same, 40/40 of my friends didn't join the game. It seems developers did this bug on purpose, thus their servers won't be destroyed by big amount of online players. I suppose America players can join, please confirm this?
> > Got a 3K8 hunter and nobody banned me. Platform? Please answer in private, we don't need to move offtopic in official topic. So, do u agree with my statement that hunter blows compared to all other classes?
Hallo dear developers! :( :( :( I'm playing Neverwinter as hardcore player (spending much time, PC il 3700, ps4 il 3100) and for now my feed back is as follows. Hunter is THE MOST USELESS DPS CLASS in the game. Every other dps class is 45-50% more DPS in every dungeon. In any guild and in random parties all ban Hunter, we…