23 + 31 =54 - now 60 lvls thts 60 points - 60 - 54 = 6 -so maybe my origional math is a little off - 31/37 -better - ur math math is way off -we get more than 31 points in paragon tree - 1 point per lvl FYI -
i would like to see bug fixes and more content before i worry about a lvl- bugs bugs bugs -*gets a can of RAID* (ALOT of bugs)- content to keep ppl more involved - lvl 5 is good if u have enough stuff to run around and do--- oh -*u r promoted * lvl 200 !! enjoy ur new lvl :P
HI :) same thing for me- time to reinstall i guess -if tht doesnt fix it - time for another game i guess - U do NOT release games with this many problems and hope for success - u get our money now- and ltr we leave because of all the buggy BS! psst- U need to keep ur repeat cutomers -peace