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  • Oddly enough the support is already there as NW uses the same engine as Champions and star trek online, neverwinter simply chooses to block it instead of giving us access to it. Stupid move on their part I think, as a controller makes this game so much easier to play.
  • If you were only level 45 after "completing" the quests, then you missed a lot of them that are given by NPCs because doing nothing but the main chain and side quests without touching dailies or pvp etc. can get you to level 60, you missed out on a lot of content somewhere.
  • Consider ourselves lucky. Cryptic's 2 other games Champions Online and Star Trek Online have only an 8000 per day refine limit on the equal to AD currencies.
  • That's what you get for cheating, and yes I think pre-clearing dungeons is cheating because it takes out the challenge of actually doing the dungeon during the Delve time.
  • *takes out sword and torch to dispose of the troll
  • The problem is "recommended" doesn't take the relative levels of the equipment you are comparing into consideration. You could have a blue level 10 piece and a green level 30, it will still show the blue to be recommended simply because it's blue, and at level 10 was most likely very good, but not compared to the level 30.…
  • isn't killing dragons what this game is all about?
  • Won't work, as fusing chance works on a per fuse basis, meaning if you want a mass fuse, either all of them work, or all of them fail, attempting to fuse 4 at a time to higher gives a set chance to lose only 1 on a failure. Where a mass fuse, would mean either you fuse all of them, or you fail on all of them and lose 25%…
  • I don't know about that, even with the cap of 5 targets, a GWF with WMS, unstoppable and slam all working at the same time + Destroyer, and Steel Blitz as passives, can take out mobs pretty quick, especially trash mobs, throw in the occasional Restoring strike and IBS for damage on the tougher ones and you're all set.
  • Here's some advice for the CWs out there.. stop using any type of knockback power and let the GWFs do their job, which is chopping adds into little chunks instead of knocking the adds away from the GWFs stealing their damage.
  • Ah yes being on different shards is a problem but may be fixed if they ever join the shards.
  • It might if the bans were limited to chat, but apparently it also includes in game mail. My roommate received spam from a gold farmer site in his in game mail, so he sent a reply back not realizing it was automated spam, in the reply he must have used one of the "trigger" words the spam bot detects because he found his…
  • Honestly even before they give us access to training tomes they should fix the AI of the companions, Especially the cleric one, who seems to like to wander right into the action instead of staying back and healing/attacking from a distance. I can understand if they are attacked, but I have seen my cleric actively, move…
  • You could always use the same trick STO and CO users do to transfer their similar currencies, that is put up an AD sale offer with very low value, like the minimum, then change characters, and cancel the offer. The AD should go to the character that canceled the offer. At least if the Neverwinter system is working the same…
  • This is a non-issue frankly. my forum name and in game @name don't match either, they used to but I was a cryptic customer before it merged with PWE and when they made us register with PWE my cryptic username was already taken by someone else, so I had to choose another. So my in game identity and forum ones are different,…
  • The OP naming the player who scammed him in the forum is against the rules of the forum. However the OP can always go into zone chat in Protector's enclave and tell everyone he was scammed by that person and it isn't against any rules, and would most likely result in people being informed of the scammer. The OP simply…
  • I don't mind the instanced zones, however the main zones have instances that are too small, only 20 players per instance is a joke heck Cryptic's other game Champions Online has 100 people per each main zone.
  • I'd normally say it is probably something in your connection. But this time I can't because I occasionally experienced the same thing a slight rubberbanding the past 2 days. And I know I've got a outstanding internet connection. Fiber optic 25 mbps both up and down and even though pings using /netgraph while in game were…
  • Actually to level I'd avoid dungeons unless you actually get a mission for one, avoid Skirmishes too, and PVP just do the mission chains until you hit level 60 then go and do all the other stuff to your heart's content. While leveling it's way to easy to outlevel content at it's intended level if you do just do the…
  • I personally don't use Reaping Strike, I just plain don't like it. The charge time is too long and anything less than full charge does lousy damage. It is easily interruptable while charging which means you just wasted 2.5 seconds of a 3 second charge. As far as DPS goes, it's actually the lowest of the at-wills because of…
  • You have to have something that is temporarily modifying your gearscore higher than it normally is, perhaps Invoking is giving a boost to a couple stats that is raising high enough to qualify, and when it wears off the score drops below that level. There are also feats that increase gear score by a percentage based on…
  • You simply mistook what it said, It's NOT an unlock. It's simply an info box saying that once you reach 20 Points that you can start putting rank 3 in the lower level powers. There is no special "unlock"
  • To be honest no. While what was changed is great fact is all the at-wills should have been buffed the same amount as SS and WS were. WMS and Reaping needed the same level of damage buff. Even though I don't use Reaping I do use WMS as my primary AoE attack at-will. Also the damage causing encounters could have been buffed…
  • is it a bug or are you trying to trigger it while stunned or prone ... nothing works while stunned or prone unfortunately
  • Here's the correct answer: Gear score is the total of all your Offensive and healing stats combined with all your Defensive stats, Utility stats do not affect gear score however there are a couple things that do. Max health increases raise Gear score, Also there are feats that you can put points to that for take one stat…
  • From what I see you picked up a whole lot of unnecessary skills and then even made the mistake of putting points into them, your second mistake was not using the destroyer tree.
    in Gwf? Comment by chuckwolf June 2013
  • hah you want massive AoE kill go 5 GWF ... and have them all take their Cleric companions just for the extra healing
  • OK here's my take on the whole thing. Since "Needing" on items your class can't use is disabled, and probably will be after the loot change, then if there is nobody of that class that can use it in a party then it binds to whoever got the highest "greed" roll, otherwise somebody who could actually use it got it. And even…
  • Actually Need when it's not for your class will still be disabled, the bind on pickup will be for Greeded items as well. j/k but seriously only select items will be bind on pick-up
  • Kill more mobs.. they drop them like hotcakes