No way you have 1050 tenacity. I have 800 and have played against Kane multiple times before and didn't get 1 shotted ever. And I have 29k hp on my hunter ranger (really not fair to bring my hr into this because of Fox and deflect)
Either way though.
Your hp is much too low for a sentinel imo.
You should be rocking 40k-45k+ hp for one.
You said "All T1 except your weapon"
Now are you referring to T1 PvP gear? Otherwise regular pve T1 doesn't have tenacity, so that would be the reason paired with your low hp
i have 600 tenacity. tenacity is important but past 20% pvp res you should review if it is really that better than stack better items. Want to get more hp? cut off the offense slot items.
trs are just OP in their damage against GWF because in all their builds there are at least one or two skills that completely ignore gwf dr (making the tank purpose dumb). also ignore the unstoppable dr. dont feel bad being beated by a broken class. Mod 6 they will fix it by making tenacity adds armor pen resistance.
he used Shocking execution. daily, and like SoD, and shadow strike ignores gwf dr making this class really broken. Don't feel bad, they will fix it next mod. Even I running super tanky or non tanky get hit pretty crazy by some trs. Got killed before in 2 hits using 1k+ tenacity, 4k+ def, almsot 50% dr, and 47k hp on my tanky version... trs are just broken, and it is funny some people refuse to accept this.
trs are just OP in their damage against GWF because in all their builds there are at least one or two skills that completely ignore gwf dr (making the tank purpose dumb). also ignore the unstoppable dr. dont feel bad being beated by a broken class. Mod 6 they will fix it by making tenacity adds armor pen resistance.
Actually it gets worse in mod 6. There's a thread on doing the math on having arp is even worth stacking due to the change GC is about to release on us. Search the threads for it. It's going to leave you thinking you woke up in bizzaro world.
No way you have 1050 tenacity. I have 800 and have played against Kane multiple times before and didn't get 1 shotted ever. And I have 29k hp on my hunter ranger (really not fair to bring my hr into this because of Fox and deflect)
Either way though.
Your hp is much too low for a sentinel imo.
You should be rocking 40k-45k+ hp for one.
You said "All T1 except your weapon"
Now are you referring to T1 PvP gear? Otherwise regular pve T1 doesn't have tenacity, so that would be the reason paired with your low hp
I'll get a shot of my stats later for you. I believe that's what it says, 1,050.
I only hit 60 a few weeks ago, and I have no clue what I'm doing. Yes I have all of the T1 PvP gear except at the moment I have a Sharpened Ice Axe from the AH. Debating whether to get the T1 sword or I think it will actually do less damage than the Ice Axe.
I'm guessing Kane is quite well geared, wish there was some way to inspect people on the internet so I can figure out when I get my *** beat if there is a good reason for it or I'm just bad.
i have 600 tenacity. tenacity is important but past 20% pvp res you should review if it is really that better than stack better items. Want to get more hp? cut off the offense slot items.
As in change enchants or dump PvP gear for certain PvE items?
I'm guessing gear because I don't see any way to stack HP though offense slots.
Actually it gets worse in mod 6. There's a thread on doing the math on having arp is even worth stacking due to the change GC is about to release on us. Search the threads for it. It's going to leave you thinking you woke up in bizzaro world.
I was reading this thread yesterday-it makes me think that I won't want to keep playing when the stats get that insane lol
Shocking Execution ignores "Defense", not deflect.
If you have little to no deflect then Shocking is going to HAMSTER all over you.
He hit you for 28,976 damage. He was also in stealth, meaning 100% crit chance.
Just educated guess here: With 1k Tenacity, your % is 23-24%.
Well call it 24% Tenacity - Tenacity affects Over-all damage, crit damage, and control resist.
28,976 damage + 24% = 35,930 - Theres more math involved determining Crit, but I'd say he roughly hit you for around 45,000 damage. You negated a large portion of it. But..theres a lot of luck and chance in NW. I'd say he got a pretty nice lucky hit on you.
I have extremely high deflect on my TR and on the off chances I ever get hit with Shocking, I don't remember ever seeing a hit over 20k.
