Yeah, they didn't give free respecs to the people in the beta weekends even when they were adding and changing powers. My mind was blown. Most obvious abuse of making people have to buy stuff.
It must have been the laugh at the beginning of my statement that made it sound bitter. Having you as the butt of a joke isn't bitter, it's funny. In two beta weekends I got to 54. You need help leveling? The mount doesn't give you any actual advantage, and gear is standardized at the top tier so your diamond to buy gear…
Haha. Right? What idiots would spend $200 on this game... and you know they are just shoving more cash into it for bags and its $1,25 to ope na purple chest... This guy is already probably $300 or $400 into the game and its been out 1 day.
I bought the $60 founders pack. Playing Free to play and spending $60 would have been like 10 times better. This game is a pathetically obvious money grab. I like the game, PW is just a terrible company.
I know that you can get refunds before the game starts! To anyone who hasn't wasted money on this game I heavily suggest you rethink this game before you throw your money away.