Maybe I prefer my pints empty but bitter is more to my taste than the Professor Pangloss types who constantly urge the virtue of enduring being shafted and that all is for the best.
Thanks but I still prefer my suggestion about making the Jubilee trader permanent. Or at least calling him a celebration trader and making him appear more frequently tied to the major periodic events.
My guild is social. Relatives and close friends. I have no interest in joining a larger guild or an alliance. As the stronghold is an important part of maintaining guild activity I expect that being blocked off from meaningful progress will just mean transferring playing time to other games with NW play much more casual,…
Thanks so if an grandmaster whatever is worth more to me as fodder for the coffer than points in the new crafting system better donate it soon. I will have another look but I only made stronghold stuff and the replacement for that looks pretty dire so I may just dump all assets in the coffer and have done with it.
I would be interested in the answer to that one. What to do with assets and when to do it. Buy, sell, donate, trade in for points. Knowing whether you still have choices after 6 Nov would be useful.
@pandulus I am afraid I am with @gripnir78 on this. I have put a lot into the guild to get it as far as it is and do not find the current situation funny at all. Even gallows humor.
Why not just pull stronghold donations from professions completely and make the Jubilee trader permanent. I also agree with ilithyn. This looks like a guild breaker for my guild too.
Well. Don't think I will wait in case Cryptic'sevening starts at 6 or 7pm. Looks like no random skirmish for me today. Oops I forgot no random skirmishes for me even when the game isn't broken.
Game opens for me since the hotfix but as soon as the character is moved the game crashes to desktop. Not a map change thing for me just a few paces forward and crash.