Shocking Execution ignores "Defense", not deflect.
If you have little to no deflect then Shocking is going to HAMSTER all over you.
He hit you for 28,976 damage. He was also in stealth, meaning 100% crit chance.
Just educated guess here: With 1k Tenacity, your % is 23-24%.
Well call it 24% Tenacity - Tenacity affects Over-all damage, crit damage, and control resist.
28,976 damage + 24% = 35,930 - Theres more math involved determining Crit, but I'd say he roughly hit you for around 45,000 damage. You negated a large portion of it. But..theres a lot of luck and chance in NW. I'd say he got a pretty nice lucky hit on you.
I have extremely high deflect on my TR and on the off chances I ever get hit with Shocking, I don't remember ever seeing a hit over 20k.
I have 50% deflection chance on my gwf, and you saw the video how it works. Is not only SE that ignores dr. you cant compare a TR with high deflect with a gwf. we dont have dodge or stealth. our only weapon is unstoppable and high dr. both that TR ignores with their encounters and daily/
also, trs have 75% deflection severity, gwfs have 50%. from 40k you still take 20k. some hit me lashing blade for 31k even if i deflect it I still take 15k+ plus the upocoming SoD. As you can see, the GWF is very limited against TRs. It would be fair if trs skills did not ignore unstoppable and our dr since it is our only defense. It is hard to hit a smart tr with our encounters that are already too long.
since they have so much armor pen on their skils/daily they have the privilegy to add silvery or power on their offense slots which makes them even more deadly. this is broken in my point of view.
I have 50% deflection chance on my gwf, and you saw the video how it works. Is not only SE that ignores dr. you cant compare a TR with high deflect with a gwf. we dont have dodge or stealth. our only weapon is unstoppable and high dr. both that TR ignores with their encounters and daily/
also, trs have 75% deflection severity, gwfs have 50%. from 40k you still take 20k. some hit me lashing blade for 31k even if i deflect it I still take 15k+ plus the upocoming SoD. As you can see, the GWF is very limited against TRs. It would be fair if trs skills did not ignore unstoppable and our dr since it is our only defense. It is hard to hit a smart tr with our encounters that are already too long.
since they have so much armor pen on their skils/daily they have the privilegy to add silvery or power on their offense slots which makes them even more deadly. this is broken in my point of view.
GWFs need some buffing. I can't remember ever really feeling worried by a GWF.
GWFs need some buffing. I can't remember ever really feeling worried by a GWF.
I think we are fine... I believe most gwf are still building it wrong. GWFs are very gear dependent, but can do awesome against all other classes, balance. but against tr is HAMSTER. it is TR is too strong in my point of view. their skill should not ignore DRs and unstoppable like that, this is wrong. They can tank against a GWF better, avoid our skills, and kill them fast because they ignore all our dr and can stack power on offense slots. They should remove the armor pen from their encounters and boom. balance. the lack of armor pen against cws, hrs, and other classes won't hurt trs so much but will balance out against GFs and GWFs.
I think we are fine... I believe most gwf are still building it wrong. GWFs are very gear dependent, but can do awesome against all other classes, balance. but against tr is HAMSTER. it is TR is too strong in my point of view. their skill should not ignore DRs and unstoppable like that, this is wrong. They can tank against a GWF better, avoid our skills, and kill them fast because they ignore all our dr and can stack power on offense slots. They should remove the armor pen from their encounters and boom. balance. the lack of armor pen against cws, hrs, and other classes won't hurt trs so much but will balance out against GFs and GWFs.
No disrespect intended. Just I've never really been impressed by a GWF yet. Maybe I haven't matched up against a good one.
It's interesting what you say about piercing damage being a problem. Let's noodle this a bit. There are, I believe, 3 encounters/feats that provide this, right?
