I just started doing this, got all 5 classes to 60. I just don't have fun running the dungeons with the skipping and throw all the adds we can boss mechanics. And Gyrm you can only play when they say you can. Just hoping the Feywild is more run.
Most mmo's I play only 1 character, and maybe a year or two in I work on a second toon. I have 4 60s right now and working on my last, a DC(saved him for last of course). It's very easy to level, just keep to the quest lines, que for dungeon/skirmish and if you get in, great, if not. No big deal, just keep going. Also…
You are making way to much sense! BAAAN HIM!!!! BAAAAANNNN HIM!!! On a More Serious note, gear and enchantments do way more to unbalance PvP then class powers. They should be nerfing those effects in PVP only.
They have said for a long time, founders got early access to the drow, not exclusive rights. The only thing exclusive about the Founder pack was the title. Thanks for the 200$!
I am working on my 4th toon to 60. I don't even bother with dungeon delving anymore. You can be a totally awesome group right up to the boss fight and then get WTFBBQPWNED in seconds. It's just not fun and not worth it.
I dunno why games like the Auction House, I have always hated it. But since WoW did it, seems like everyone else has to use the same HAMSTER method. EQ2 was way better, no Auction House! Just put the items up for a price and it can stay there forever. It did a much better job at supply and demand that was't so exploitable…
Go with what your gut tells you, ignore the recommended, it's not very good. And yes, it probably wants you to wear it because it's blue and not green at around the same level. Go with green if you think it has the better stats for you.
FACTS from the forums! GF - Overpowered TR - Overpowered GWF - Overpowered DC - Overpowered CW - Overpowered FACT from me -Stop whining and learn to play!
You aren't that good in PVP and I am a fan, but jeez. I can beat any of you 1 on 1. Just tone it down and be humble. If you are really that good you don't have to tell people how good you are, they will talk about it for you.
They pretty much said 2 months when Feywild is released. Ya, that's far to long away and really dumb. Just the facts. =/ EDIT: Here's the copy of what they said on the Feywild Q&A Blog thingy.
Voted Bill's Tavern, I don't run it everyday, and when I do run it I always forget one thing. I run through a door, time to defeat Bill I say to myself. Oh riiiighhtt I have to beat Bill's Accountant first! I always forget about him. =p It's good stuff.
It's fine, just set it before you log off, come back to play the next day. Simple. Also, it's far better then say EQ2 crafting where you have to sit there and craft everything you do. This is just click, and go do other stuff.
Some facts, the server came up around 8:30am AND THE EVENT WAS STILL GOING ON. So for 30 minutes I was still farming enchantments and bones. Then at 9:00 the server sent out a message that portals would open in 1 minute. Instead the sun came out, the event was ended and the vendors went away. THAT'S FACT. So to all you…