Hey everyone,
Eminent Gaming was formed in 2014 and is a small group of friendly players based in the UK, not all of which play Neverwinter.
However, for those of us that do, we are active members, maybe not everyday, but atleast 3-5 days a week.
We have now decided to expand, bringing more friendly members over. We're not looking for tryhard members, but more member's than can have a laugh, and put up with how strange we all are :P
For some information about myself on Neverwinter, Im a level 60 Cleric, with a 10k gearscore, hoping to bring that up to 13k within the next week as Im playing a lot of T2 dungeons.
I priorities on healing, I know how to beat, and have beaten every boss now on the T2 epic dungeons, however, it has taken great difficulty, and a fair amount of time gathering up the right team's each time. Now I am hoping to find a decent constant team to work with and rinse through these dungeon's.
We do however have some requirements:
No rager's... we like to enjoy games rather than get worked up over them, if you're having difficult keeping calm, take a break.
Level 60... as we are mainly a clan that will focus on dungeon's, and do not intend to be a clan ending up with 1000+ clan members, we are hoping we get interest from those who also want to rinse through the dungeon's.
Have a mic... We all like to communicate, get to know who wereplaying with (obv not in depth, just be able to have a decent laugh with them ect)
be active... Im not saying as active as myself (3-5 days a week) I personally think I play too much aha, but aslong as your on for a couple of hours a couple days a week, then that's all good! Anymore would be a bonus! :P
Anyway, if you're interested, just post up a message on here
I am a SW lv 60 that wants to find a home for end game content, I try to be on during the week but I mainly play on weekends. I just picked up on NW been playing wow for a long time , am always prepared for fights and know what to do.
GT is coolgiou so drop me a prty invite to discuss if you think I'm a good fit for you guys.
thank you