1. SoD: this is the only one I've actually played with. I don't think it's a problem though. Think of it this way: it's basically the same thing as a straight 50% damage boost, since the piercing factors off damage actually dealt, so DR is already accounted for in the initial burst. In fact, it is less broken then 50% straight damage boost since you have 6 seconds to cleanse or pop waters or raven skull, or heal, etc. if it wasn't piercing, you'd basically by applying the DR twice. Now maybe the 50% number needs to be adjusted, but again, I think the 6 second delay gives you a huge opportunity to mitigate it entirely.
2. Shocking Execution. This seems broken to me, but I've haven't played MI yet. All I know is that, on paper at least, it seems ridonkulous. Especially compared to my WK counterpart. I use that one occasionally in PvP if I feel the need for the utility of a prone. But SE damage, and piercing and AP refill seems a lot more powerful.
3. SO. I'll reserve my comment on this one for a bit as I am going to respec as a sab soon, so I'll get some first hand experience. Definitely seems like a strong feat. But from what I am seeing by planning my build is that you are basically sacrificing almost all of your other damage for this. Nerf the piercing on this and I don't know that a sab is at all viable.
Shocking execution ignores defense deflect and tenacity. Period.
It can be dodged
Nothing ignores Tenacity, not even Shocking.
Shocking ignores "Defense", not deflect. If it ignored Deflect, the 6,200 damage Shocking I just got hit with 10 minutes ago would have been significantly higher. Was a 1 vs 1 btw so no outside buffs on my TR.
They need to buff up GWFs and fix SoD. Problem solved imo
Edit: if it does in fact ignore Deflect I would love to see an official post stating that. Same with ignoring Tenacity.
No disrespect intended. Just I've never really been impressed by a GWF yet. Maybe I haven't matched up against a good one.
It's interesting what you say about piercing damage being a problem. Let's noodle this a bit. There are, I believe, 3 encounters/feats that provide this, right?
1. SoD: this is the only one I've actually played with. I don't think it's a problem though. Think of it this way: it's basically the same thing as a straight 50% damage boost, since the piercing factors off damage actually dealt, so DR is already accounted for in the initial burst. In fact, it is less broken then 50% straight damage boost since you have 6 seconds to cleanse or pop waters or raven skull, or heal, etc. if it wasn't piercing, you'd basically by applying the DR twice. Now maybe the 50% number needs to be adjusted, but again, I think the 6 second delay gives you a huge opportunity to mitigate it entirely.
2. Shocking Execution. This seems broken to me, but I've haven't played MI yet. All I know is that, on paper at least, it seems ridonkulous. Especially compared to my WK counterpart. I use that one occasionally in PvP if I feel the need for the utility of a prone. But SE damage, and piercing and AP refill seems a lot more powerful.
3. SO. I'll reserve my comment on this one for a bit as I am going to respec as a sab soon, so I'll get some first hand experience. Definitely seems like a strong feat. But from what I am seeing by planning my build is that you are basically sacrificing almost all of your other damage for this. Nerf the piercing on this and I don't know that a sab is at all viable.
As a GWF I have two options when i see the SoD buff. I run away sprint, or I take it. If I run, I stop contesting the node, therefore I am useless. I rather die at the point. i cant dodge or mitigate the damage. as a GWF fighting a TR you have to time very well your encounters, if you miss, you are in trouble. My best CC skill is almost 18 seconds, so it is not that simple when you are engaging a class that has ItC, dodges, high deflection (deflect negates fs cc), and stealth. It is very hard, and they have considerable high range. I believe shadow strike also has armor piercing, not sure if that is, but the new build trs using Saboteur they using one encounter that is not SoD and it has also armor piercing...
Thing is. Warlocks, CWs, and HRs have low dr. It would not hurt TRs that much against them. Only against DCs, GFs, and GWFs. What is the point of having a tanky class when your enemy just plays as your defense does not exist? specially when you make it so hard to be hit you know? that is the problem with te ignoring DR. Even my class unstoppable is bypassed by trs skills.
As a GWF I have two options when i see the SoD buff. I run away sprint, or I take it. If I run, I stop contesting the node, therefore I am useless. I rather die at the point.
