0.1) I'm publishing this not to show how cool am I (everybody knows, xD), but to help you, guys, grind your linu's safely and fastly, because new mod is coming and nobody knows if tia is possible when it pops.
0.2) I'm also publishing this having a hope that it will be usefull not only to HRs but also to their party mates for better synergy to provide faster tiamat killing and to prevent fails.
0.3) I wish I could record a vid for you guys, but due to lag/old PC i cannot do it, therefore leaving only this screen here:-)
1. what you need to accomplish it:
1.1) you must be pathfinder trapper (better, but stormwarden can cope too)
1.2) you must have some HP and lifesteal (having pvp spec i have 35 HP and 1,5k lifesteal in PVE gear, but i think 28k HP and 1k lifesteal will work too, just a bit harder)
2. what powers to use:
passives: aspect of the lone wolf and aspect of the serpent;
encounters: rain of arrows, hindering shot/strike, constricting arrow (no kidding, throw fox away for tia)
daily powers: forest ghost, seismic/slasher's (optional)
at-wills: careful attack, any.
3.1. When summoners spawn, you rush to green or blue and cast seismic. Seismic gathers adds near summoner helping DC and SW to nuke them, or CW to hold them. After seismic immediately cast constricting arrow, then rain of arrows on summoner (and adds, if they are near). Use hindering strike as gap closer. If your party is good, all will die and you can pick gem and move to other summoner, if no, spam encounters trying to keep aggro close to boss, don't split mobs - they will die faster, if they are rooted on icy terrain. Don't shift like mad, when you shift you deal no damage. Try to keep as close to mobs as possible - you will have much aggro with rain and roots, as coupled they provide really decent damage.
Pick green or blue gem, white is to be taken by TR or GWF - they can break CC from white head, you cannot. While having no fox shift slotted you may die at blue head or green head without it.
3.2. When summoners are dead, pick middle, stand at the place where mobs spawn (i often pick right spawn point near the Severin). If red circle appears around you, dodge off, don't use gems or stay like a dumb. If you got lag and died, immediately respawn and come back, don't wait for party mates to revive you. HRs roots are worse for immobilizing mobs than DC chains or TR's smoke bomb or CW's steal time(mobs can run to clerics faster then you root them) but still they work if timed right (yes, it's hard with lag). Your primary goal is to get mobs aggro. That's why when you see the animation of devils spawning you immediately cast constricting arrow and then you use hindering strike to root all spawned mobs. When mobs are rooted you cast rain of arrows on them. Then you start to spawn encounter powers like mad. Mobs will hit you, but if your lifesteal is high, you won't die and you even won't need to dodge. You will just watch mobs' health fastly diminishing and your HP jumping from 40% to 100%. If you got extra hard hit (HP dropped to 5% or soulforged procced), dodge backward, cast something to recharge HP or drink pot and then immediately dodge forward. But if you have enough lifesteal, you really need no healing potions at tiamat (e.g. i simply have no place in tray to slot them).
3.3. Bad situations like ... DC with sunburst or CW with ice storm near you. Try to convince this ... to stop. If he is too ... to read the chat, then only you can do is to change position or try to provoke 1 of 2 possible situations: 1) he gets all aggro and dies, then you start doing what is described in 3.2; 2) he splits mobs, gets aggro, but doesn't die (dodges, runs away), mobs follow him - try to get mobs when they are close to him and root them (may be really hard).
Another bad situation is when you failed to root 1 or several mobs and they jumped to cleric - you follow them and root them there. TRs are often smart, and if TR comes with smoke bomb, you two will easily hold them there until other people will come and help you melt mobs. In this situation, don't forget to return to your position near mobs spawn point as soon as possible.
Good situations like: you and your team melt mobs fastly near the mob spawn and have some time to slack - use your at-wills and ranged encounters to help nearest people, but don't leave position and always make sure that you have hindering strike ready, if you already casted constricting arrow on some distant mobs.
