They don't know how to monetize it (nevermind countless suggestions through the years), and without some profit to look at, aren't interested in doing anything too much about it overall. (My paranoid 2 cents, anyway) Balancing always needs to be a priority... and sure, pvp.
There's been how many double refinements lately? I'm just gonna disagree, think that this is a fun addition, and that there are a lot more people which will be able to run this when it hits than when FBI and SVA did. Edit: Just wanted to clarify, I would love more new content to run, but I'm just not in line with thinking…
Are you talking about the Reddit AMA? The only thing I recall coming down officially was that the tooltips were going to be corrected for the higher ranks of the bonding stones to show 95%, etc instead of 65%. Could be wrong, but if you are referencing the AMA... there's nothing there.
I'm experiencing the same issues in GA, again with Comcast as the ISP. The one time that I actually did connect to my character, the SRT was pushing 300+ before I exited. Using Europe as the game proxy in the Launcher options allowed me to play again, although the lag is real. While playable, I may jump through a VPN if…
I had the loading screen issue as well, force closed the game, and restarted the launcher. Before clicking on Play, I disabled "On-demand patching" in the Options tab and restarted the launcher again. Come back to a new patch, but this time with more info than just how many files and the speed of the download with a…
Except... they were. Look up the Imperial League of Taladas. Moved in, conquered, set up a nation. It was this whole thing. Minotaurs are definitely something I want to see in game, more so than gnomes.