I'm (fairly) new to Neverwinter, but today I was quite pleased that I would finally be able to pick up an artifact weapon from the harper legion store.
I picked up 6 Dragon Forged Steel assuming that's what I needed - boy was I wrong.
Freaking 60 gold all my coins and AD gone.
I suppose the gold I can get back eventually, though I think I would much rather have my resources back rather than something I don't know how to use. The steel doesnt even seem to be worth much on the market place so i can't even come close to breaking even.
Now every one of my resources is used up, and I have no idea what to do with this dragon forged steel - nor do I know how to get the shards I need to pick up the weapon from the store.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So by salvaging artifact weapons in the only way to get an artifact weapon?
So i need to salvage 6 to get one?
I don't think there is quite enough info there, but thanks!
I'll just look up on the wiki how to get a weapon, because purchasing from the store is obviously not how its meant to be done.
I imagine this must be explained at some point in the campaign, and I haven't reached/seen what needs to be done yet.
Can anyone confirm or deny that?
And if so is there an 'easy' way of doing it? The only thing I can think of is getting like 100 Drake Seals per weapon.
Anyways, I'm basically looking for how i ACTUALLY get the artifact weapons. Because at this point in the game, it hasn't been touched upon.
Ok that provided quite a bit more info.
Methinks I will continue with the campaign then, and see how much it explains at that point forward. I think im only 70% into the campaign atm.
Thanks for your time!
If anyone has any input, feel free to add
You get an artifact weapon at the end of the Tyranny of Dragons campaign... sort of. You can unlock it by playing Shores of Tuern (skirmish) and Lair of Lostmauth (dungeon). You need Dragon Forged Steel (which you now have lots of), Dragon Bone, and a Dragon Gem. The Dragon Bone drops at some dragons (very rare) or in the epic versions of Shores and Lair. The Dragon Gem drops in both the normal and epic versions of Shores and Lair. So you get it for free, but you have to grind for it.
(And you REALLY have to grind for it. I've run Shores 50+ times and Lair a handful of times but haven't seen anything but Greater Scrolls of Identification, Draconic Enchantments, and copper in the end chests.)
Or you can buy it all in the AH. Last I checked, Dragon Bone was ~20k and the Dragon Gem was ~150k.
Need 3 chests to get 6 shards (or get lucky on the 1st or 2nd chest to get the weapon you want)
I've run SoT (epic and normal) quite a few times, if I had to guess, somewhere north of 50... I have 1 dragon bone, the necklace, a couple infernal caps, a couple draconic cowls, and the 4th boon book to show for it. Have yet to see the gem.
Will continue to grind it. Unfortunately it is very straight forward, very boring after the 1st couple dozen runs, and the drop rates suck -
That's gross haha.
I can't handle most of the epic dungeons, so I have NO idea how I'm going to be able to obtain any of that stuff lol (GWF 11.5K).
Do you have to buy an epic key every time you run it and then just hope for the best?
Because 3 dragon bones and 3 gems, thats 510k AD, I don't think I'll ever have that much either. Mmmm....
I'm not currently at the point in the campaign where you supposedly get the 60+ skirmishes, so I have one daily a day for the same hour long dungeon for a mere 3k AD. Is there any efficient ways of making AD? (Without giving out too many well known secrets)
Farming epic dungeons is a good way to get AD. Get drops or buy Trash of the Unicorn/Drake stuff with seals, salvage or sell as appropriate, rinse and repeat. Using alts to run dailies and generate AD via Leadership profession is another (slower) way. Other than that it's all about market savvy and your understanding of economics.
BTW, a GWF with 11.5k GS should be able to run the epic dungeons no problem. People with 9k GS speed run the things.
All the Drake/Unicorn is salvagable right? If so, does any item in particular give the best AD/Seal ratio? I currently have everything I need out of there, so getting AD from them is a good idea (I dont know why i didnt think of that). And all epic dungeons have a chance of dropping for any particular class right? If so is there a fast(est) dungeon?
Sorry for all the questions.
And thanks a lot for helping out a noobie :P
Drake/Unicorn is salvageable but you can't put it up on the AH as it is bound to character on pick-up. The problem with salvaging is that you get unrefined ADs and you can only refine 24,000 a day.
I must have got lucky to get all that was needed quickly for the Artifact chest
Congrats . I shall see how long it takes soon enough .
Anyone have info on which items I should buy if i just plan on salvaging em? No point on holding on to these seals for nothing
Congrats . I shall see how long it takes soon enough .
Anyone have info on which items I should buy if i just plan on salvaging em? No point on holding on to these seals for nothing
Rings give the best return as far as AD per Seal goes.