3.4. when clerics weakened tiamat, you run to the head (use forest ghost, if you have aggro and cannot use mount) and immediately use careful attack on it. Then you cast rain of arrows. If your careful attack doesn't crit, recast it, if it already crits, spam other encounters and daily. When tiamat head is at 1/3 health, make sure that you have forest ghost ready, cast rain and reapply careful attack and run to other head. Forest Ghost is extremely good here to run fast. When i see other hunters using ME for fast moving at tia, it just makes me smile. If you really want to get fast to the head, you need to use slasher's mark - it's way easier. However, i prefer to run in stealth, because i'm lazy to swap seismic for slasher's and because slasher's mark can cause the situation when you fall from cliff (lag spikes + head tries to kick somebody or moves).
Don't use blue/green gem, until it's really nessesary! If ground is already covered with poison and you are the first who steps on this ground, shift forward twice, activate the gem and spam encounters from there until your party mate gets to the safe zone, dodges from there and activates another gem.
3.5. critical situations: when to revive/wait for revival.
In 1st phase: too many people died near red and you have about 20 seconds to burst it until tiamat is emerging. Before you start to revive somebody cast careful attack and rain of arrows at head.
In 2nd phase: too many people died near blue head in the beginning. Same as in the 1st phase.
In 3rd phase: heads are near death, many people fall: if you have noticed that SW (or TR) died near you revive him 1st: they are most valuable party members in the last phase.
Now when it's all ended you get your linu and you are among the top score players. Why?
1. damage. I did no parsing but i just see how much faster mobs die in comparison to the standard fox/constricting/hindering or fox/consricting/rain rotations. Practically you can hold mobs spawn point alone or with debuff DC in all situations except when red circle appeared right at mobs spawn point.
2. amount of damage taken. You take much damage from adds, while your lifesteal heals you.
3. amount of points healed. Same - lifesteal works awesome. (You "overheal" other party members)
4. kills. obvious - normal HR often has top kills in dungeons (and in PVP
5. deaths. - 0 or 1 soulforged procs if all is done right.
But don't be too proud of topping this table because half of your work is done by debuffers (DC, rene/MoF CW) and some other factors (thanks to
Aurelius Scaevola@jaegernl who revealed these factors and shared to me;-)).
Pretty well, all, guys, hope it helps.:-)
Than calls you an idiot for his lack of reading comprehension and name matching skills
Please stick to PVE, you're probably better at that
Yours Truly,
lmao .... !
oh i got first place for the first time , let's go show off on the forum
yeah i've got 260k and didn't think about making a guide HAHA.
Its a deacent try to a guide not much better or worse then others, cant see the need to bash it instead of writing some suggestion to improve it.
Fox, hindering and consticting is imho a better and faster way of keeping adds from clerics.
Fast hindering shift fox in hindering strike to root mobs then you can even turn to the second spawn and fire consticting arrow to root them also.
Fox gets you a very fast gap closer that allows you to root mobs away from dc (which I say is your primary job as Hr in this fight).
Seismic is nice and can be spammed a lot faster with pathfinder then storm + root makes pathfinder alot better in this fight then storm as I see it but that is up to play style *shrugg.
Only thing is that is a bit late I guess with module 6 hitting other then that as I said earlier no need to bash guides in general.
2) I'm better in whatever than you, still killing you without soulforged, and 1,5k less GS when you try to fight from back.:-) Poor you.:-) You forgot to say that there were 3 matches: 1, when you won, 2nd when i won, and you said that fighting HR vs HR is RNG, and 3rd, when you died from roots immediately after i fall. Then you started to pm me ****, and, well, i killed you a couple of times, and you killed me a couple of times - that was mean. But still, in case you obviously had advantage, you'd better just shut up and not bring a shame on yourself:-)
2. if you do everything right, erenyes never hit you
3. pathfinder is better because of carefull attack, which procs at 60-120k/hit at heads.
Issues ?
Anyhow a good way to close down a trhead :-).
About fox: yes, fox is a good gap closer and makes run pretty safe. But, no, RoA is better (especially in this place) - but it's risky. Still works:-) Try it.
I don't whine , i dont show off , and i keep what i know to myself
Don't take it personal , i didn't like your guide and i expressed my opinion , that's it .
