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Loss of Trust

krailovkrailov Member Posts: 302 Arc User
edited May 2015 in General Discussion (PC)
People have lots to say about everything that has changed since mod 6 was introduced, I know I have vented as well :)

But the biggest issue boils down to the loss of trust that I have in Cryptic - they changed the Dragon Hoard Ent without telling us, they nerfed the old artificates without notification (I do not play on preview, nor read those posts - just play the game and read the Arc posts). Currently with Double RP, I am enjoying the upgrades, yet for some reason my upgrades are taking a lot more tries than they have in the past. I have noticed others commenting on this as well.

Maybe it is a bad run, but the sceptic in me says "Can I trust that Cryptic are not changing the stats to 'encourage' more purchases of Coals and Preservation Wards?" After mod6, the answer is sadly, no. How do we know they are not? Where is the transparency? What are the real stats? What changes will they make without telling us in future?

I play the game, but I am dishartened by a lack or transparancy. Address this, Cryptic, or lose more players.

Might is not always right - the powerful sometimes forget that.

The Small Band
Post edited by krailov on


  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited May 2015

  • milenaelzmilenaelz Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I shared your views and disappointment. I especially hate it when lately they resorted to secretly nerf the game mechanics leaving the players to believe that it was a bugged or glitched. I love this game but because of what they did in Mod 6, I have a bad impression of Cryptic and PWE. And lately whenever I see a MMO under them, I couldn't help it but tell myself " Don't ".
    Lvl 70 Divine Oracle
    Lvl 70 Oathbound Paladin
    Lvl 60 Spellstorm Mage
  • drezzatdrezzat Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    yeah a little more honesty and openness would go a long way
  • kurtb88kurtb88 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    krailov wrote: »
    the biggest issue boils down to the loss of trust that I have in Cryptic - they changed the Dragon Hoard Ent without telling us

    This indeed is a huge error they made. I lost all trust in this company now. I basically blew 5 millions plus AD making four Greater Enchants, and now they suck. I consider this fraud.. and i am no frikkin BOT. And I dont even farm. I simply play the game and expect some kind of decent drop rate throughout the day, but now they are garbage. I feel like consulting a lawyer.
  • aulduronaulduron Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,351 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    FYI, my new legendary arti weapon took far fewer pres wards than my first one.
  • carrytiexcarrytiex Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I can't really trust either, with things like pretty much giving away mystic mounts, changing the binding status on bags people have already paid for (even if they get to move them over once), used the new refinement system as a way to improve bag space while bombarding us with extra clutter, saying that dragonborn pack preorderers get a discount when they didn't, dragon hoard stealth nerf until they got spotted, leadership in game delay which they actually removed a long time after which they didn't let us know and some of us assumed it was a bug considering how ridiculous it was, artifacts being stated as long term solutions while only the system is long term if you don't pay but get replaced much sooner with huge losses in investment efficiency (I'm also wondering if the removal of set bonuses paves the way to artifact gear which you unlock for a bonus).

    On the plus side they did un-perma ban me for what I assume to be for reselling items on the AH for a profit. Anyway greater hoards still had limited use since the ICD meant that lower enchants could proc at a similar rate. With this nerf it's just an extra stab. I could multislot with feyblessing but my inventory is practically full enough with 5 bags already without adding bound enchants to the mix. I could buy a runic bag, but I'd be able to buy 80 stacks of r5 for that when they're reduced so that'd take me a year to pay off at 20 drops a day. If I had another bag slot, I could get more use out of it, but I'd have to replace one and then it'd just end up bound.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    This is something that's been nagging me more and more since mod 6. Is the fact that the difficulty is so high (and healing potions so useless now) just a screw-up or a "nudge" to sell more health stones? Is the cutoff to hoard enchantments to stop botting or to get people to spend AD to buy RP? I don't know, and the fact that I have doubts is a problem. I don't want to be wondering if what I hear is actually the truth; a company should always make sure that its customers can trust its word. That's the first rule of any business.

