I have a few questions that I have tried to research on my own but since I am completely new to Neverwinter its more of a "I don't know what I don't know" which makes it tough to find definitive answers to some of my questions. I do appreciate anyone's time in reading this post and helping direct me to answers or explaining in a reply.
There are several expansions for the PC that have already been released. The Xbox One is going to only have the Tyranny of Dragons and the base game from what I have read. This means that every expansion that predates ToD will not be available at launch. How does this affect the game? Meaning; by design the game was meant to play those expansions in order to build up to the most recent expansion. Will this make the previous expansions obsolete once they do add them to the Xbox?
As an older old school MMO gamer I enjoy the crafting aspect of MMO's. Is the crafting element in Neverwinter more of a novelty or is it useful? I guess what I mean is in alot of MMO's after a certain level the crafting aspect tends to be far behind and more of a novelty. You rarely see people with player crafted items or gear running around. With the exception of things like alchemy which even at end game alot of player made items are still used. Also are you limited by the number of crafting skills you can have? This one I researched alot but never found a definitive number of crafting skills any one player can have.
What is the solo-ability of this game? Yes I know this is an MMO meaning its meant to play with millions of other people but again as an older player with kids and a job my login time may be limited at times. I like a good balance of things you can do solo as well as group encounters. I have read up on the companion aspect and love the concept but from one gamer to another is this system effective? Does the companion AI really work? (Alot of issues with past MMO's and AI pathing to really cause concern). When it comes time for Dungeons is this a Que up type of system or do you need pre-made teams? If it is a Que system does the game balance the teams somehow? I cant remember what MMO I played but it had specific slots to Que up as and would only allow so many of a given type. (Examples: Tank, Healer, DPS)
These are the main questions I have for now and really do appreciate any insights you guys (and gals) may have. Thank you for your time!
Doing a bit of paraphrasing here to answer your questions. I had my own too but have a decent gaming rig and have been playing NW on PC for about a month now. So that should tell you I'm no true pro at this game. BUT, I've been doing MMOs since EQ so I can catch on quick.
1. Expansions? We will be getting the ToD expansion AND all content that has come before it. The game releases it's content as free upgrades they call "Modules". Each module builds on the previous one and typically has some game rebalancing in them. Older content is very much still relevant as the high end gear tends to be tiered. Meaning, "you can't do X dungeon until you have a gear score of Y and you can't get a gear score of Y until you get items out of Dungeon Z". Dungeon Z being the previous expansion content. There's also a "campaign" type system that is a bit convoluted in my opinion that nets you items by doing daily quests to earn specific currencies AND THEN using that currency to basically purchase the next step in the campaign... But I digress.
2. Professions are fairly hit or miss. The Leadership profession can net you some massive amounts of AD (the games main currency for buying from other players and some more high end NPC vendors) BUT only after some crazy time and effort invested. Some of the other stuff from the various professions carry with them varying levels of usefulness. For example, class specific professions are able to craft shirts and pants specific to that class which, as far as I'm aware, generally aren't gained via in game drops. Jewelry crafting CURRENTLY is worth it because the top end rings are the best in slot rings. But for how long that will be? I can't answer. The top end crafted gear aside from shirts and pants though are fairly worthless.
3. Companions are all but worthless. Granted, I haven't attained any of the higher end companions mainly because I don't plan on playing the PC version anymore once the Xbone version drops. I like consoles better (let's not get into the PC vs Console thing). Some companions are somewhat useful, but from all the research I've done, general opinion is that the Healer companion is the ONLY starter companion worth getting when you're given your first companion from a set list of choices. Beyond starter companions the most popular companion that I can tell is the "ioun Stone of Allure" which is less of a companion and more of an extra 3 armor slots to boost your stats.
4. You can solo from 1-60 no problem. There's also (on the PC version at least) a queue that matchmakes for you if you wish to do some of the group content. Most of the early group content is done fairly painlessly with a PUG. You won't have to really worry about actual communication in a group until you hit the T2 Epic dungeons. Everything prior to that is a cake walk. (You'll know what the difference is between T1 and T2 epic dungeons when you get there)
Hope this helps. Feel free to add me on Xbox, GT "TehPuppy" if you have any other questions or just want someone to play with.
Looks like I was mistaken on my answer to question 1. Having just read the article regarding what we will get on launch I see now that there are some expansions we will be missing even though they came out before ToD (as far as I'm aware). Sorry about that, like I said originally, just started playing the PC version a little bit ago. BUT I can tell you from experience that the content found in these other expansions is more of a sidegrade as far as equipment goes as opposed to an upgrade. So it'll all still be relevant. I COULD be mistaken there as I haven't gotten to o far in any of the end game content but thats the way it seems to me.
