Panderus, please confirm the following CW feats have been fixed: - Fanning the Flame does not activate the bonus of Elemental Reinforcement. - Icy Rays / Ray of enfeeblement are not affected by Spell Twisting when placed in the Spell Mastery (TAB). Reminder: I repeat that question again until I have an answer. It's been…
VIP Package of 180 days gives 600 points or only rank 6 in the first purchase? I want to know if the purchase of two packages already makes me rank 12 for 1 year.
Panderus, please confirm the following CW feats have been fixed: - Fanning the Flame does not activate the bonus of Elemental Reinforcement. - Icy Rays / Ray of enfeeblement are not affected by Spell Twisting when placed in the Spell Mastery (TAB).
"Spell twisting" is not reducing cooldown of skills "Ray of enfeeblement" and "Icy Rays" when placed in TAB. Have any prediction for this fix? It is possible to remove the targetlock in pvp? Many classes abusing it to eliminate weaknesses, example is the GF who is always facing the enemy. Damage over time "Fire of Gods"…
This time should be revised to 4 hours per day, because the game play induces this time to pray to the end bonus. But what I see is a much shorter time. I now have reason to spend 20 daily golds to exchange the enchantments.
According to my tests the best way to control in the module 6 is constantly freeze. I recommend using Icy Veins(with ice terrain) with skills with short recharging: Steal time canceled by the teleport and disintegration. It is risky but the reward is great.
Instead of punishing those who stay afk in base waiting for the match is over, punish who is desperate to return because of drop in connection with the game. Congratulations devs, I can not be more sarcastic than that.
Please explain how the transcendent vorpal works. It is ridiculous the high cost to have one, and give only 2% reduction in the defense and power. Get that HAMSTER out and put something better, increase chance of critical(+?%) or even more damage(from what I know vorpal should have chance to decapitate the target). Elven…
Feedback: Disintegrate It is common to all arcane skills give stack and renew the arcane mastery. Disintegrate is not doing it. This is intentional? Feedback: Entangling Force It is apparent that this skill only gives damage when it affects the target. Unlike other control skills that occur the damage even when used…
Make viable the use of the skills Ice Terrain and Steal Time in pvp. Ice Terrain: double the area of effect and reduce the damage to 20% of weapon damage. Steal Time: Add immunity to control when performing the skill.
Prone and dazed with instant cast is not overpowered? Runs like crazy without being controlled fleeing groups is not overpowered? Stay hidden all the time in the node is not overpowered? Staying healing nonstop and not die even with the 50% penalty? All classes have their appellations.
I do not think unfair. I've seen GWF gives 450k critical in bosses who are immune to control. CW is a glass cannon now, nothing has improved his defense in this module.
A simple way to stop this problem is to give intimidation half damage on players. Sentinel does not deserve such damage and have an overwhelming resistance.
I liked the changes proposed for the CW. They reach over the two types of paths, but I believe that a balance between spellstorm and mof must be created. The damage from the smolder is ridiculous near the storm spell that can hit critical, smolder can not. Smolder is hardly a threat in pvp.
I believe the only way to really take a defensive CW option would create a path focused on illusions. This would have a passive way of deflection (mirror images), ground support that increases dodge chance (ice fog) and temporary invisibility.
Control Wizard - Suggestions: Arcane Presence: add aura effect that reduces the resistance against control on all enemies. Chilling Presence: add aura effect that increases chance of freezing enemies. Ice Storm: reduce the casting time and change the prone for an instant freeze. Arcane Singularity: add prone status in all…
I see that you have created an entire set (neck / belt / artifact) but should also create set (neck / belt) that uses the old belts. It would be interesting sets of charisma, strength, etc.
Chaos Magic really got interesting. A powerful random buff the mage himself can not choose when active. But will affect the party properly? I've had enough of groups that people do not see any difference while the random buff activated. Make the aura to appear in all affected players equal to KV. Please make visible the…
You celebrate the weakening of freezing for pvp but forget that this also applies to monsters in pve. Think twice before pulling a big mob and ask for the cw control everything. The change directly affects the weapon "Gelid Eye of the Golden Dragon". Is meaningless after the change. "Adds an additional Chill stack after 1…
"Eye of the storm" eliminates the need to have charisma and critical in build. That is enough reason to reduce its power. Master of Flames is far behind in versatility which makes it less attractive. This skill should never give 100% critical.
Bug: Refining artifact belt makes the game very slow. If you continue refining the game crashes and restarts. When restart is checked all the installation files. I realized that the game starts using on average 1.5 GBs and crashes with 2.5 GBs.
Only the package hero of the north is available for sale in the Arc for Brazilians. I hate this restriction because of our nationality. All of us are losing the promotion of this package. I can only access the purchase page by Proxy. But I do not trust him to risk putting my personal data.
A fight between a Master of Flame and Storm is unfair. Smolder does not reach the feet of the absurd damage from the Storm. I ask equality between the two Paragorns. As I see developers only like Storm. I do not want to be forced to change Paragorn to participate in pvp.