I'm also haveing same problem. Why would they release new areas knowing that they can not be done. Wait a week for release of new areas now wait a week in order to access them. Way to go Devs
having same problem getting same party error as well.
also got the same party error message after leaving daily seed quest in ebon downs after completing.
When mousing over the zones on the map, they show:
Complete quest from Archdruid Morningdawn in Protector's Enclave to unlock
You cannot travel here yet
I have/completed the quests available from Monrningdawn, and currently have the "Trouble on the Winds" quest which says go to Spinward Rise.
also got the same party error message after leaving daily seed quest in ebon downs after completing.
Spinward Rise
Reclamation Rock
The Fiery Pit
When mousing over the zones on the map, they show:
Complete quest from Archdruid Morningdawn in Protector's Enclave to unlock
You cannot travel here yet
I have/completed the quests available from Monrningdawn, and currently have the "Trouble on the Winds" quest which says go to Spinward Rise.