HR section in general lacks guides from good players , This is a good and a bad thing in the same time
and those guys who wipe every day , they don't come to the forum and probably don't even speak your language .
Can maby be a bit about gear and what your trying to accomplish in the fight.
I tried a mix of different combination and set ups but with my gear 45khp 10k power 43% crit with p.vorp (in pve with red glyphs) staying in mid keeping mobs from reaching Dc using fox hindering consticting was what I ended up with.
I most of the time manage to keep both spawns in front from reaching dc with 3 roots + seiscic and fox dont care about the damage on the mobs but mostly am among the 3 top which I contribute to having high gs and fighting where the most mobs are more the anything else.
If i was purly going for high damage healing my set up would be different but my main goal is just to get the dcs prayer done as fast as possible and go crazy on heads ).
Am sure your way works good enough as long as you have a clear strat and dont run around aimlessly your contribution as a guide will do the job.
Idk whether to laugh at the joke you're trying to make or laugh to feel sorry for you
I told you that you were good at PVE what are you wasting your time crying to me for, your incredible at making up stories you should be making foundrys or something man but hey that's what dungeons and dragons is...making up stories
I'll shed some light for you. In BId you get zerged, you send QQ tells and ask for a 1v1.
You did not ever kill me 1v1 by the way never not never.
The first fight, Gg I killed you...you asked me for another fight...it was close I popped SF but I still killed you. Than I mentioned how hr vs hr can be very rng..
How did you respond? You sent me tells crying about yor gear vs mine and how when you get better gear you will **** me blah blah blah.
Than there was another Hr that wanted to 1v1 I accepted his challenge. We go on the bridge and k sent him a message saying go when rdy than he types in /say Go. He disrupt shot me rooted me and than somehow your reading comprehension took his GO as an invite to start attacking me. So I got double disrupted and double rooted allowing me to not do ****. We killed each other this fight or I walked away with little life I don't remember.
Than you proceed to come back and Pop on me with another Tr. You rooted me while I was semi afk and te TR shocking executioned me and yes you guys killed me here. He sent me a tell saying sorry I release see you standing and attacked you with an injured body from where I just died and no SF. Yes you killed me this fight as I had literally just died 5 seconds ago to a 2v1. After that I restoredy injury with kits and waited for SF than proceeded to come down and farm you until you started roasting marshmallows at the campfire.
This is the story and there were witnesses that saw this whole thing
I said GG giving you legit 1v1s but than you continued to act like a child by sending rage tells and cussing me out.
If you know I out gear you don't ask for 1v1s as you obviously inspected me. Just say Gg and move along simple as that
Black ice has corrupted your brain, dude, or... those were foundries?
Your amnesia is awful, but tell me more - your stories are exciting.
anytime anyplace we can 1v1, you name it
I can back up my skills, can you?
but still...
1. You started this bullsh1t in this topic (not devoted to pvp) and before this you insulted me twice or more in open zone, trying to prove how mean am I and that you are trying to be "the nice person".
2. I need not to prove you anything. I know my skills and I often correctly estimate when I'm better/worse than opponent. If YOU want to prove me/somebody else something, I'm always up for 1 on 1 and I never flee from combat even if I know that my opponent is stronger than I, as far as I know that it's the honest fight and the opponent is not a ****** that insults people without a reason.
3. I will remove you from my ignore list, feel free to challenge me anytime. However, if I get at least one insult from you (again), I will put you back in ignore list and will be shooting you on sight again if I meet you.
4. If you challenge me, here are my terms in advance: no healing potions (any: PVP, Ice forge), buffing potions are allowed, artifacts are allowed, fight till death (not till sf proc), companions: no cockatrice (can go for no companions at all, if you want).
5. I really hope that you will finally understand: THIS TOPIC IS ABOUT TIAMAT. Stop spamming here, please.
White gem is to be used *after* tia head burst. You use it to unfreeze caught teammates.
Therefore better idea is not to stand on red near the white head - lag can catch you, and having been frozen you cannot apply the gem.