To clarify for your original question, The Shards of Dragon Forge Steel are not the item you purchased (obviously, you figured that out the hard way). Dragon bones while supposibly rare, have dropped quite commonly for my guildmates and I off of the dragon in Whispering Caverns.When you open the Artifact weapon box your basically RNG rolled at a chance for an artifact weapon that will affect one of your At-Wills. So the idea is to get the artifact weapon that augments your most used At-Will ability. Because it is RNG that is determining which weapon you get, the game devs thought it nice to ensure of a way for you to guarantee you get the weapon you absolutely want eventually, if RNG screwed you over enough times. Each artifact box you open will contain a Shard of Dragon Forged Steel and an artifact weapon. So if your luck is absolutely the worst in the world, the most artifact boxes you'd ever have to open is 3 (because salvaging an artifact weapon also gives you a shard).
You seem to be all set on Dragon Forge Steel, I'd honestly recommend you sell 3 of them on the AH to try and negate some of your profit loss. Other than that? Do your daily dragon quests, ensuring to ALWAYS do the quests in Rotthe Valley and WHispering Caverns with the hopes of one of them dropping you a Dragon Bone. And in your free time, grind the Shores skirmish and try not to lose faith when you do it 50 times without getting a Dragon Gem. Doing the Epic version would preferable for grinding but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a great deal more difficult to pull of with random PUGs. If all else fails you can just buy your Dragon Gems, currently they are a great deal overpriced because everyone that started playing the game during week 1 is getting to the point where they need them. But give it another month or so and I'd expect Dragon Gems to run you no more than 20-30k. Hope I've been helpful to you
Member of Look Good Play Good Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC XBL GT: TehPuppy
Rings give the best return as far as AD per Seal goes.
To clarify for your original question, The Shards of Dragon Forge Steel are not the item you purchased (obviously, you figured that out the hard way). Dragon bones while supposibly rare, have dropped quite commonly for my guildmates and I off of the dragon in Whispering Caverns.When you open the Artifact weapon box your basically RNG rolled at a chance for an artifact weapon that will affect one of your At-Wills. So the idea is to get the artifact weapon that augments your most used At-Will ability. Because it is RNG that is determining which weapon you get, the game devs thought it nice to ensure of a way for you to guarantee you get the weapon you absolutely want eventually, if RNG screwed you over enough times. Each artifact box you open will contain a Shard of Dragon Forged Steel and an artifact weapon. So if your luck is absolutely the worst in the world, the most artifact boxes you'd ever have to open is 3 (because salvaging an artifact weapon also gives you a shard).
You seem to be all set on Dragon Forge Steel, I'd honestly recommend you sell 3 of them on the AH to try and negate some of your profit loss. Other than that? Do your daily dragon quests, ensuring to ALWAYS do the quests in Rotthe Valley and WHispering Caverns with the hopes of one of them dropping you a Dragon Bone. And in your free time, grind the Shores skirmish and try not to lose faith when you do it 50 times without getting a Dragon Gem. Doing the Epic version would preferable for grinding but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a great deal more difficult to pull of with random PUGs. If all else fails you can just buy your Dragon Gems, currently they are a great deal overpriced because everyone that started playing the game during week 1 is getting to the point where they need them. But give it another month or so and I'd expect Dragon Gems to run you no more than 20-30k. Hope I've been helpful to you
Very much so - thank you kindly!
If at worse RNG I only need 3 steel then selling the 3 extra sounds like a good idea.
I'm not quite at the point in the campaign yet where I have access to the Epic Skirmishes, but I will keep in mind the one's you've mentioned in my searches.
I'm currently searching around Rothe Valley as far as the campaign goes.
I've been doing dailies in every region each day so far (Neverdeath etc.)
I look forward to trying out the skirmishes now in the hopes of getting something . While I wait for my campaign to progress, I'll work on another character for extra AD.
Thanks for all the info!
I'm glad I came across your post. I literally almost made the same mistake, thinking I had enough to buy the 6 dragon forged steal from the shop keeper.
Lady Vayo TR - Silky OP - Lord Reven DC (retired) - Lady Luck HR (retired)
So if your luck is absolutely the worst in the world, the most artifact boxes you'd ever have to open is 3 (because salvaging an artifact weapon also gives you a shard).
I have the worst luck in the world. I've just done the artifact chest quest for the 3rd time, so in 20 hours time i'll be opening my 3rd chest for a chance at the correct weapon. RNG hates me!
So i need to salvage 6 to get one?
I don't think there is quite enough info there, but thanks!
I'll just look up on the wiki how to get a weapon, because purchasing from the store is obviously not how its meant to be done.
I imagine this must be explained at some point in the campaign, and I haven't reached/seen what needs to be done yet.
And if so is there an 'easy' way of doing it? The only thing I can think of is getting like 100 Drake Seals per weapon.
Anyways, I'm basically looking for how i ACTUALLY get the artifact weapons. Because at this point in the game, it hasn't been touched upon.