Member of Look Good Play Good Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC XBL GT: TehPuppy
Meaning; by design the game was meant to play those expansions in order to build up to the most recent expansion. Will this make the previous expansions obsolete once they do add them to the Xbox?
Each module is a self contained little chunk of content. ToD doesn't make Sharandar or Dread Ring or Gauntlgrym obsolete
as an older player with kids and a job my login time may be limited at times.
You can do any dungeon in less than 30 mins. When sharandar and dread ring are released, the daily quests there will take a half hour or less. This is NOT one of those games that requires large chunks of time to accomplish anything.
I have read up on the companion aspect and love the concept but from one gamer to another is this system effective? Does the companion AI really work?
no. They are cool / unique looking companions, but they are almost zero percent effective (except for the pets that boost YOUR stats instead of having their own). Fashion and unique-ness is its own reward sometimes.
Doing a bit of paraphrasing here to answer your questions. I had my own too but have a decent gaming rig and have been playing NW on PC for about a month now. So that should tell you I'm no true pro at this game. BUT, I've been doing MMOs since EQ so I can catch on quick.
1. Expansions? We will be getting the ToD expansion AND all content that has come before it. The game releases it's content as free upgrades they call "Modules". Each module builds on the previous one and typically has some game rebalancing in them. Older content is very much still relevant as the high end gear tends to be tiered. Meaning, "you can't do X dungeon until you have a gear score of Y and you can't get a gear score of Y until you get items out of Dungeon Z". Dungeon Z being the previous expansion content. There's also a "campaign" type system that is a bit convoluted in my opinion that nets you items by doing daily quests to earn specific currencies AND THEN using that currency to basically purchase the next step in the campaign... But I digress.
2. Professions are fairly hit or miss. The Leadership profession can net you some massive amounts of AD (the games main currency for buying from other players and some more high end NPC vendors) BUT only after some crazy time and effort invested. Some of the other stuff from the various professions carry with them varying levels of usefulness. For example, class specific professions are able to craft shirts and pants specific to that class which, as far as I'm aware, generally aren't gained via in game drops. Jewelry crafting CURRENTLY is worth it because the top end rings are the best in slot rings. But for how long that will be? I can't answer. The top end crafted gear aside from shirts and pants though are fairly worthless.
3. Companions are all but worthless. Granted, I haven't attained any of the higher end companions mainly because I don't plan on playing the PC version anymore once the Xbone version drops. I like consoles better (let's not get into the PC vs Console thing). Some companions are somewhat useful, but from all the research I've done, general opinion is that the Healer companion is the ONLY starter companion worth getting when you're given your first companion from a set list of choices. Beyond starter companions the most popular companion that I can tell is the "ioun Stone of Allure" which is less of a companion and more of an extra 3 armor slots to boost your stats.
4. You can solo from 1-60 no problem. There's also (on the PC version at least) a queue that matchmakes for you if you wish to do some of the group content. Most of the early group content is done fairly painlessly with a PUG. You won't have to really worry about actual communication in a group until you hit the T2 Epic dungeons. Everything prior to that is a cake walk. (You'll know what the difference is between T1 and T2 epic dungeons when you get there)
Hope this helps. Feel free to add me on Xbox, GT "TehPuppy" if you have any other questions or just want someone to play with.
Looks like I was mistaken on my answer to question 1. Having just read the article regarding what we will get on launch I see now that there are some expansions we will be missing even though they came out before ToD (as far as I'm aware). Sorry about that, like I said originally, just started playing the PC version a little bit ago. BUT I can tell you from experience that the content found in these other expansions is more of a sidegrade as far as equipment goes as opposed to an upgrade. So it'll all still be relevant. I COULD be mistaken there as I haven't gotten to o far in any of the end game content but thats the way it seems to me.
1) Yep, doing it a little strangely on XB1 (so mod 4 followed by the others in an 'as-yet' unspecified order), but no one module cancels the others out (especially if building collections as there's loads of 'zone specific' kit).
