Below are some things that I think would improve Never winter exponentially. If you agree or if you don't
, leave a comment as to why.
1. Being able to customize HUD elements.
i.e. be able to hide or move some of the useless icons. The entire right side of the screen can be moved to the menu button and filed under one of the many menu options. Move the loot notification to right of the screen leaving the center open for game play.
2. Disable looting while in combat. The roll over function is fine as it is unobtrusive.
3. auto looter / auto roller.
For example if its green/blue auto greed/pass so we don't have to deal with it. Always require a decision for epic. This could be taken a step further by having a matrix for loot type that we could adjust this setting for.
4. Custom chat box / Tab the chat. / Turn on and off Tab.
I think this is self explanatory
5. Disable V2K
same as above
6. Player Reporting
Allow us to report players to moderators for review. Every MMo that i have played has this ability built in. And dont just have the report button, but back it up with accountability.
We need the option to scale all portions of the UI or get rid of sections we don't want. Its hard to tell what is going on during battles sometimes with the party head icons on the left quests on the right and pop-up of player x earned something something totally unrelated to cya you are doing.
I would also like to be able to turn off the companions' speech--even funny comments are grating after 100 times.
and turn off the "player x acquired drake" messages, I get that it is like seeing the news report a lottery winner, but you honestly won't make me buy any more keys by showing me "look who won now!" messages.