I was leveling my new Oathbound Paladin today...
I received a new shield and I wanted to see if it was better than my existing shield.
The rare shield that was equipped was IL:33 and the new common shield was IL:39. The difference was +2 Defense; +29 Deflect, but a loss of 3 AC. The tiny benefit to Defense/Deflect caused a significant difference of 6 item levels... However, the real problem here is that
the loss of 3 AC is a lot more overall damage resistance than the defense and deflect values combined. The rare shield is far superior protection even though it has a much smaller item level.
The other day when I checked the stats of a DC resting at the fire place, she only has one artifact slotted, I have three. My HP is about 6k more than hers, my power 4k+ more than hers, Armpen, Recovery, Crit, Def, all far higher than hers but guess what? Her item level is the same as mine xD
Mod 6 is really bleh.
Lvl 70 Oathbound Paladin
Lvl 60 Spellstorm Mage
Lvl 70 Oathbound Paladin
Lvl 60 Spellstorm Mage
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
Inspect anyone - they all have exactly the same item level as you ... it's a bug (or maybe a deliberate move from the devs to keep us from comparing this number). So look at their gear, ignore the number.
Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
I hope this is true. It would eliminate the elitist ejects based on Item Level score (as it was previously with GS). Gear Score then and Item level score now does not a good or bad player dictate. So if what you say is true: it's a genius idea and kudos to Devs for thinking of it.
If it's a bug then it's one that should remain in place.
I think what you meant to say was skill..
Yea, all the new dungeons are a walk in the park and as long as you have 1.6 or 2k IL you are fine. If you fail, it is the elitists fault for not beeing able to carry you. Sarcasm off.
"Elitism" is just another word for "jerk" or even HAMSTER$hat sometimes.
This is a cooperative game in these instances. So you can be a jerk and just kick someone who is still trying to learn and improve just like you did when you were in their shoes, or you can deal with it, make a friend and actually help out. But it would be your call on that.
Drakeos Shadowbow - 60 Combat Pathfinder Hunter Ranger (Alt/retired)
Falados - Drow (Mez) Level 60 Trickster Rogue - Offically retired
Drakeos - Drow (Mez) Scourge Warlock/Druid (retired)
Won't happen in the same way that it happened with gear score. The reason is in gear score boons counted, so what happened was you could gear a friend out and they couldn't get into dungeons with you because of the innate delay of getting boons. In addition some boons counted and others didn't. In the new system boons don't count, so if you actually just put on decent gear you will always hit the item level needed. There is far less ways to not hit an item level break point and still claim "I got good gear" then there was in gear score
I know you don't want to read this, but I'll throw it out there anyway. The higher the number the greater the allowance for stats. Each stat has an individual weight, so an item with a score of 100 might allow for 100 life steal, or 50 hit point, or 50 life steal & 25 hit points. You can see that some items with the same score could be absolute HAMSTER while others are godly.
The score is a benchmark, it relates to the level of the gear not it's effectiveness.
take into account gear that is superior because of its set bonuses.
I think that when you inspect someone its showing your item level instead of their item level
GS, or AIL is only an indicator of how many stats the gear has. It does not indicate whether or not those stats are appropriate to the character. For instance, a CW doesn't need 5K Deflect and Regen, with 1K power, ArP, and crit, though it would give a high score.
All my toons have different AILs. They ranged from 11K to 19K. However, I did notice that my 19K CW had the same AIL as a 24K CW guildmate.
This would explain it, though I don't inspect many people now that you can't do it from chat.