Last played just before Mod 6 release. Was writing and publishing some books.
Had progressed (laboriously) through Sharandar, Dread Ring, Incewind and most of Well of Dragons.
I log in today, and find points to be spent in my feats. Eh, okay, it happens.
But, as I had logged out in Well of Dragons, I decided to tackle some stupid-simple mobs by the carts down in the middle, just to see how the power changes went. Just about died, had to blow Unstoppable and a Major heal pot just to slink away shamefaced at 10% health.
Holy horse-HAMSTER, but wait a minute.
So I check my map at the entrance. All of my previously completed zones (I'm talking 100% progression on my campaign window) are now suddenly no-no-bad.
Um, excuse the HAMSTER out of me?
Who thought invalidating all my progression (I'm still 100% but can't fight in the zones) was a great idea? Exactly how did they come to this Prozac-induced epiphany and exactly how much pot were they smoking?
I have to say, my desire to come back was immediately destroyed. My past efforts at promoting NW as the best F2P model in the MMO industry is now totally shot.
Thanks. But you guys at Cryptic smoked some really, really, really bad stuff. I just cannot find the desire to take such a slap to the face of a year's worth of effort and act like I just had the best sex ever.
Seriously, guys. What the HAMSTER were you smoking? (shakes head) Time to move on, I guess.
Can't say I don't agree with you, if I came back to this game in mod 6 I would probably just say screw it too.
Games population is dieing anyways, this is no longer a casual/new player friendly game. Isn't much to do at 70 anyways.
Im not aware of anyone else loosing progress on completed campaigns. I expect the forums would be more up in arms about it, if it was a common thing.
As far as Well of Dragons being more difficult, it is an understandable complaint. All that content got pushed to level 70 now, and made much harder. Its annoying to put campaigns, you have been playing perfectly fine before, on hold until you level to 70. But it honestly is the only real course of action. Trying to continue them before 70, is simply a lesson in frustration.
Last played just before Mod 6 release. Was writing and publishing some books.
Had progressed (laboriously) through Sharandar, Dread Ring, Incewind and most of Well of Dragons.
I log in today, and find points to be spent in my feats. Eh, okay, it happens.
But, as I had logged out in Well of Dragons, I decided to tackle some stupid-simple mobs by the carts down in the middle, just to see how the power changes went. Just about died, had to blow Unstoppable and a Major heal pot just to slink away shamefaced at 10% health.
Holy horse-HAMSTER, but wait a minute.
So I check my map at the entrance. All of my previously completed zones (I'm talking 100% progression on my campaign window) are now suddenly no-no-bad.
Um, excuse the HAMSTER out of me?
Who thought invalidating all my progression (I'm still 100% but can't fight in the zones) was a great idea? Exactly how did they come to this Prozac-induced epiphany and exactly how much pot were they smoking?
I have to say, my desire to come back was immediately destroyed. My past efforts at promoting NW as the best F2P model in the MMO industry is now totally shot.
Thanks. But you guys at Cryptic smoked some really, really, really bad stuff. I just cannot find the desire to take such a slap to the face of a year's worth of effort and act like I just had the best sex ever.
Seriously, guys. What the HAMSTER were you smoking? (shakes head) Time to move on, I guess.
I understand the shock. You have to simply realise they made those zones end-cap level 70 zones. So until you finish Mod6 new areas quest zones, and reach level 70 that way to get your new free quest reward equipment, you will be murdered in 70 zones. Check IWD it's ten times harder than Sharandar.
Just drop everything you had been doing, go see Druid in Protectors Enclave and talk to Minsc. Now follow Minsc + Druid Quests until you finish them all, and you will be level 70, have level 70 gear, plus the level 70 artifact mainhand and offhand. Then you'll be more than ready to own it up in Sharandar again.