No, but you have a 6 second window to cleanse the effect, or get HP back to absorb the hit through heals, waters artifact, or even raven skull. And you are right that SoD damage cannot be mitigated, but the damage it deals is already a function of your damage mitigation. E.g. if I burst you for 50k after proccing SoD, and you have 40% DR, you get hit for 30k in the burst (40% of 50k), then SoD will later hit you for 15k (50% of 30k). I honestly don't think the piercing damage is the problem here, since your DR is already factored in. Think of it this way: a ****ing scoundrel will hit you at +50% damage if you are skullcracked. That's effectively the same as SoD even though it is not piercing. But it is actually much, much worse since you are also CCed, and the damage hits you all at once in real-time.
as a GWF fighting a TR you have to time very well your encounters, if you miss, you are in trouble. My best CC skill is almost 18 seconds, so it is not that simple when you are engaging a class that has ItC, dodges, high deflection (deflect negates fs cc), and stealth. It is very hard, and they have considerable high range.
Yep, TRs are tough buggers. But notice that getting rid of piercing doesn't help with any of those things.
but the new build trs using Saboteur they using one encounter that is not SoD and it has also armor piercing...
It's not an encounter, it's a feat. It's what I was referring to as SO (Shadowy Opportunity) in my earlier reply. Yes it is nasty. But the counterpoint is that seems to be pretty much the only reason to spec into Sab at all. If you eliminate the piercing on that, I'm not sure what the point of running Sab would be. You have to sacrifice a ton to run this tree, and SO is the reason why you would want to run it. Again, just re-rolled into Sab last night, so I am really just getting first hand experience with it now.
Thing is. Warlocks, CWs, and HRs have low dr. It would not hurt TRs that much against them. Only against DCs, GFs, and GWFs. What is the point of having a tanky class when your enemy just plays as your defense does not exist? specially when you make it so hard to be hit you know? that is the problem with te ignoring DR. Even my class unstoppable is bypassed by trs skills.
That's why I think GWF need to be buffed. Please don't make it any harder to kill DCs.
No, but you have a 6 second window to cleanse the effect, or get HP back to absorb the hit through heals, waters artifact, or even raven skull. And you are right that SoD damage cannot be mitigated, but the damage it deals is already a function of your damage mitigation. E.g. if I burst you for 50k after proccing SoD, and you have 40% DR, you get hit for 30k in the burst (40% of 50k), then SoD will later hit you for 15k (50% of 30k). I honestly don't think the piercing damage is the problem here, since your DR is already factored in. Think of it this way: a ****ing scoundrel will hit you at +50% damage if you are skullcracked. That's effectively the same as SoD even though it is not piercing. But it is actually much, much worse since you are also CCed, and the damage hits you all at once in real-time.
Yep, TRs are tough buggers. But notice that getting rid of piercing doesn't help with any of those things.
Nope it doesn't. And it hits about as hard as a wet noodle. It is purely utility.
It's not an encounter, it's a feat. It's what I was referring to as SO (Shadowy Opportunity) in my earlier reply. Yes it is nasty. But the counterpoint is that seems to be pretty much the only reason to spec into Sab at all. If you eliminate the piercing on that, I'm not sure what the point of running Sab would be. You have to sacrifice a ton to run this tree, and SO is the reason why you would want to run it. Again, just re-rolled into Sab last night, so I am really just getting first hand experience with it now.
That's why I think GWF need to be buffed. Please don't make it any harder to kill DCs.
thanks for telling me the name of the feat. Apparently I mistaken it with shadow strike. Yes, I agree, DCs are already diehard to become even harder to kill
But I am not so sure GWF needs to be buffed still. i think TRs needs a rework better... or GWF could be buffed at least in the sense that cooldowns were shorter... I mean, before GWF was nerfed this is what we had:
Roar would root. Takedown would prone and do more damage instead of stun. Frontlinesurge had twice as much damage (fair considering the skill has 18 seconds cooldown), and all the paragons had 40~80%dr increase, and unstoppable purpose would do more damage too. They took/nerfed all of these except the unstoppable one for sentinel.
I mean, I believe if they had removed only the unstoppable purpose damage that was overpowered would make the class ok, but they nerfed the class to the ground in EVERYTHING the class had.
