either. EDIT: Oh hey! I just tried to log into my preview GWF and she's missing her chestplate and gauntlets. it's not limited to paladins then. My warlock is missing her chest piece too.
I'm gonna go with a Tankadin, for no other reason than because I enjoy trolling people in pvp. I'm nice about it too, which in many cases just makes people more angry with me :D
Really depends on what companion you're using. the Vicious Dire Wolf has saved my butt a great many times, even without the buff mod 6 is going to give companions. After the buff, it's actually doing a respectable level of my DPS on my guardian fighter, without getting it to legendary quality even.
I could see a melee ranger using piercing damage get through armor like that, yeah. But that's a bit of a risky proposition when you consider that any sort of retaliation from this paladin hits hard as hell, and if they decide to go with briarthorn and aura of vengeance will also be doing hilarious damage to their…
With an Artifact Weapon and shield, a full suit of purified black ice gear, constitution artifact belt, companions and artifacts that increase HP, and a full set of radiant enchantments, I predict that a paladin could hit something close to 90k max HP. A Prot Paladin when damaged gets up to 10% of their HP as a bonus to…
Realistically, I feel like they could entirely solve this problem by simply cutting the Temp HP amounts in half. They'll still be powerful and difficult to hurt, but not ridiculous. At least for Prot Pallies
Feedback: Vow of Enmity Burning Light + Vow of Enmity = a whole hell of a lot of the same sound constantly repeating so much that it overwhelms headphones. this kinda needs to be fixed.
I remember that someone got a hit with Intimidation last night that was pretty crazy. "Critical Hit! Your Intimidation deals 1998665600 Physical Damage to Target Dummy."
Mmm. that was my point, yeah. Let's submit that formally. Bug: Auras At the very least, Aura of Courage and Aura of Vengeance stack. Unsure on the others, but it's something to look into, before a team decides to get it in their head to reduce their recharge times by 100%
Remember folks - whether you're a healer or a tank, it behooves you to bring a striker companion along for the ride. they really got buffed. Feedback: Binding Oath It's very difficult to tell when this ability is triggering and when not. i think it may need a bit of a facelift to help show when it's active and what damage…
Bug: Damnation Feats I decided to test out the new damnation feats, and was thoroughly disappointed with their performance. The puppet cannot hold aggro with a HAMSTER, suggesting that Mocking Spirit doesn't work at all, and Spiritfire is doing absolutely miniscule damage. My average weapon damage is 800 (give or take a…
While I want to wait and see how the artifact change affects things (and whether refining resources will be more readily available), I'm incredibly excited for the legendary companion update. At the current level, companions other than augments, healers, and the very rare defender are entriely useless because they get…
Bug: Borrowed Time So, I decided to test this out at full 30 sparks, and found something interesting - the listed values are inaccurate. at 30 sparks, my Warlock recovers a little over 1900 HP. My warlock has 27,425 HP standard, which suggests Borrowed Time heals for 0.25% HP every two seconds per spark, contrary to the…
Are you referring to my character, Trick? If that's the case, the armor is the green quality armor you start picking up at around level 40 as a warlock, though the gloves and boots are accursed diabolist gear. The dye, on the other hand is White Draconic Dye, one of the dye sets you can get from the dragonborn vendor up…
So, I took a high quality screenshot using Demo_Record and ended up with an image that's waaaaay way larger than I intended it to be. As such, I'll merely provide a link; it's still a really good picture that shows off my character well.
Sadly, the spirit summoner thing's already been covered by Warlocks and their soul puppets. It's not totally off the table, but game designers are far less inclined to include something when there's already a similar power in the game.
So are Skyrim and the Witcher 2, and yet modders are constantly capable of porting over Witcher 2 meshes and textures to Skyrim (with permission from the developers, too). It's not that farfetched when you have the source codes to work with, and it's not as much work as designing something new.
then your problem isn't the range. It's twofold. First, you might not be doing enough damage. our healing ability is based entirely on how hard we can smash faces, and that means that if we're not keeping up damage-wise, we're not keeping up at all. Amp lifesteal, and then dump everything into crit strike, power, Recovery,…
I can honestly say I haven't encountered this problem. the only time my healing Zone isn't affecting my team is when I've gone off on my own for whatever (usually dumb) reason.
Thanks for posting this! I was very curious to see what was going to happen during the siege, and this gives me a good idea of it. New fashion sets! I love new fashion sets!