I know what a Dragon's Hoard Enchantment does for me. I shoot things, they die, sometimes a refinement item drops at my feet. Simple. My question is, How does a Devoted Cleric benefit from using a Dragons Hoard Enchant? A couple of DC's in my guild refuse to even get any because they are purely devoted to Heals and Buffs and such. They don't believe that anything will drop for them. As a result lvling their Artifact Weapon has become VERY tedious for them. I know some Clerics like to attack and try to DPS... but these do not... I'm just trying to find a way to help them. Any help in this would be very appreciated. Thank you.
Post edited by falkenblackhand on
zephyriahMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,980Arc User
edited May 2015
I play both types of clerics.
Explain to them that they will still get some drops. Not as many as a DPS cleric, but some. The reason they will still get some is that they must use their at-will to charge divinity. Whether it is astral seal or some other, it will deal some damage and will sometimes be the kill shot. It is also likely that at least one of their encounters deals some damage and may proc the enchant. To verify, tell them to check the leaderboards, I would bet that they are still getting about 25% of the kills of the average (not the highest) player in the dungeon or skirmish. Also, I assume they do their dailies solo. They get all the kills for the common cause dungeon and culling the cultists (if done separately).
However, whatever is currently in their utility slot may be providing a better benefit to them. Without knowing what they slot, I cannot say.
Yeah honestly what zephyriah said. Even as a GWF, my role with my group is elite/boss single target dps in Dungeons so I don't see a lot of the drops either. I'd hazard a guess that no-one but our Control Wizard does. Where I get all mine are running dailies. Most DC I talked to have a additional DPS encounters leveled up for doing dailies unless doing them in a group. Get kills there and get your refining stones.
As of right now. I moved all my best enchants over to my rogue and have become a farming machine. All drops from dragon horde are account bound. And when i have enough saved up i will use them to upgrade like crazy
You gotta solo farm for them.... Zone into non elite dungeons solo, kill stuff outside Neverdeth Dragon.. many ways.. its just an extra step for tanks and clerics.
Im a control wizard.. I get upset when I kill a huge pack of mobs and dont see a peridot.. haha.
I know what a Dragon's Hoard Enchantment does for me. I shoot things, they die, sometimes a refinement item drops at my feet. Simple. My question is, How does a Devoted Cleric benefit from using a Dragons Hoard Enchant? A couple of DC's in my guild refuse to even get any because they are purely devoted to Heals and Buffs and such. They don't believe that anything will drop for them. As a result lvling their Artifact Weapon has become VERY tedious for them. I know some Clerics like to attack and try to DPS... but these do not... I'm just trying to find a way to help them. Any help in this would be very appreciated. Thank you.
My opinion as a DC is that you're guildies are right. It's wasteful to use the utility slots for that sort of enchantment because DCs do not get to take advantage of it enough to make up for the fact they miss out on Movement which actually comes into play during a lot of encounters.
I've been forced to just tough it up and find other ways to grind my artifacts. I just accumulate AD through other means and use them to buy refinement points.
so its YOU I always run into!!! but for real.. this is a great way and place to farm. Find an instance with 1 person in there and kill all the cultists. You get the level 50 treasure drops plus the refining stones. When gifts of the gods or tymora's gift events are on, those drop also.. every 45 seconds according to my experimentation. As a 60TR, it takes about 2 hits to clear any group of cultists. I'm not sure, but is there a cooldown on the refining stones drop?
or... many people farm for refining stones in Blacklake. As a DC, load up chains of light and sunburst and go to town. (leave me alone in Neverdeath!! )
so its YOU I always run into!!! but for real.. this is a great way and place to farm. Find an instance with 1 person in there and kill all the cultists. You get the level 50 treasure drops plus the refining stones. When gifts of the gods or tymora's gift events are on, those drop also.. every 45 seconds according to my experimentation. As a 60TR, it takes about 2 hits to clear any group of cultists. I'm not sure, but is there a cooldown on the refining stones drop?
or... many people farm for refining stones in Blacklake. As a DC, load up chains of light and sunburst and go to town. (leave me alone in Neverdeath!! )
I farm in rothe valley where the dragon is, just run circles. this way I can slowly farm dragons as well without going overly grind crazy. I also just started to farm spellplague caverns. basically since the bonus refinement event ended I have accumulated just over 500k worth of refinement stones. peridots seem to be the most common and i'm sitting on 4 stacks of 99.
Explain to them that they will still get some drops. Not as many as a DPS cleric, but some. The reason they will still get some is that they must use their at-will to charge divinity. Whether it is astral seal or some other, it will deal some damage and will sometimes be the kill shot. It is also likely that at least one of their encounters deals some damage and may proc the enchant. To verify, tell them to check the leaderboards, I would bet that they are still getting about 25% of the kills of the average (not the highest) player in the dungeon or skirmish. Also, I assume they do their dailies solo. They get all the kills for the common cause dungeon and culling the cultists (if done separately).
However, whatever is currently in their utility slot may be providing a better benefit to them. Without knowing what they slot, I cannot say.
Im a control wizard.. I get upset when I kill a huge pack of mobs and dont see a peridot.. haha.
My opinion as a DC is that you're guildies are right. It's wasteful to use the utility slots for that sort of enchantment because DCs do not get to take advantage of it enough to make up for the fact they miss out on Movement which actually comes into play during a lot of encounters.
I've been forced to just tough it up and find other ways to grind my artifacts. I just accumulate AD through other means and use them to buy refinement points.
so its YOU I always run into!!! but for real.. this is a great way and place to farm. Find an instance with 1 person in there and kill all the cultists. You get the level 50 treasure drops plus the refining stones. When gifts of the gods or tymora's gift events are on, those drop also.. every 45 seconds according to my experimentation. As a 60TR, it takes about 2 hits to clear any group of cultists. I'm not sure, but is there a cooldown on the refining stones drop?
or... many people farm for refining stones in Blacklake. As a DC, load up chains of light and sunburst and go to town. (leave me alone in Neverdeath!!
I farm in rothe valley where the dragon is, just run circles. this way I can slowly farm dragons as well without going overly grind crazy. I also just started to farm spellplague caverns. basically since the bonus refinement event ended I have accumulated just over 500k worth of refinement stones. peridots seem to be the most common and i'm sitting on 4 stacks of 99.