    The earlier blog post notwithstanding, the thought process at Cryptic still seems pretty opaque to me, which surely winds up contributing to nagging doubts about why certain changes are really being made. It's something that the folks at Cryptic can address, if they would.
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  • tonyswutonyswu Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    krailov wrote: »
    People have lots to say about everything that has changed since mod 6 was introduced, I know I have vented as well :)

    But the biggest issue boils down to the loss of trust that I have in Cryptic - they changed the Dragon Hoard Ent without telling us, they nerfed the old artificates without notification (I do not play on preview, nor read those posts - just play the game and read the Arc posts). Currently with Double RP, I am enjoying the upgrades, yet for some reason my upgrades are taking a lot more tries than they have in the past. I have noticed others commenting on this as well.

    Maybe it is a bad run, but the sceptic in me says "Can I trust that Cryptic are not changing the stats to 'encourage' more purchases of Coals and Preservation Wards?" After mod6, the answer is sadly, no. How do we know they are not? Where is the transparency? What are the real stats? What changes will they make without telling us in future?

    I play the game, but I am dishartened by a lack or transparancy. Address this, Cryptic, or lose more players.

    You know what else they stole from me?

    The currency inventory used to be like normal inventory. They changed that to a listing view with numbers. Before they changed, I had 2500 or so drake seals. After they changed, the cap is 500 drake seals, so the 2000 extra that I had vanished. No notification. I contacted the support, no reply.
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The trust gap really keeps a person from spending money. Seriously. It is all about integrity. You make a game that is really difficult to exploit on one hand and on the other treat the players fairly and do not back stab them and you have a loyal player base who wants to spend money. Without those things...geez.

    The formula is like this: Game "X" lacks integrity. It tales away things players have earned and always charges more and more money to maintain the status quo. Game x lacks integrity which also means its security is fast and loose. All of those things together mean that a game with low to no integrity is a cess pit of exploits, bots, and gold spammers. Because people don't want to ut money into something shady. So they use bots and exploits.

    A bad scene all around.
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    tonyswu wrote: »
    You know what else they stole from me?

    The currency inventory used to be like normal inventory. They changed that to a listing view with numbers. Before they changed, I had 2500 or so drake seals. After they changed, the cap is 500 drake seals, so the 2000 extra that I had vanished. No notification. I contacted the support, no reply.

    Funny how it's considered theft if any customer uses an exploit or 3rd party hack of some sort to duplicate currency. Yet when the company simply "decrees" that the hours, and hours of a players time spent gathering event coinage to "save for" the next time the event comes around is worthless and simply erases their event currency that is somehow okay.

    Sure changes to the game are a normal event, but invalidating hours of a player time is rude taken to an extreme.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    25 preservation wards for a 40% chance upgrade. Can confirmed the RNG not taking into account failed attempts at some point sucks.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i just upgraded another rank 10 to rank 11 with 2 attempts.
    in this 2x event i upgrade 4 legendary gear, 4 rank 10 to rank 11, 1 artifact to legendary for about 130 preservation...which seems fine.

    the rng however its striky...sometimes you even get 60 fails to upgrade a rank 6.
    the best way i found to avoid this is moving in not crawded instances... may work may not its my placebo effect
  • edited May 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • krailovkrailov Member Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    It is interesting to note that since many threads have started on this aspect, in the last hour I have had a good level of successes in a row across toons (closer to what I would expect / was getting pre mod6)... Maybe the Gods are being nicer now?

    Might is not always right - the powerful sometimes forget that.

    The Small Band
  • onegaki101onegaki101 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Just luck, like in real life. Random numbers, sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't. I have upgraded many r10s on the first try and some that took 23+ tries. Worst one so far is 25 tries on a 30% chance. But yes, they have loss a lot of trust among the players. I feel the biggest ways they have lost trust is via their patch notes bugs. Some that come to mind:

    1.) Greater Bags of Holding were to become bound on equip and that any already equip would become bound. This cause many people to unequip them from many of their alt characters where they no longer wanted those bags. The problem with this is that it was a lie, if you kept it equipped, they would not become bound. Only after you unequip and equip again would it become bound. This, to many players, make them feel cheated and tricked as it did not do as was mentioned. It may help increase the sales in bags in the short run, but it causes players to distrust you more and more which may force players to leave.

