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Auctions Philosophy

dgwardgwar Member Posts: 3 Arc User
So I'm new to this game as far as the XBone is concerned (Barely 60 and gearing up) and really didn't get too far in the game on PC for the sole fact that my PC turned into a night stand. Anyways I just wanted to comment on the fact that as far as all my MMO experience goes the game's only real flaw so far seems to be the AH.

Now I know this may be a repeat of a repeat of a necro'd thread of a repeat but...

Who the hell taught you people how to AH? Seriously... I post things up sometimes 20% below average ON A BUYOUT and you know what? I get my AD and I get it fast. Then i want to spend it, and here's where it gets tricky... Because almost nothing has a a buyout and the things that do are so over inflated that it's almost insane. I can't even really in good conscience condone the logic behind this. I understand wanting a good price, i do. I also understand not wanting to get ripped off. But what i don't understand is why in a game economy where supply is in great amounts, and the demand is in even greater amounts that there's almost no BUYOUT prices. 70k AD for a dragon bone longbow was the average the other day. And I wanted to get one for my friend and myself, however... I only had enough for his because well, ****. That's a lot of cheddar for people not wanting to fork over a lot of cash.

Post a buyout and try to undercut others for the sake of economy.
Post edited by dgwar on


  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    its because its new and people dont know what to put the price at so they let the customers decide. i know its fustrating but it will pass i recommend saving your ad and try ot profit off of it now and hoard ad like its life cause later youll be rich cause of it. and work on leadership on multiple chars!!!!
  • dgwardgwar Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Lol, there's more professions than leadership?! Jk but yea I get it, it's just frustrating.
    And don't get my started on trade chat.
    I wish i could just leave it.
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    yup some of those trades are ridiculous er most of them are.it makes me feel like they want 5 copper for a brilliant diamond.
  • fflymaxsterlingfflymaxsterling Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I honestly wish I stood next to some of these idiots so I can smack some common sense into them. If a white companion is selling for 2,000 ADs, where the hell do these morons get starting bids of 50,000 - 100,000 ADs for a green companion? Starting bids! Pure stupidity. I mean, come on. I can see pages of overpriced items without a starting bid even placed. Just an ounce of common sense would indicate that it's way overpriced.
  • valkyria9001valkyria9001 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    We just need to wait for the prices to even out, the game is still relatively new but as soon as it stabilises it should be fine. I know a lot of people post for stupid amounts for that one person to accidentally buy it or whatever. Some other stupid things I've seen is people buying epic dungeon keys for 10k or so from auction house. you can buy them whenever for 5k just by going Start > Store > Wondrous Bazaar. But that just proves my point that either some people are too lazy to navigate the menues properly on start of the game and assume you can't just buy most of the stuff up.
  • mrtehpuppymrtehpuppy Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    dgwar wrote: »
    I post things up sometimes 20% below average ON A BUYOUT and you know what? I get my AD and I get it fast. .

    That's because you have people like me on the AH who buy your item and then relist it for 5% above average, where it sells in a day or two. I sincerely love people like you lookin' to make a quick buck! You guys basically just hand me free money just because I have a little more patience.

    On topic, prices aren't as inflated as you think they are. If anything, prices will only go up in a lot of the markets. Normal vorpal enchantments going for 500k AD right now? HA! That's a steal! Those things will sell for around 1 mill AD in a few months. The only over inflated item prices that are present in the market, are there, because people are actually buying things at those prices. If it doesn't sell at that price? It expires, the person who listed it eats a huge listing fee and either relists the item at a lower price, or continues to list it at a price no one will pay and continues to lose money due to listing fees.

    As it stands right now, it's mathematically cheaper to buy ALL of your gear enchants because people are selling them for much less than the cost it takes to even MAKE the enchantment. This is becoming a problem in the Armor reinforcement kit market too. Things aren't too expensive, things are too cheap. For the example of your Dragonbone bow, i point you towards the economic concept of supply and demand. There are a proverbial shiP load of Hunter Rangers in the game. In fact I'd wager that it's likely a class that is neck and neck with TRs for being the most commonly rolled and played class in the game. Having a higher population of that class puts all of that class's items in a much higher demand, making them worth more.
    Member of Look Good Play Good
    Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC
    XBL GT: TehPuppy
  • brandonv516brandonv516 Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2015
    I find it amazing that gold is becoming valuable...
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