Well, dunno you guys but i use 2 pieces from master assassin and 2 pieces from shadewalker, and i seriously intend on trading that for full skulker (already got helm and boots). My damage will take a "hard blow" of lets say 600 by trading all my current armor for skulker, and in exchange i get life steal, more hp, more…
3 things i find necessary to fix on queue system: 1- for pvp when the queue pop up and i see 4 people already green (meaning i will be entering a match after it already started) i instantly refuse, but not because of some elitist way of thinking or whatever, but because if i accept, i enter the pvp match, and receive a big…
well, hoping its not a ranger....even though rangers are cool and would make a nice addition to the game. If you think it through, rangers have only 1 possible role for parties, and that is DPS. So to fullfil that role rangers would likelly have single target burst like TRs (since they cant be anything else by definition,…
man, please speak english. Its impossible to understand what you mean as a whole on your posts, its like talking to a 4 year old who cant even complete his phrases, or even type words correctly. Not trying make a point by criticizing your grammar, you may even be right, dunno, but its just impossible to follow your train…
well, a TR to have enough arpen to bust through your armor like that would need (just my opinion, players are free to fix this) at least: 7 Dark enchants rank 8 (500k+ AD each of them on the cheapest), totalizing 3,5m at least just on enchants. And likelly the pvp t2 GG set (but this one they can just farm on GG with 0…
true =) now as for this: As for LA for the big mobs i agree it helps, specially if you have it nearly everytime, but the point on Whirlwind of blades isnt to hurt so much the big mobs, but to clear on the smaller mobs or at least give a nice push for a CW's aoe to finish the deal, usually when the small mobs are dead…
if you used LA and SE on trash mobs, you were doing it wrong, sorry to say. LA main use is for massive nuke on bosses (well not so massive now as before nerf), trash mobs rarelly survive long enough even without LA on, so its like shooting a cannonball to kill a fly. SE is almost exclusivelly a PVP daily since its usefull…
very likelly it will be as slow as gleaming, or even slower maybe, but regardless if it doesnt have charges TRs will still have unlimitted ammo to nuke people from stealth wthout having the waiting period (with CoS for example a rogue would have to wait the charges pile up to do stacked dmg, individual daggers sucked, this…
cant help but think that the new path is focused for perma stealth build. It makes the rogue lose too much for little gain UNLESS he is permastealth relying on ranged at wills for damage and invisibility for survival. With that new path he loses ItC, and some pretty nice passives in exchange for a ranged at will that…
well, immagine my surprise when i had to pay 50k+ AD just to change my dagger's skin to short sword of the assassin. My GS jumped from 10.7 to 11k just from that little change but even so to charge so much for a cosmetic change is a big blow to the wallet....cryptic could take is easier on some prices. Concerning the new…
i am unaware of rogues able to chain stun....i believe you are mistaking us with CW/GWF/GF, please teach me how to chain stun with a rogue and name the skills that cause the exact stun debuff. About stealth, we rogues are tired of telling you guys how to deal with it, so i wont do it again, just go read the other rogue…
ok....point out to me a rogue's aggro managing skill, then i will believe he is a tank. If you mean that a rogue is a tank because he can avoid damage with dodge, then heck, every class is a tank on this game. Aggro management is the keyword here pal, if you dont have it, you are NOT a tank, thats why when we enter a…
excuse me, please send me a video of TR tanking a boss on dungeon(take the best hit from a boss and remain standing), managng aggro (make mobs attack him rather than the group), CCing everything, beating everything on AoE continuously, buffing his teammates and healing the whole group as they are plummeted by absurd…
hmm, could swear it was a GF, with CW it will indeed be riskier but i believe i posted a way he could beat a TR with it. When it comes down to CW its a matter of who uses the class better, it isnt as simple as "rogue always win" or "CW always win", whoever manages to get the upper hand on the other will take the prize. If…
if the rogue is stealthed and intends to LB you, he will have to get in your field of vision, turn camera fast and shift. There you go, lashing blade blocked and you can start your permaprone chain on the now visible rogue, or, in case he popped ItC to avoid damage and CC just remain glued to him for 5 secs then start the…
well, your class has a permaprone rotation that isnt really fair either, GWF has a perma stun/prone rotation as well, and CW have perma CC. The same way you find stealth unfair just because you can't see it, we can give it right back at those 3 classes. You can at least shorten the stealth duration by dealing damage to the…
well, my knowledge on CW is flawed, but here is my guess for a fighting option: 1- PoB isnt damaging enough so it would prolly just mitigate my shield 2- rogue will likelly be on stealth before tossing the first impact so i will be stunned, ok, so 2 hits are likelly to hit, but after the first toss, to avoid being CCed he…
true to some extent, but gwfs, gfs and even cws can get easy kills on rogues, cw will just have a harder time than the others but every rogue that gets out of stealth too soon near a CW is as good as dead (the same way that a CW that mess up and get hit by lashing is on a pretty tight spot too, so its a matter of who will…
Sorry man, but your logic is flawed. Saying L2P for this game does not apply to you because you played very well RIFT, WoW, EQ, etc.... is the same same as me saying that because i am a very good programmer that i should not learn how to develop a network before getting hired for that specific job. The experience you have…
sorry...but no we are not tanks, not by a long shot. We may be less squishier then a CW, however we are still pretty squishy and easy to put down when you know your game. developpers already swung the nerf bat on us, many times (sneak attack nerf, SE nerf, LA nerf, CoS nerf, at wills nerf (some of our at wills do not…
you may not have dodge, but you have unstoppable and permaprone/stun people. you just have grind your teeth and take a lashing blade to your face like a man (or hope the rogue is dumb enough to start the fight on you with impacts) since you cant avoid it and then punish the rogue for daring to touch you like any good gwf…
There is no such thing as a "best" race for a class. Most it deppends on how you will build the character. In this particular case, if you are aiming for a perma stealth build i would say to go for moon/sun elf, +2 to int and dex/cha along with boost to ap gain and resistance to CC seems the way to go for me, but its human…
sorry but i hardly think the upcoming nerfs will make TRs useless on pvp. The only blow we took is on pve for damage but thats pretty much it. If you think it through, the heaviest nerf in damage we took was on LA, so unless you were heavily deppendant on LA for pvp you dont have much to worry. In fact, now that LA cant be…
ok...how should i start numbering: 1- given what was planned before and what will actually come out, the nerf was nearly nothing, the class is still a powerfull damage dealer. 2- LA reduced damage, but now it teleports you to enemy unit, and cant be cancelled by control powers, so in my opinion it is still pretty juicy for…
i have my GF created at lvl 26, so far the build is looking good =), but i am a dwarf, so i had to give up 3 points on heroic feats. My pick was the 15% threat gen on 4th row rather than the crit % boost on last row. Will that hurt my tanking role on pve or is it an acceptable exchange?
nops, they cant. Average hp at lvl 60 with basic t1 purple gear is over 20k lashing blade with critical will get you for about 12k UNLESS you have stuff to pump up the base damage or crit sev for the classes, and guess what that stuff is? Thats right, enchants, not exclusivelly tenes, but enchants overall to boost up the…
i say create more pvp modes rather than just domination, such as: 1- team deathmatch (varying from 2v2,3v3,4v4,5v5,10v10) 2- everyone for him/herself (thunderdome ftw) 3- capture the flag (would be pretty neat, and make the flag visible even if capped by a rogue, we dont want smartasses getting the flag and running away in…