See, here is the problem. People are not happy about all the problems, however, they continue to play. So if you look at that from PWE's point of view, why should they rush to fix things that are not stopping people from logging on, playing the game and spending money? I'm not convinced complaining here in the forum is…
Yeah, as cool as the masks are, as others have said, I now have 5 different masks, and nothing that goes with them. We need matching upper and lower body pieces if your going to keep dumping masks on us :)
That's what I was doing, the problem I seem to be having is that before, the Alchemical Knowledge was showing as a possible result, but now it doesn't. I guess i'll keep at it, hopefully it's just a bug in the possible results view.
I'm still having trouble with this. I am currently level 2, I have been doing the level 2 experimenting to get the Alchemical Knowledge, but I need 3 of these, and after receiving 2 as rewards, this no longer shows as a possible result, so how do I get the 3rd one?
Classes for sure, people are more likely to role a new character to play a new class, than to play something they have seen before but with new visuals. As an altaholic, I already have one of every class, so I have no desire to play the same class again as a new race.
Yeah, if Alchemy is a valid way to make healing pots, then gold will become even more obsolete than it is now. Really wish they would just add a gold option to the AH.
People suck, if you want to play online games, you really need to grow a thicker skin. No, that's not the correct answer, however, it's all you can do, well that and ignore.
Certain names for sure, should not be allowed. For example, I named my Half-Orc GWF Gruumsh. I kind of liked the name and knew I had heard it somewhere, but wasn't sure where. It wasn't till later I realized I was now named after the patron deity of orcs. Kind of funny, but not a name that should have been allowed :D
Only problem I have is the huge lag fest when the portal explodes. I have no idea what is going on during that time, but my PC just locks up for around 2 mins, then back to normal.
The GS rating may end up being more relevant when the looting changes come into effect. At least it may tone down the amount of epics on the AH. I still feel that Epic items should be Bind on Pickup, or Bound to Account.
Yeah it's been reported many times in the bug forums. I hide my cape on all my characters for this reason. If i'm on foot I end up with my cloak becoming an apron, if on horse, it ends up being a bib.
For me it feels time related and this could purely be psychological. If you hit a node and it fails, it feels that most of the time, the 2nd will also fail and a very good chance of the 3rd. However, In my experience, the actual initial fail rate is much lower than the OP is having, I'd say at a guess for me 7 or 8 out 10…
Kind of sad there are no mentions to any skirmish changes. Was really hoping for either some kind of epic version of all at 60, or at least more options at 60.
He's a child best ignored. Click on User CP at the top of the forum Click on Edit Ignore List on the left Enter the username of the idiot Click on Okay Click on Save Changes Don't forget to repeat the steps for the rest of the usernames.