But at same time, I am not so sure I want a buff... Tank classes are complicated in balancing. The line between being overpowered and crappy is very very thin. One simple change can make the class too powerful as can make it too weak. So, since GWFs can do fairly balanced against all other classes, I still think the problem lies with the TRs. By the way, I was shocked to discover the intimitation feat was nerfed for mod6.. I mean, really? that doesn't even do that much damage at all and they nerfed Sentinel even more lol.
Anyway, it seems like with tenacity giving armor pen resistance, and with the SoD damage and dazes halved, it became more balanced. I am not sure why they didn't do at least the two last updates here since it didn't come with mod 6, but at the end of mod 5... they made a mistake there I think.
Anyway, it seems like with tenacity giving armor pen resistance, and with the SoD damage and dazes halved, it became more balanced. I am not sure why they didn't do at least the two last updates here since it didn't come with mod 6, but at the end of mod 5... they made a mistake there I think.
Wait, what? I don't know anything about the PC version. Are you saying that SoD damage is halved and TR dazes are halved as well? And tenacity will give armor pen resistance (like, what, if I have ArP of 30% and you have tenacity of 25%, I get the effective benefit of an ArP of 5%)?
Wait, what? I don't know anything about the PC version. Are you saying that SoD damage is halved and TR dazes are halved as well? And tenacity will give armor pen resistance (like, what, if I have ArP of 30% and you have tenacity of 25%, I get the effective benefit of an ArP of 5%)?
Interesting changes...
yes. by the end of mod 5 in PC they fixed the SoD glitch and made the damage half. They also halved the duration of the tr's cc.
In mod 6, tenacity gives armor pen resistance. but it is a lot more than that. I think a full pvp gear gives you close to 80% armor pen resistance. So it is almost useless to use armor pen stats.
No way you have 1050 tenacity. I have 800 and have played against Kane multiple times before and didn't get 1 shotted ever. And I have 29k hp on my hunter ranger (really not fair to bring my hr into this because of Fox and deflect)
Either way though.
Your hp is much too low for a sentinel imo.
You should be rocking 40k-45k+ hp for one.
You said "All T1 except your weapon"
Now are you referring to T1 PvP gear? Otherwise regular pve T1 doesn't have tenacity, so that would be the reason paired with your low hp
also he was probably using first strike
he used Shocking execution. daily, and like SoD, and shadow strike ignores gwf dr making this class really broken. Don't feel bad, they will fix it next mod. Even I running super tanky or non tanky get hit pretty crazy by some trs. Got killed before in 2 hits using 1k+ tenacity, 4k+ def, almsot 50% dr, and 47k hp on my tanky version... trs are just broken, and it is funny some people refuse to accept this.
Actually it gets worse in mod 6. There's a thread on doing the math on having arp is even worth stacking due to the change GC is about to release on us. Search the threads for it. It's going to leave you thinking you woke up in bizzaro world.
The lack of SoD glitch with DoT enchants remove 90% of the TRs you run into now.
Soon it will be the kingdom of the perma stealth TRs with 40k+ hp
Either way though, GWF get much better in mod 6
I'll get a shot of my stats later for you. I believe that's what it says, 1,050.
I only hit 60 a few weeks ago, and I have no clue what I'm doing. Yes I have all of the T1 PvP gear except at the moment I have a Sharpened Ice Axe from the AH. Debating whether to get the T1 sword or I think it will actually do less damage than the Ice Axe.
As in change enchants or dump PvP gear for certain PvE items?
I'm guessing gear because I don't see any way to stack HP though offense slots.
I was reading this thread yesterday-it makes me think that I won't want to keep playing when the stats get that insane lol
i meant avoid using belts, rings, with offense slots. use defense slots for radiants and hp
Ok, thanks.
If you have little to no deflect then Shocking is going to HAMSTER all over you.
He hit you for 28,976 damage. He was also in stealth, meaning 100% crit chance.
Just educated guess here: With 1k Tenacity, your % is 23-24%.