2) Leadership (undoubtedly the first you should hit), then maybe Alchemy (but just to low level as this is one of the easiest to open crafting slots with, but a complete pig after level 3 or 4). Jewelcrafting didn't appear until mod 6 (Rise of Tiamat) and Black Ice Shaping appeared in mod 3 (Icewind Dale), so no idea if they'll be there at launch but either of them as choices 3 and 4. For the rest, you can level them but don't bother trying to craft stuff to use in them (as you'll outlevel what you can craft pretty quickly), but more as another way to make Astral Diamonds other than Leadership. Tailoring will get you a decent shirt and pants to round out your kit score, though you'll probably find it quicker and easier to buy these in the Auction House.
3) For companions up to the base level 15, the only really useful ones are the healer or the dog (which has a nice chance to knock pretty much any enemy other than a dragon flat on its back). If you're already a 'healer' type class (or a healer/damage combo like the Scourge Warlock), then the fighters can be useful for temporarily generating threat and drawing aggro but nothing more. The higher level (up to 30) companions can be incredibly useful but are also incredibly expensive (either requiring a million AD plus, zen 'real-money' purchase or a phenomenally lucky lockbox or chest drop). The Erinyes is awesome though, as she can not only heal, but does (and takes) a fair amount of damage too. The Ioun stones (or 'augment pets' as they're known) are nice boosts to your own stats, but classed as companions so they act as additional kit slots.
4). Ditto on this. Queue up for dungeons and skirmishes up to (and in some cases including) level 60 Tier 1. If you enjoy running with the group you're assigned to, add them as friends and you'll soon have a regular circle to run dailies and events with (and may even end up in a guild with them which will help when they roll out Gauntlgrym.
Much Much appreciation for each of you that replied. Thank you for all the insights. I have been looking forward to this game for awhile now and the more I find out the better I feel this will be my game for some time to come. I, too, generally catch on pretty quick with MMO's once I get in game but it is nice to have a general idea of some of the basic concepts so again I do appreciate the replies.
The Modules reply makes me feel better about that aspect. I like the thought of the previous content as side grabs as opposed to necessary progression content. I guess anyone that has played MMO's in the past has the mindset of progression and not true "extra" content. So that is refreshing to hear.
Kinda stinks about the companions. I had high hopes that they would be an added advantage and not a novelty item but I do like the Stone concept to boost stats. less of a companion in thought but still a bonus that may be useful.
30 Minutes dungeons. Thank you for putting that in perspective with a time frame. Granted I understand some PUGs may take longer some maybe less but to have an idea of a "typical" run of 30 minutes is very helpful for players like me. (Job, kids, etc.) We can still enjoy content without having to block out a chunk of time on my calendar and getting a sitter LOL All kidding aside this is a promising aspect for those of us that do not have a huge friends list.
I know I have said it but I feel it cannot ever be stated enough. I know all your time is valuable and appreciate you taking a few moments to stop, read, and reply with very useful information. Hope to see you all in game next Tuesday!
Draven... great to hear that I'm not the only one that's going to be enjoying the game despite the limited time restraints due to family, kids, and work.
As such, feel free to hit me up for some gaming anytime I'm on.
I live in the PST zone, and usually can only get on in the evenings after putting the little one to bed (with another one on the way!), so I'm an 8-11pm kind of player.
Look forward to playing with you any evening - and, of course, the rest of you as well!
I put my question into here (cant make own thread for some reason)
I have played some on PC (tried to around level15) and are going to play on xbox. Looks awesome with the game system on console.
But I wonder something.
Any info about control scheme?
Any info on premium classes (pc) avalibilty on console? According to twitter they said all content will be free, but its abit blurry. Dragonborn, moon elf etc?
As they said all classes will be free, I hope they mean paladin will be free, but I guess we dont have any more info on this?
Or what paid option will there be? Only cosmetic? Or bag space, bank space, character slots, race's?
they said "all classes and content will be free". Races aren't content, so I expect the premium races to be bought with Zen, much like on the PC. All classes are available on PC for free... there are no paid classes. Races only.
extra bags are a paid option.. this was in the beta (although the cost was 0). Bank space and char slots are staples of how F2P games make money, including NW on the PC, so that will probably be identical here.
Here are a few things I found. Hope they answer some of your questions. Also the main page now has an Xbox One tab to show you all the things for Xbox One.
Neverwinter will launch with the Tyranny of Dragons expansion, which means that it will include all seven classes that were present at Tyranny of Dragons’ release. This includes the Guardian Fighter, Great Weapon Fighter, Control Wizard, Trickster Rogue, Devoted Cleric, Hunter Ranger, and Scourge Warlock. All class balancing that is currently on PC will also be brought to you on the Xbox One. Our newest class, the Oathbound Paladin, will be coming to the Xbox One version in a later expansion.
