I am looking at the new lockbox items and noticed the genie campaign item.. Think we are getting a new dungeon and campaign task when mod 6 releases. I also noticed the Giant Strider and Giant Crab mounts are not in the list here so I am wondering if that will be on the zen shop.
Black Earth Lockbox
You must have an Enchanted Key to open this box.
This box contains: Tarmalune Trade Bars
And one of the following: Armored Bulette Mount Bulette Mount Symbol of Earth Artifact Ensorcelled Arsenal Levelless Equipment Trove of Elemental Evil Ogrémoch's Artifact Pack Earth-Aspected Strongbox of Enchantments Professions Special Pack Black Ice Shaping Special Pack Companion Fortification Kit Genie's Gift Campaign Item Tarmalune Trade Bar Jackpot
Once the property of explorers who braved the Elemental Plane of Earth before spending a brief period in the possession of purloining Black Earth cultists, this strongbox doubtless contains extraplanar relics.
There was a legendary version of the Strider mount too so that will probably be a different lockbox too unless they plan on selling legendary mounts in the zen store.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited March 2015
This is on the test gateway...So I would guess that we are going to get a new campaign to go alongside the journey to level 70.
[...] Black Earth Lockbox
[...] Armored Bulette Mount Bulette Mount
In (Northern-Germany-) German, "Bulette", also spelled "Boulette", is the word for...
...and I saw before my inner eye a Paladin Knight,
...riding in his shining armor,
...on that minced-meat fried patty,
...sitting proudly amidst onions and ketchup...
Edit: OK, I googled it. Looks cool, hope it's better animated than the Gorgon... ...completely had forgotten about it's existence since the mid-eighties.
From the Genies gift, only the Thayan bag and the dragon bag are worth getting. the Sharandar one doesnt give swords / wards so it doesn't really help that much in speeding up the campaign, and the icewind one doesnt give reputation and barbarian relics are cheap as chips.
It can be used towards any campaign.
In (Northern-Germany-) German, "Bulette", also spelled "Boulette", is the word for...
...and I saw before my inner eye a Paladin Knight,
...riding in his shining armor,
...on that minced-meat fried patty,
...sitting proudly amidst onions and ketchup...
Edit: OK, I googled it. Looks cool, hope it's better animated than the Gorgon... ...completely had forgotten about it's existence since the mid-eighties.
Ogrémoch's Artifact Pack
[Belt of Valindra]
[Belt of Seladrine]
[Belt of Lostmauth]
so new set belts. Right now I have not seem them added to any existing campaign section. So probably a new one
This is sad.
i dont think is dropping, some people in the community are good at data mining but i m quite sure its not allowed to post something about that
It looks pretty cool on preview.
Bulette is a Landshark and looks like so.
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
Fortunatelly, we have wiki.
PS I used to get 10 coins after GG PvP match. But today, I met you in my team. And got only 9 coins. Wasn`t able to beat over 40 kills. Respect.
PPS But I shall try to change it in mod6. I`ll buy a PvP set.