Well call it 24% Tenacity - Tenacity affects Over-all damage, crit damage, and control resist.
28,976 damage + 24% = 35,930 - Theres more math involved determining Crit, but I'd say he roughly hit you for around 45,000 damage. You negated a large portion of it. But..theres a lot of luck and chance in NW. I'd say he got a pretty nice lucky hit on you.
I have extremely high deflect on my TR and on the off chances I ever get hit with Shocking, I don't remember ever seeing a hit over 20k.
also, trs have 75% deflection severity, gwfs have 50%. from 40k you still take 20k. some hit me lashing blade for 31k even if i deflect it I still take 15k+ plus the upocoming SoD. As you can see, the GWF is very limited against TRs. It would be fair if trs skills did not ignore unstoppable and our dr since it is our only defense. It is hard to hit a smart tr with our encounters that are already too long.
since they have so much armor pen on their skils/daily they have the privilegy to add silvery or power on their offense slots which makes them even more deadly. this is broken in my point of view.
It can be dodged
GWFs need some buffing. I can't remember ever really feeling worried by a GWF.
I think we are fine... I believe most gwf are still building it wrong. GWFs are very gear dependent, but can do awesome against all other classes, balance. but against tr is HAMSTER. it is TR is too strong in my point of view. their skill should not ignore DRs and unstoppable like that, this is wrong. They can tank against a GWF better, avoid our skills, and kill them fast because they ignore all our dr and can stack power on offense slots. They should remove the armor pen from their encounters and boom. balance. the lack of armor pen against cws, hrs, and other classes won't hurt trs so much but will balance out against GFs and GWFs.
No disrespect intended. Just I've never really been impressed by a GWF yet. Maybe I haven't matched up against a good one.
It's interesting what you say about piercing damage being a problem. Let's noodle this a bit. There are, I believe, 3 encounters/feats that provide this, right?
1. SoD: this is the only one I've actually played with. I don't think it's a problem though. Think of it this way: it's basically the same thing as a straight 50% damage boost, since the piercing factors off damage actually dealt, so DR is already accounted for in the initial burst. In fact, it is less broken then 50% straight damage boost since you have 6 seconds to cleanse or pop waters or raven skull, or heal, etc. if it wasn't piercing, you'd basically by applying the DR twice. Now maybe the 50% number needs to be adjusted, but again, I think the 6 second delay gives you a huge opportunity to mitigate it entirely.
2. Shocking Execution. This seems broken to me, but I've haven't played MI yet. All I know is that, on paper at least, it seems ridonkulous. Especially compared to my WK counterpart. I use that one occasionally in PvP if I feel the need for the utility of a prone. But SE damage, and piercing and AP refill seems a lot more powerful.
3. SO. I'll reserve my comment on this one for a bit as I am going to respec as a sab soon, so I'll get some first hand experience. Definitely seems like a strong feat. But from what I am seeing by planning my build is that you are basically sacrificing almost all of your other damage for this. Nerf the piercing on this and I don't know that a sab is at all viable.
Nothing ignores Tenacity, not even Shocking.
Shocking ignores "Defense", not deflect. If it ignored Deflect, the 6,200 damage Shocking I just got hit with 10 minutes ago would have been significantly higher. Was a 1 vs 1 btw so no outside buffs on my TR.
They need to buff up GWFs and fix SoD. Problem solved imo
Edit: if it does in fact ignore Deflect I would love to see an official post stating that. Same with ignoring Tenacity.
As a GWF I have two options when i see the SoD buff. I run away sprint, or I take it. If I run, I stop contesting the node, therefore I am useless. I rather die at the point. i cant dodge or mitigate the damage. as a GWF fighting a TR you have to time very well your encounters, if you miss, you are in trouble. My best CC skill is almost 18 seconds, so it is not that simple when you are engaging a class that has ItC, dodges, high deflection (deflect negates fs cc), and stealth. It is very hard, and they have considerable high range. I believe shadow strike also has armor piercing, not sure if that is, but the new build trs using Saboteur they using one encounter that is not SoD and it has also armor piercing...
