So I can't seem to do any dailies, any time I am jumped to lvl 70 I get my but kick or it takes forever to kill 3 to 4 guys.
I have wasted a lot of Astral's leveling up my gear to 61 hoping that would help.
I can't even do my Dragon dailies any more.
Any help or links as to what I can do other then the Arch druid quests which seems really boring and the new repeat level 60 area would be great, thanks
Oh and standing around asking for help with quests gets no where.
It would seem they need a better scaling. keep it hard just scale to how many players doing a run.
For dailies only.
I believe they moved all the dailies to be level 70, except maybe the TOD ones. I used them for leveling and its a far more entertaining way to do it (which says a LOT about the 61-70 grind right there). Shar, DR, IWD are all extremely hard pre 70 without a group.
Or just do the new content that is made for leveling.
Jeez, it's just a few days, and you might actually enjoy some of the quests.