All playable races will be present at Neverwinter’s launch on the Xbox One. This includes the default races and all premium races such as the Menzoberranzan Renegade, Moon Elf, and Dragonborn will be purchasable with downloadable content.
This means that the Xbox One version of Neverwinter will include all dungeons and skirmishes that were present at the PC version’s launch in addition to the ones added with Tyranny of Dragons. The Sharandar, Dread Ring, Icewind Dale, and PvP campaigns as well as the Gauntylgrym zone (along with the dungeons and skirmishes associated with them) will be released on Xbox One in later expansions.
It makes since that they would include the base campaign and Tyranny of Dragons first if they couldn't have everything ready at launch because the rest is all endgame content. ToD is midgame content that you can choose to do at level 30 I believe, which I highly recommend unless you don't like ganging up on massive dragons.
To take off topic a tad since I can't seem to post new topics yet and search/Google hasn't been much of help. I'm not one to be new to MMOs; I've played for many years. But my question is seeing I enjoy many roles; what is the most demanded class in end-game content? Is healer that needed? I've seen some say DC aren't as valued due to some GWF being able to go about without heals? I'm trying to fill a role that is most needed. Any replies and any guide links to those classes to help give me a jump start would be fantastic. Thanks in advance.
1. Expansions? We will be getting the ToD expansion AND all content that has come before it. The game releases it's content as free upgrades they call "Modules". Each module builds on the previous one and typically has some game rebalancing in them. Older content is very much still relevant as the high end gear tends to be tiered. Meaning, "you can't do X dungeon until you have a gear score of Y and you can't get a gear score of Y until you get items out of Dungeon Z". Dungeon Z being the previous expansion content. There's also a "campaign" type system that is a bit convoluted in my opinion that nets you items by doing daily quests to earn specific currencies AND THEN using that currency to basically purchase the next step in the campaign... But I digress.
2. Professions are fairly hit or miss. The Leadership profession can net you some massive amounts of AD (the games main currency for buying from other players and some more high end NPC vendors) BUT only after some crazy time and effort invested. Some of the other stuff from the various professions carry with them varying levels of usefulness. For example, class specific professions are able to craft shirts and pants specific to that class which, as far as I'm aware, generally aren't gained via in game drops. Jewelry crafting CURRENTLY is worth it because the top end rings are the best in slot rings. But for how long that will be? I can't answer. The top end crafted gear aside from shirts and pants though are fairly worthless.
3. Companions are all but worthless. Granted, I haven't attained any of the higher end companions mainly because I don't plan on playing the PC version anymore once the Xbone version drops. I like consoles better (let's not get into the PC vs Console thing). Some companions are somewhat useful, but from all the research I've done, general opinion is that the Healer companion is the ONLY starter companion worth getting when you're given your first companion from a set list of choices. Beyond starter companions the most popular companion that I can tell is the "ioun Stone of Allure" which is less of a companion and more of an extra 3 armor slots to boost your stats.
4. You can solo from 1-60 no problem. There's also (on the PC version at least) a queue that matchmakes for you if you wish to do some of the group content. Most of the early group content is done fairly painlessly with a PUG. You won't have to really worry about actual communication in a group until you hit the T2 Epic dungeons. Everything prior to that is a cake walk. (You'll know what the difference is between T1 and T2 epic dungeons when you get there)
Hope this helps. Feel free to add me on Xbox, GT "TehPuppy" if you have any other questions or just want someone to play with.
Looks like I was mistaken on my answer to question 1. Having just read the article regarding what we will get on launch I see now that there are some expansions we will be missing even though they came out before ToD (as far as I'm aware). Sorry about that, like I said originally, just started playing the PC version a little bit ago. BUT I can tell you from experience that the content found in these other expansions is more of a sidegrade as far as equipment goes as opposed to an upgrade. So it'll all still be relevant. I COULD be mistaken there as I haven't gotten to o far in any of the end game content but thats the way it seems to me.
Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC
XBL GT: TehPuppy
Each module is a self contained little chunk of content. ToD doesn't make Sharandar or Dread Ring or Gauntlgrym obsolete
You can do any dungeon in less than 30 mins. When sharandar and dread ring are released, the daily quests there will take a half hour or less. This is NOT one of those games that requires large chunks of time to accomplish anything.
no. They are cool / unique looking companions, but they are almost zero percent effective (except for the pets that boost YOUR stats instead of having their own). Fashion and unique-ness is its own reward sometimes.