Thing is. Warlocks, CWs, and HRs have low dr. It would not hurt TRs that much against them. Only against DCs, GFs, and GWFs. What is the point of having a tanky class when your enemy just plays as your defense does not exist? specially when you make it so hard to be hit you know? that is the problem with te ignoring DR. Even my class unstoppable is bypassed by trs skills.
Cryptic really don't care about pvp, it is already useless to try something. We have this same on PC
Maybe we all just have to play classes which are actually broken then everything will be balanced
But you only had 48,000 HP...this is not enough to stop our Rogue overlords.
Heroic death!
No, but you have a 6 second window to cleanse the effect, or get HP back to absorb the hit through heals, waters artifact, or even raven skull. And you are right that SoD damage cannot be mitigated, but the damage it deals is already a function of your damage mitigation. E.g. if I burst you for 50k after proccing SoD, and you have 40% DR, you get hit for 30k in the burst (40% of 50k), then SoD will later hit you for 15k (50% of 30k). I honestly don't think the piercing damage is the problem here, since your DR is already factored in. Think of it this way: a ****ing scoundrel will hit you at +50% damage if you are skullcracked. That's effectively the same as SoD even though it is not piercing. But it is actually much, much worse since you are also CCed, and the damage hits you all at once in real-time.
Yep, TRs are tough buggers. But notice that getting rid of piercing doesn't help with any of those things.
Nope it doesn't. And it hits about as hard as a wet noodle. It is purely utility.
It's not an encounter, it's a feat. It's what I was referring to as SO (Shadowy Opportunity) in my earlier reply. Yes it is nasty. But the counterpoint is that seems to be pretty much the only reason to spec into Sab at all. If you eliminate the piercing on that, I'm not sure what the point of running Sab would be. You have to sacrifice a ton to run this tree, and SO is the reason why you would want to run it. Again, just re-rolled into Sab last night, so I am really just getting first hand experience with it now.
That's why I think GWF need to be buffed. Please don't make it any harder to kill DCs.
thanks for telling me the name of the feat. Apparently I mistaken it with shadow strike. Yes, I agree, DCs are already diehard to become even harder to kill
But I am not so sure GWF needs to be buffed still. i think TRs needs a rework better... or GWF could be buffed at least in the sense that cooldowns were shorter... I mean, before GWF was nerfed this is what we had:
Roar would root. Takedown would prone and do more damage instead of stun. Frontlinesurge had twice as much damage (fair considering the skill has 18 seconds cooldown), and all the paragons had 40~80%dr increase, and unstoppable purpose would do more damage too. They took/nerfed all of these except the unstoppable one for sentinel.
I mean, I believe if they had removed only the unstoppable purpose damage that was overpowered would make the class ok, but they nerfed the class to the ground in EVERYTHING the class had.
But at same time, I am not so sure I want a buff... Tank classes are complicated in balancing. The line between being overpowered and crappy is very very thin. One simple change can make the class too powerful as can make it too weak. So, since GWFs can do fairly balanced against all other classes, I still think the problem lies with the TRs. By the way, I was shocked to discover the intimitation feat was nerfed for mod6.. I mean, really? that doesn't even do that much damage at all and they nerfed Sentinel even more lol.
Anyway, it seems like with tenacity giving armor pen resistance, and with the SoD damage and dazes halved, it became more balanced. I am not sure why they didn't do at least the two last updates here since it didn't come with mod 6, but at the end of mod 5... they made a mistake there I think.
Wait, what? I don't know anything about the PC version. Are you saying that SoD damage is halved and TR dazes are halved as well? And tenacity will give armor pen resistance (like, what, if I have ArP of 30% and you have tenacity of 25%, I get the effective benefit of an ArP of 5%)?
Interesting changes...
yes. by the end of mod 5 in PC they fixed the SoD glitch and made the damage half. They also halved the duration of the tr's cc.
In mod 6, tenacity gives armor pen resistance. but it is a lot more than that. I think a full pvp gear gives you close to 80% armor pen resistance. So it is almost useless to use armor pen stats.