The quests take you to Drowned Shore, and then progress through newly designed old regions until you hit Spinward Rise. Finish Spinward and you're done and rewarded artifact sword.
just play dont talk alot nothing gonna change if u dont like this game easy QUIT than so what? if u dont like hard game than u are lazy to much at ur life iam a new player started at ends of mod5 and now here is mod6 as an hr its hell to do daily quests in all zones and kinda hard to do it too (SOLO)but its okay its still fun to play just need more maps for pvp duel system an arena 2 v 2 or 3v3 and pvp system ranking that all what this game need but i think its need some classes to get buffs and nerfs so just balancing it that would be a great game and yea the game not gonna die couse u dont see the future ^_^ ....
I understand the shock. You have to simply realise they made those zones end-cap level 70 zones. So until you finish Mod6 new areas quest zones, and reach level 70 that way to get your new free quest reward equipment, you will be murdered in 70 zones. Check IWD it's ten times harder than Sharandar.
Just drop everything you had been doing, go see Druid in Protectors Enclave and talk to Minsc. Now follow Minsc + Druid Quests until you finish them all, and you will be level 70, have level 70 gear, plus the level 70 artifact mainhand and offhand. Then you'll be more than ready to own it up in Sharandar again.
The quests take you to Drowned Shore, and then progress through newly designed old regions until you hit Spinward Rise. Finish Spinward and you're done and rewarded artifact sword.
true and yea easy to gear up grinding pvp at ur lvl evey day super easy to get ilvl 135 GEAR
Im not aware of anyone else loosing progress on completed campaigns. I expect the forums would be more up in arms about it, if it was a common thing.
As far as Well of Dragons being more difficult, it is an understandable complaint. All that content got pushed to level 70 now, and made much harder. Its annoying to put campaigns, you have been playing perfectly fine before, on hold until you level to 70. But it honestly is the only real course of action. Trying to continue them before 70, is simply a lesson in frustration.
He's not saying things that were checked off in the campaign windows are now marked incomplete, he's saying he completed the campaigns, has all the boons, and suddenly his character isn't strong enough to fight in those areas he already cleared. Same complaint we all have. Weeks now and still no fix.
the thing is, if we have all those boons, they should be big enough that they make our characters tough enough to solo the content in that area without spending 80 superior health potions in an hour or so and without breaking the bank buying injury kits.
To the OP - it only gets worse from there. All sorts of powers are bugged to bejeezus and back. You think your GWF has it bad - Tanks are getting one-shotted through their shields and HR's need Epic, and I mean top tier gear just to stay alive anymore.
Games population is dieing anyways, this is no longer a casual/new player friendly game. Isn't much to do at 70 anyways.
As far as Well of Dragons being more difficult, it is an understandable complaint. All that content got pushed to level 70 now, and made much harder. Its annoying to put campaigns, you have been playing perfectly fine before, on hold until you level to 70. But it honestly is the only real course of action. Trying to continue them before 70, is simply a lesson in frustration.
I understand the shock. You have to simply realise they made those zones end-cap level 70 zones. So until you finish Mod6 new areas quest zones, and reach level 70 that way to get your new free quest reward equipment, you will be murdered in 70 zones. Check IWD it's ten times harder than Sharandar.
Just drop everything you had been doing, go see Druid in Protectors Enclave and talk to Minsc. Now follow Minsc + Druid Quests until you finish them all, and you will be level 70, have level 70 gear, plus the level 70 artifact mainhand and offhand. Then you'll be more than ready to own it up in Sharandar again.
The quests take you to Drowned Shore, and then progress through newly designed old regions until you hit Spinward Rise. Finish Spinward and you're done and rewarded artifact sword.
true and yea easy to gear up grinding pvp at ur lvl evey day super easy to get ilvl 135 GEAR
He's not saying things that were checked off in the campaign windows are now marked incomplete, he's saying he completed the campaigns, has all the boons, and suddenly his character isn't strong enough to fight in those areas he already cleared. Same complaint we all have. Weeks now and still no fix.
the thing is, if we have all those boons, they should be big enough that they make our characters tough enough to solo the content in that area without spending 80 superior health potions in an hour or so and without breaking the bank buying injury kits.
To the OP - it only gets worse from there. All sorts of powers are bugged to bejeezus and back. You think your GWF has it bad - Tanks are getting one-shotted through their shields and HR's need Epic, and I mean top tier gear just to stay alive anymore.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at