    2.) Glyphs stacking if they have not been used. This was part of Mod6 release notes, yet it has never worked in preview all this time. Why release this on the notes if it is not working?

    More focus should first be put on fixing the multiple amount of bugs that exists in class powers(not talking about class imbalances, just making powers work as described on the tool tip and/or fix the tool tip). It is impossible to balance classes when powers do not work appropriately or described accordingly via tooltip. Having powers work accordingly and correct and truthful patch notes will greatly help recover the trust they have lost.
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    eldarth wrote: »
    Funny how it's considered theft if any customer uses an exploit or 3rd party hack of some sort to duplicate currency. Yet when the company simply "decrees" that the hours, and hours of a players time spent gathering event coinage to "save for" the next time the event comes around is worthless and simply erases their event currency that is somehow okay.

    I'm fairly certain that something to that avail is hidden somewhere in all the legalese in the ToS...

    ...else their lawyers wouldn't be worth the air they breathe.

    eldarth wrote: »
    Sure changes to the game are a normal event, but invalidating hours of a player time is rude taken to an extreme.

    On a normal human reasoning scale you're absolutely right. But currently the whole affair is governed by some people who think like (and think everybody does and/or should think like) the hypothetical **** oeconomicus. That those never would spend neither a cent nor an hour of their time on games like this is a completely different topic...
  • noetic2noetic2 Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I've been reading about the Dragon Hoard nerf, but don't understand it. I assumed that it was like enchantments. Cool-down of 30 seconds or so before one will drop. But with all the farming I've done for refining weekend, it has become clear to me it doesn't work that way. Drops are sporadic to say the least. I'll do well for a period of time, and then, nothing. Limit on the number of drops you get in a day? An hour? And why is it that I sometimes can use weapon and armor drops for refinement. And sometimes not?
  • noetic2noetic2 Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    For some strange reason when I think "Cryptic" it comes out "Cynic."
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    noetic2 wrote: »
    [...] And why is it that I sometimes can use weapon and armor drops for refinement. And sometimes not?

    If you're refining "old school", Lvl 60 ArtiGear, all IDed gear Lvl 60 or above will work. If you're refining new, Lvl 70 ArtiGear, then the Lvl of the gear you want to melt down into that has to be 70, too. So the 69s you get even from campaigns won't work there...

    ...you can, however, spend a few AD (5-10k) and buy an old belt or cloak on the AH, or use one you still have from pre-Mod-6 times, and refine that with lower gear, and eventually dump that into a new-style Lvl 70 ArtiGear item. With the known efficiency, i.e. ca. 40% RP value regularly, ca. 80% on 2x RP event time.
  • silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I think Cryptic needs to reevaluate their model. I have noticed things happening here and there that may be indicative of behind-the-scenes manipulation that bother me. Is it enough to keep my from playing? The jury is still out on that one.

    I'd like Neverwinter to use the same model as a very popular top-down RPG that only sells vanity items. Everything else comes from playing. textile. But it's probably too late to turn the mothership around.

    Trust is easily lost and extremely tough to gain back. I hope Cryptic turns around towards being player friendly. Currently, they seem to be ambivalent at best.

    Along those lines, I'd also like to point out that we all know the devs have a boss like most of us do. Sometimes, the powers that be demand things of us that we know are wrong but, if we want another paycheck, we have to do as they say. I'm not saying the devs are violating their own ethics or beliefs but that pragmatism sometimes wins the day.

    Nothing will change in this game until the upper echelons realize that selling 100 $5 items is, in reality, better for the game and community than selling 20 $25 Zen "must have" items. Vanity items are a big seller but my vanity in this game ends at a certain point; usually around $5 :)
    I aim to misbehave
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    silence1x wrote: »
    I think Cryptic needs to reevaluate their model. I have noticed things happening here and there that may be indicative of behind-the-scenes manipulation that bother me. Is it enough to keep my from playing? The jury is still out on that one.

    I'd like Neverwinter to use the same model as a very popular top-down RPG that only sells vanity items. Everything else comes from playing. textile. But it's probably too late to turn the mothership around.

    Trust is easily lost and extremely tough to gain back. I hope Cryptic turns around towards being player friendly. Currently, they seem to be ambivalent at best.

