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The best way to solve greed kicking

pufpuffpasspufpuffpass Member Posts: 88
Ok guys. This solution is very very simple. Devs should be able to implement it easily enough as my idea is used in another aspect of the game. Which aspect? Praying!

Make it so you can only vote to kick in a campfire. Anyone who wants to vote, would have to be in the campfire. This would eliminate literally all greed kicking. Even if a troll died, stands on campfire while team is fighting the final boss, he couldn't get a kick as noone else would be in the campfire.

Make majority vote actually be 3 instead of 2. This would mean the majority of the team actually has to want to kick. They would have to want to enough to stand idle in a campfire. Also not everyone is ok with kicking. So making the vote need the ACTUAL majority of the group, this would tone down on kicking in general.

Any feedback? I think these ideas could be implemented very quickly if the devs got a chance to read this. Lets get this thread some views in hopes to end headaches!
Post edited by pufpuffpass on


  • majordogmeatmajordogmeat Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Any feedback? I think these ideas could be implemented very quickly if the devs got a chance to read this. Lets get this thread some views in hopes to end headaches!

    Given a party, that is non-trolling, generally well meaning people but has one ***-clown. Does that *** clown have to be at the campfire to get kicked? If so, what if ***-clown never comes to campfire.

    Given the above scenario, trolling party's would have to carry 3 trolls and just campfire all 3 and kick people till their trolly black hearts burst.

    I think a previous suggestion (in another thread) of not allowing the vote screen to pop in combat, and the loot screen should be suppressed as well. Once combat is finished it Ques the loot screen and waits for all resolutions. Then, once all loot is resolved, it should pop a vote screen. This method isn't foolproof either, but it prevents loot trolling and allows for teams to reconstruct as necessary.
  • pufpuffpasspufpuffpass Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2015
    The vote to kick would be the only thing you need to be in a campfire for. As in, all three votes for yes, those people would have to be in campfires. Whoever Is getting kicked would not.

    Yes trolls would still persist. But it would make it harder. Instead of two trolls they would need three, all standing idle. You can easily go to recent players n make it so they are blocked preventing future encounters.

    Trolls will always be there, just to be honest. But making it harder for trolls to troll should be a priority as it is ruining peoples games.
  • morgonmgcmorgonmgc Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2015
    Make majority vote actually be 3 instead of 2.

    It's my understanding that it's already three votes (including the initiator, who is obviously an automatic yes) required to kick. If you mean all four people need to vote, that would make things a lot more difficult, as you might only have four people in your group.
  • malevolent215malevolent215 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    First off.... 3 votes are required to kick, I don't know where the confusion lately started from, but it is 3 for a group of 5.

    Now as for the OP's idea....

    As odd as his idea sounds, it actually is a great idea, and would help the situation greatly.

    No more boss kicks
    No more "your the same class as me" kicks
    No more "You picked up an item I don't want you to pick up" kicks.
    No more I'm lazy and just agree to kick kicks

    The only remaining common kick spot I could see is the fire right before the boss.

    Besides that it would actually require a true team majority decision to kick someone instead of the popular "I'm just going to agree to kick so they don't kick me". Otherwise, if a team is looking for a healer or tank it would be very obvious to the person joining and would also put the fault of being kicked on the Queue System instead of the joiner or team.

    So I approve of this idea. It's not a complete remedy, but would help the exponentially without causes more abuse.
  • rangerman25rangerman25 Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2015
    First off.... 3 votes are required to kick, I don't know where the confusion lately started from, but it is 3 for a group of 5.

    Now as for the OP's idea....

    As odd as his idea sounds, it actually is a great idea, and would help the situation greatly.

    No more boss kicks
    No more "your the same class as me" kicks
    No more "You picked up an item I don't want you to pick up" kicks.
    No more I'm lazy and just agree to kick kicks

    The only remaining common kick spot I could see is the fire right before the boss.

    Besides that it would actually require a true team majority decision to kick someone instead of the popular "I'm just going to agree to kick so they don't kick me". Otherwise, if a team is looking for a healer or tank it would be very obvious to the person joining and would also put the fault of being kicked on the Queue System instead of the joiner or team.

    So I approve of this idea. It's not a complete remedy, but would help the exponentially without causes more abuse.

    But I doubt the devs would implement it . Although I agree it would fix a lot of problems
  • pufpuffpasspufpuffpass Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2015
    Thank you for stating it is already 3 votes and not two. I don't know where I picked that info up but thank you for clarifying. And thanks for reading guys.

    If this generates enough views/replies it may be fixed. The confirmation box was added for leaving group after all( can't confirm as my Xbox is down at the moment)
  • wanabespidermanwanabespiderman Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    AGREED. Not a perfect system, but definitely much better than the current system.
  • wanabespidermanwanabespiderman Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I think a previous suggestion (in another thread) of not allowing the vote screen to pop in combat, and the loot screen should be suppressed as well. Once combat is finished it Ques the loot screen and waits for all resolutions. Then, once all loot is resolved, it should pop a vote screen. This method isn't foolproof either, but it prevents loot trolling and allows for teams to reconstruct as necessary.

    YES, this^ would be so much better. Last night one person in the party was picking up every single green item during dungeon combat and everyone kept passing to clear their screens. That one person was revealed because they won every roll. Forcing them to wait until combat is over would be amazing.
  • shadowdwpshadowdwp Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I roll greed because I've seen too many pug's leave loot behind even blues when everyone passes I'd rather everyone roll greed and not have things left lying on the floor. If someone set-off the roll then just hit the buttons quick to roll greed. It is annoying when people set it off during fights though. If everyone passes then whoever runs over it again can just pick it up no roll so what's worse. Most people don't talk during dungeons when doing random parties.
  • dannyc99dannyc99 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I wish once you had hit need/greed you could still get the item even if greedy <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> in a sweaty guild vote to kick. The roll should count so long as you have hit need/greed.
  • dannyc99dannyc99 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    This will never get fixed it was raised way back when 2 years ago on the PC version and it hasn't been fixed since then so wont get fixed ever
  • dannyc99dannyc99 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Vote to kick should not be allowed after the final boss is beat end of, once he is dead there should be no way to kick until you have exited the dungeon, but the developers don't give a toss so all we can do is rant a lil call the **** kids of the game exactly that and carry on lol
  • masterwolf56masterwolf56 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    If a voter does not vote, lets's the timer run out, it's counted as three votes. Found out the hard way when a team mate didn't vote and we got hijacked in Castle Never. I give a fair warning to people not to loot greens do them on your own time. If they persist my buddies will kick. We don't generally kick unless the player doesn't pull their weight. Eg., spawning in when we're four manning the boss. Everyone was at the event and we were in ELoL. If you can't partake in the fight we'll kick before we loot.
  • eldarion79eldarion79 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I only kick when the player is disconnected beyond the first boss and the team is having some difficulties because we need that extra help. However, I will always press NO if it is not that reason. I hate being kicked and I don't want others to have that feeling.
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