Have been scouring the forums, returning player, but jumping on the Xbox which I know is (I think, sorta) mod5, and am looking for the best build for tanking/aggro/buffing and team play dungeon running. Not really worried too much about DPS as long as I'm able to complete my campaigns (though we only have one right now). I know Mod6 is coming out later and supposedly mobs will hit you so hard your grandchildrens ovaries will feel it, so it seems some people are recommending protector but is that still the way to go in Mod5 and whatever else we'll be getting down the line, or is it tactician?
I've been a SM Tactician GF for a few mods now. I placed a few points in Protector for AC/Deflect but the rest go to Tactician for buffing yourself + party. In Mod 5 (which I believe the xbox is still on?) I used Guarded Assault/Enforced Threat combined with Fighters Recovery to keep myself healed. Daily would fill up fast and you could pretty much chain a Daily power with minimal cooldown. In Mod 6 as you stated it's a whole other ball game.
I cannot say for protector. The tact capstone relies on actually getting hit rather than blocking so the key to using it is learning the mob's attack animations and which hits you can take unguarded. So the sequence is block big hits and CC then cleave or use encounters for the smaller hits generating AP. This is you Diasho (as tact runs on fast AP generation) Fighter's recovery and Villians Menace. FR means that you can recover HP as fast as you are losing it. Since the GF gqains AP from 1. blocking, 2. dealing damage, and 3. taking un-blocked damage (as a tact) under heavy aggro from non-CC mobs you can basically be constantly in FR. VM does not recover HP but it greatly increases you damage. So when there is a lot of CC (which, in general does minimal damage, there are exceptions and this goes back to learning the attack animations) VM ups your damage and hence AP generation while taking small attacks which are also AP if tact and yet again you are constantly using dailies.
If you get really really good at reading the mob's attacks and responding in this sequence you might be ready to re-spec conq. With Reckless attacker rather than Martial Mastery you again build stacks by taking un-gaurded attacks. But instead gain damage instead of AP but damage also generates AP (and threat) regardless you still go 5 into protector because 5% deflect is sexier than a Catholic school prom quess and much easier at rank 1.
This is perfect information guys I really appreciate you taking the time out to respond and yeah we're still on mod 5 on the xbox so not looking into changes that will come in mod 6 for now, hopefully by then when we catch up some things will be figured out. Brilliant mates, thank you for all of the great info and things to think about.
Yup in Mod 5 and I think Mod 6 then Tactician is what you want to go for as it focused around party support/buffs. Just beware that Tactician GFs aren't as resilient as Protector ones therefore you will want to avoid damage when you can and block it when u have to.
i would say protector , tried both for months and it seemed better, post mod 6 especially whith this huge damage reduction protector swordmaster is great for those t2's bosses, at least according to my playstyle
If you get really really good at reading the mob's attacks and responding in this sequence you might be ready to re-spec conq. With Reckless attacker rather than Martial Mastery you again build stacks by taking un-gaurded attacks. But instead gain damage instead of AP but damage also generates AP (and threat) regardless you still go 5 into protector because 5% deflect is sexier than a Catholic school prom quess and much easier at rank 1.