1) Yep, doing it a little strangely on XB1 (so mod 4 followed by the others in an 'as-yet' unspecified order), but no one module cancels the others out (especially if building collections as there's loads of 'zone specific' kit).
2) Leadership (undoubtedly the first you should hit), then maybe Alchemy (but just to low level as this is one of the easiest to open crafting slots with, but a complete pig after level 3 or 4). Jewelcrafting didn't appear until mod 6 (Rise of Tiamat) and Black Ice Shaping appeared in mod 3 (Icewind Dale), so no idea if they'll be there at launch but either of them as choices 3 and 4. For the rest, you can level them but don't bother trying to craft stuff to use in them (as you'll outlevel what you can craft pretty quickly), but more as another way to make Astral Diamonds other than Leadership. Tailoring will get you a decent shirt and pants to round out your kit score, though you'll probably find it quicker and easier to buy these in the Auction House.
3) For companions up to the base level 15, the only really useful ones are the healer or the dog (which has a nice chance to knock pretty much any enemy other than a dragon flat on its back). If you're already a 'healer' type class (or a healer/damage combo like the Scourge Warlock), then the fighters can be useful for temporarily generating threat and drawing aggro but nothing more. The higher level (up to 30) companions can be incredibly useful but are also incredibly expensive (either requiring a million AD plus, zen 'real-money' purchase or a phenomenally lucky lockbox or chest drop). The Erinyes is awesome though, as she can not only heal, but does (and takes) a fair amount of damage too. The Ioun stones (or 'augment pets' as they're known) are nice boosts to your own stats, but classed as companions so they act as additional kit slots.
4). Ditto on this. Queue up for dungeons and skirmishes up to (and in some cases including) level 60 Tier 1. If you enjoy running with the group you're assigned to, add them as friends and you'll soon have a regular circle to run dailies and events with (and may even end up in a guild with them which will help when they roll out Gauntlgrym.
The Modules reply makes me feel better about that aspect. I like the thought of the previous content as side grabs as opposed to necessary progression content. I guess anyone that has played MMO's in the past has the mindset of progression and not true "extra" content. So that is refreshing to hear.
Kinda stinks about the companions. I had high hopes that they would be an added advantage and not a novelty item but I do like the Stone concept to boost stats. less of a companion in thought but still a bonus that may be useful.
30 Minutes dungeons. Thank you for putting that in perspective with a time frame. Granted I understand some PUGs may take longer some maybe less but to have an idea of a "typical" run of 30 minutes is very helpful for players like me. (Job, kids, etc.) We can still enjoy content without having to block out a chunk of time on my calendar and getting a sitter
I know I have said it but I feel it cannot ever be stated enough. I know all your time is valuable and appreciate you taking a few moments to stop, read, and reply with very useful information. Hope to see you all in game next Tuesday!
As such, feel free to hit me up for some gaming anytime I'm on.
I live in the PST zone, and usually can only get on in the evenings after putting the little one to bed (with another one on the way!), so I'm an 8-11pm kind of player.
Look forward to playing with you any evening - and, of course, the rest of you as well!
I have played some on PC (tried to around level15) and are going to play on xbox. Looks awesome with the game system on console.
But I wonder something.
Any info about control scheme?
Any info on premium classes (pc) avalibilty on console? According to twitter they said all content will be free, but its abit blurry. Dragonborn, moon elf etc?
As they said all classes will be free, I hope they mean paladin will be free, but I guess we dont have any more info on this?
Or what paid option will there be? Only cosmetic? Or bag space, bank space, character slots, race's?
extra bags are a paid option.. this was in the beta (although the cost was 0). Bank space and char slots are staples of how F2P games make money, including NW on the PC, so that will probably be identical here.
Neverwinter will launch with the Tyranny of Dragons expansion, which means that it will include all seven classes that were present at Tyranny of Dragons’ release. This includes the Guardian Fighter, Great Weapon Fighter, Control Wizard, Trickster Rogue, Devoted Cleric, Hunter Ranger, and Scourge Warlock. All class balancing that is currently on PC will also be brought to you on the Xbox One. Our newest class, the Oathbound Paladin, will be coming to the Xbox One version in a later expansion.
All playable races will be present at Neverwinter’s launch on the Xbox One. This includes the default races and all premium races such as the Menzoberranzan Renegade, Moon Elf, and Dragonborn will be purchasable with downloadable content.
Info about the controls:
Or "Rise of Tiamat" Module 5?
Google is your friend, and upon a Google Search I do not believe either of the two are on release of the game, but only time will tell.
We'll find out Tuesday.