Was in a low level epic dungeon and one of the queued folks would want to kick folks "for being a &*^%" every 10 minutes. Everyone else was to blame for everything wrong that happened to him. Obnoxious. Don't be "this"guy.
I was doing Dred Vault last night (daily, not epic) and it was a really bad group, they kept wanting to kick everyone for nothing. I was healing so I was immune to most of it, I started "no" voting everything on principal.
We get to the boss and they can't understand the tentacles and keep wiping. People start quitting and new people join and the new people don't know how to get into the boss fight.
Through some confusion me and the (great) Scourge Warlock who was with us from the start end up starting the fight without anyone else, so just us two. We hesitate for a moment and say "eff it" and go for it.
We duo'd the whole boss encounter without a death. By the end the other people were yelling in their mics. One was pissed he couldn't play and tried to kick the Lock (again, Im healer so I was left alone) and some other guy told him to shut it "DUDE THEY ARE DOING IT! LEAVE IT ALONE!"
When we downed him it was amazing, everyone was screaming.
I didn't have the heart to mention to them I had ~10,000 gear score and this was cake compared to pretty much everything else level 60. Still, felt good man.
Unlucky for him, the rest of the party were there with me, so he got kicked instead.
We get to the boss and they can't understand the tentacles and keep wiping. People start quitting and new people join and the new people don't know how to get into the boss fight.
Through some confusion me and the (great) Scourge Warlock who was with us from the start end up starting the fight without anyone else, so just us two. We hesitate for a moment and say "eff it" and go for it.
We duo'd the whole boss encounter without a death. By the end the other people were yelling in their mics. One was pissed he couldn't play and tried to kick the Lock (again, Im healer so I was left alone) and some other guy told him to shut it "DUDE THEY ARE DOING IT! LEAVE IT ALONE!"
When we downed him it was amazing, everyone was screaming.
I didn't have the heart to mention to them I had ~10,000 gear score and this was cake compared to pretty much everything else level 60. Still, felt good man.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com