What does one do. Run lots of Hotenow and Skyhold charts as the materials may not be available for a while or not bother as they will be removed from recipes and will be worthless?
There must be an imminent update to mastercrafting else they would have said. I mean what kind of organization would publish a roadmap and then not inform people of any changes to it? That would surely be seen as gross incompetence or worse contempt for a companies customers! No no no. They said it was coming and so it…
First off thank you all for the hard work you all do providing this game. Secondly I would like to wish you all a very happy Lunar New Year. It is difficult to provide advice if you dont know what the objectives are. If the objective was to increase player numbers then the advice would be give 2 keys a day! If it is to…
Be nice to get a DEV update on this. If its an oversight and will be introduced as soon as possible or whether its been pulled from live, as not yet ready and they are working on it, and they will provide a new delivery date.
I seem to be a master of flames with mostly thaumaturge feats. I may have not been very efficient on my build so I guess I'm trying to cover for past mistakes I have mostly radiant 9s in my gear. I have a natural power if 17.4k with 8k crit strike. I have a couple of azure 9s. So I'll will try and mix and match a bit and…