Methinks I will continue with the campaign then, and see how much it explains at that point forward. I think im only 70% into the campaign atm.
Thanks for your time!
If anyone has any input, feel free to add
(And you REALLY have to grind for it. I've run Shores 50+ times and Lair a handful of times but haven't seen anything but Greater Scrolls of Identification, Draconic Enchantments, and copper in the end chests.)
Or you can buy it all in the AH. Last I checked, Dragon Bone was ~20k and the Dragon Gem was ~150k.
Refine artifact weapon = 1 shard.
Need 3 chests to get 6 shards (or get lucky on the 1st or 2nd chest to get the weapon you want)
I've run SoT (epic and normal) quite a few times, if I had to guess, somewhere north of 50... I have 1 dragon bone, the necklace, a couple infernal caps, a couple draconic cowls, and the 4th boon book to show for it. Have yet to see the gem.
Will continue to grind it. Unfortunately it is very straight forward, very boring after the 1st couple dozen runs, and the drop rates suck -
enchant, 66, scroll
enchant, 66, scroll
enchant, 66, scroll
enchant, 66, scroll
enchant, 66, scroll
enchant, 66, scroll
enchant, 66, scroll...
I can't handle most of the epic dungeons, so I have NO idea how I'm going to be able to obtain any of that stuff lol (GWF 11.5K).
Do you have to buy an epic key every time you run it and then just hope for the best?
Because 3 dragon bones and 3 gems, thats 510k AD, I don't think I'll ever have that much either. Mmmm....
I'm not currently at the point in the campaign where you supposedly get the 60+ skirmishes, so I have one daily a day for the same hour long dungeon for a mere 3k AD. Is there any efficient ways of making AD? (Without giving out too many well known secrets)
BTW, a GWF with 11.5k GS should be able to run the epic dungeons no problem. People with 9k GS speed run the things.
All the Drake/Unicorn is salvagable right? If so, does any item in particular give the best AD/Seal ratio? I currently have everything I need out of there, so getting AD from them is a good idea (I dont know why i didnt think of that). And all epic dungeons have a chance of dropping for any particular class right? If so is there a fast(est) dungeon?
Sorry for all the questions.
And thanks a lot for helping out a noobie :P
I must have got lucky to get all that was needed quickly for the Artifact chest
Anyone have info on which items I should buy if i just plan on salvaging em? No point on holding on to these seals for nothing
Rings give the best return as far as AD per Seal goes.
To clarify for your original question, The Shards of Dragon Forge Steel are not the item you purchased (obviously, you figured that out the hard way). Dragon bones while supposibly rare, have dropped quite commonly for my guildmates and I off of the dragon in Whispering Caverns.When you open the Artifact weapon box your basically RNG rolled at a chance for an artifact weapon that will affect one of your At-Wills. So the idea is to get the artifact weapon that augments your most used At-Will ability. Because it is RNG that is determining which weapon you get, the game devs thought it nice to ensure of a way for you to guarantee you get the weapon you absolutely want eventually, if RNG screwed you over enough times. Each artifact box you open will contain a Shard of Dragon Forged Steel and an artifact weapon. So if your luck is absolutely the worst in the world, the most artifact boxes you'd ever have to open is 3 (because salvaging an artifact weapon also gives you a shard).
You seem to be all set on Dragon Forge Steel, I'd honestly recommend you sell 3 of them on the AH to try and negate some of your profit loss. Other than that? Do your daily dragon quests, ensuring to ALWAYS do the quests in Rotthe Valley and WHispering Caverns with the hopes of one of them dropping you a Dragon Bone. And in your free time, grind the Shores skirmish and try not to lose faith when you do it 50 times without getting a Dragon Gem. Doing the Epic version would preferable for grinding but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a great deal more difficult to pull of with random PUGs. If all else fails you can just buy your Dragon Gems, currently they are a great deal overpriced because everyone that started playing the game during week 1 is getting to the point where they need them. But give it another month or so and I'd expect Dragon Gems to run you no more than 20-30k. Hope I've been helpful to you
Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC
XBL GT: TehPuppy
Very much so - thank you kindly!
If at worse RNG I only need 3 steel then selling the 3 extra sounds like a good idea.
I'm not quite at the point in the campaign yet where I have access to the Epic Skirmishes, but I will keep in mind the one's you've mentioned in my searches.
I'm currently searching around Rothe Valley as far as the campaign goes.
I've been doing dailies in every region each day so far (Neverdeath etc.)
I look forward to trying out the skirmishes now in the hopes of getting something
Thanks for all the info!
I have the worst luck in the world. I've just done the artifact chest quest for the 3rd time, so in 20 hours time i'll be opening my 3rd chest for a chance at the correct weapon. RNG hates me!