    Along those lines, I'd also like to point out that we all know the devs have a boss like most of us do. Sometimes, the powers that be demand things of us that we know are wrong but, if we want another paycheck, we have to do as they say. I'm not saying the devs are violating their own ethics or beliefs but that pragmatism sometimes wins the day.

    Nothing will change in this game until the upper echelons realize that selling 100 $5 items is, in reality, better for the game and community than selling 20 $25 Zen "must have" items. Vanity items are a big seller but my vanity in this game ends at a certain point; usually around $5 :)

    Thats how many games do it.. you play to gear, you buy for conviences.

    So in the last major mmo I played, I bought a wardrobe (account, ten dollars) a stable (account ten dollars) bag slots (ten per slot, 4 total = 40 dollars for ACCOUNT) then you would purchase things like extra bank slots (5 per character for 20 at time) shared bank slots (you got like 15 at a time for 5 bucks)

    Each then release cost like 29.99 to purchase.

    I would MUCH rather spend like that, get things I either could use or not and buy the mods, then do what they do here..

    I was fine with thier business model until they gated RP, I like many others have constantly warned them.. we will not buy thier RP, the moment they force us to, thats it, done. Its a line in the sand issue to me, it smacks of things we cannot even mention here, so I wont.

    ITs a very bad business model and frankly goes against everything that a MMO should stand for.
  • myowmyowmyowmyow Member Posts: 1,923 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    silence1x wrote: »
    I think Cryptic needs to reevaluate their model. I have noticed things happening here and there that may be indicative of behind-the-scenes manipulation that bother me. Is it enough to keep my from playing? The jury is still out on that one.

    I'd like Neverwinter to use the same model as a very popular top-down RPG that only sells vanity items. Everything else comes from playing. textile. But it's probably too late to turn the mothership around.

    Trust is easily lost and extremely tough to gain back. I hope Cryptic turns around towards being player friendly. Currently, they seem to be ambivalent at best.

    Along those lines, I'd also like to point out that we all know the devs have a boss like most of us do. Sometimes, the powers that be demand things of us that we know are wrong but, if we want another paycheck, we have to do as they say. I'm not saying the devs are violating their own ethics or beliefs but that pragmatism sometimes wins the day.

    Nothing will change in this game until the upper echelons realize that selling 100 $5 items is, in reality, better for the game and community than selling 20 $25 Zen "must have" items. Vanity items are a big seller but my vanity in this game ends at a certain point; usually around $5 :)
    silverkelt wrote: »
    Thats how many games do it.. you play to gear, you buy for conviences.

    So in the last major mmo I played, I bought a wardrobe (account, ten dollars) a stable (account ten dollars) bag slots (ten per slot, 4 total = 40 dollars for ACCOUNT) then you would purchase things like extra bank slots (5 per character for 20 at time) shared bank slots (you got like 15 at a time for 5 bucks)

    Each then release cost like 29.99 to purchase.

    I would MUCH rather spend like that, get things I either could use or not and buy the mods, then do what they do here..

    I was fine with thier business model until they gated RP, I like many others have constantly warned them.. we will not buy thier RP, the moment they force us to, thats it, done. Its a line in the sand issue to me, it smacks of things we cannot even mention here, so I wont.

    ITs a very bad business model and frankly goes against everything that a MMO should stand for.

    Excellent analysis both of you! I can only hope that those at Cryptic with the power to make decisions happen (management) will take these words to heart . . . I'd hate to see this game go down in flames . . .
    SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! (repeat indefinitely)

    myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
    pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
    looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    myowmyow wrote: »
    Excellent analysis both of you! I can only hope that those at Cryptic with the power to make decisions happen (management) will take these words to heart . . . I'd hate to see this game go down in flames . . .


    It won't go down in flames - after all Cryptic's employees want to keep their jobs. But unless something's done, and done soon, it'll go down the path of slow, wilting death of games that alienated their core playerbase. Because once the broad mass of players decides not to leave their smaller amounts of money here, the whales will lack punching balls and/or admirers and/or enviers - and leave, too.
  • edited May 2015
    This content has been removed.
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