Oh wow. So you're pretty much forced to have a group pre-made in order to do dungeons? Why not have that option pre-dungeon load as opposed to post? Because if I wanted to solo a dungeon, I would have to single-handedly votekick everyone, and hope to goodness that it succeeds with every member (nearly impossible).
That sounds cool, infinite spawn would definitely be helpful! How do you get around the fact that it's a party of 5? That sounds cool, infinite spawn would definitely be helpful! How do you get around the fact that it's a party of 5?
Sorry, just to clarify, do the augmented stats effect your gear score or no? I imagine the active bonuses will, but not the augment? Also, I guess it isn't worth using Eldritch stones with augmented pets?
That's some pretty good odds. I've done about 25 now, gotten one shores necklace. Been popping open chests and looking inside as suggested above, havent seen anything inside yet, but ya never know. Edit: According to my Draconic Enchantments I've done it 39 times. I've seen 2 amulets drop off of the ambush section, 2…
OK thanks guys! Kind of surprised to hear that the chance of receiving a T2 set is kinda low... still manageable though. Just gonna be a pain running Spider Temple over and over again - That boss is a pain!
I guess all i really need them for is to progress the campaign? That's definitely good news. I'm still short on them to progress, but now that i know what I need and how to get them it should go smoother, thanks!
Definitely has, wow O-o. I don't know if my luck is bad, or if it has something to do with GWF doing less damage to it than most dps classes? Doesn't mean I'll stop trying, just a little disappointed :P
Completing heroic encounters (Dragons) in the aforementioned regions yield a very small chance of getting a dragonbone weapon. The Tyranny of Dragon Campaign yields an Artifact Weapon
Hate speech I can see, because it would be considered harassment, but as far as I'm aware, cursing is in no way a violation of terms, (For Xbox at least) Unless it is on skype, or user-generated content. Otherwise there would be almost no users on Xbox live. And as much as I detest cursing, if it was a large concern of…
The ESRB does not rate online interactions. If you allow an 8 year old to play online, supervised or not, it is nobodies fault but your own. Why should somebody who paid with their own time and money, be forced to adhere to specific mannerisms as not to offend somebody who should not be playing in the first place.
Very much so - thank you kindly! If at worse RNG I only need 3 steel then selling the 3 extra sounds like a good idea. I'm not quite at the point in the campaign yet where I have access to the Epic Skirmishes, but I will keep in mind the one's you've mentioned in my searches. I'm currently searching around Rothe Valley as…
Congrats :o. I shall see how long it takes soon enough ;). Anyone have info on which items I should buy if i just plan on salvaging em? No point on holding on to these seals for nothing