With all the XX+ gs Tiamat time channels, it has been easily shown that Tiamat is not that difficult with a half-coordinated instance. Tiamat is supposed to be a god, a 5 headed dragon god. Why is it being defeated in half of the allotted time? Many of the experienced hardcore players want content that we are GOING to fail a large portion of the time, and not because we are being forced to pug it --> Permadeath, longer respawn times, lower time limits, more challenging mechanics, etc. are all possibilities to make it more challenging. It should not be easy to aquire the BiS cloak and offhand for any given class regardless of GS in such a short period of time.
The first time I beat Tiamat, after some 5 odd tries, I felt awesome. I was super proud of my achievement, I had done something most had yet to do. Now, I'm more along the lines of "Oh, I we won, and I got a 500ad refining item. Woohoo''.
Change the drops from Tiamat (Black Opals, Flawless Saphires, Aquamarines, Marks of Potency), make it a challenge, let us enter with PREMADEs, and get the gear economy rise a bit (T2 items)
I am all for a harder version of this raid - heck give it a minimum 16k GS entry as well. However, there would need to be Epic and regular instances if implemented, because those of us who play casually don't get to do the Tiamat Raid very often.
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
I think the length of time to aquire the artifact off hands and cloaks are fine for the sole reason that the amount it takes to refine it to legendary is insane. If they dropped legendary, then yes they should be harder to get and it would be a system that actually meant something. We're stuck with this so 15 victories per artifact is pretty decent. Not to the point you want to give up achieving it, but not something given without putting some time in.
Then you can make a normal version and an epic version. Just like every other dungeon/skirmish.
Every player can experience it, but there is a challenging version for people to work up to and reward skill. Then you can make campaign tokens later on for people to shortcut the whole campaign and so we end up with 2 ways to reach BIS: investment of effort/skill and money. Now that's a fair f2p model.
With all the XX+ gs Tiamat time channels, it has been easily shown that Tiamat is not that difficult with a half-coordinated instance. Tiamat is supposed to be a god, a 5 headed dragon god. Why is it being defeated in half of the allotted time? Many of the experienced hardcore players want content that we are GOING to fail a large portion of the time, and not because we are being forced to pug it --> Permadeath, longer respawn times, lower time limits, more challenging mechanics, etc. are all possibilities to make it more challenging. It should not be easy to aquire the BiS cloak and offhand for any given class regardless of GS in such a short period of time.
But people already can't handle tiamat without special channels. If you actually make it hard just think of all the extra gear score crying when you people actually loose!
onecoolscatcatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 575Arc User
edited January 2015
People asked for this immediately after Tiamat appeared on preview. The Dev's response? Artificially inflate Tiamat's difficulty by preventing premade parties from entering.
I have done the Temple of Tiamat quite a few times and now I see people just camping by the fire not even trying. Make it harder? First get the players to play the game properly. The event is starting to tank now. No one wants to put any hoard loot into it any more. It barely gets to level one because who is going to waste the resources when the crowd just gives up? I think the Devs need to find a way to reward players actually trying over those just sitting around hoping to collect the loot or else this event is finished. I won't be playing it any more as it is now just a waste of time.
Tiamat is supposed to be a god, a 5 headed dragon god.
Agreed. But the devs desecrated the god by making it a farm. 15 Linus, then 30 Linus, then 50 Linus, that's for the boons. Add another 15 Linus for your cloak. Tiamat should have bee a once-in-your-life fight, that you can complete only once and that gives you a whole boon.
ToD = ..........
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
Agreed. But the devs desecrated the god by making it a farm. 15 Linus, then 30 Linus, then 50 Linus, that's for the boons. Add another 15 Linus for your cloak. Tiamat should have bee a once-in-your-life fight, that you can complete only once and that gives you a whole boon.
Meh, she desecrated herself by trying to take over the Prime Material Plane. She should have known better than to try that on Toril. Besides, we're not fighting a "god" - we're fighting the god's avatar - big difference. If we were fighting the goddess herself, there'd be no contest unless we were an equal or greater god than her and her entire essence was NOT on her home plane.
Agreed. But the devs desecrated the god by making it a farm. 15 Linus, then 30 Linus, then 50 Linus, that's for the boons. Add another 15 Linus for your cloak. Tiamat should have bee a once-in-your-life fight, that you can complete only once and that gives you a whole boon.
And then what? We're stuck doing nothing. Yet we can kill valindra and all of the other drakes as many times as we want.
mrvincent1959Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 740Arc User
edited January 2015
I guess the TC is a pro so now the rest of us has to suffer because he wants Tiamat to be harder. Hopefully, this advice wont be taken. Its difficulty is fine the way it is, as is the difficulty with all the dungeons in this game.
Agreed. But the devs desecrated the god by making it a farm. 15 Linus, then 30 Linus, then 50 Linus, that's for the boons. Add another 15 Linus for your cloak. Tiamat should have bee a once-in-your-life fight, that you can complete only once and that gives you a whole boon.
That works in a single player game. It does not work in a mmo. Unless you want the mmo to fail. Content needs to be repeatable in mmos. Anything else is a failure.
I guess the TC is a pro so now the rest of us has to suffer because he wants Tiamat to be harder. Hopefully, this advice wont be taken. Its difficulty is fine the way it is, as is the difficulty with all the dungeons in this game.
If you get a group with a clue, it's not hard, it's a faceroll. The difficulty is random pugging, and lag. In short it is the opposite of what a raid should be.
If you count people being able to solo pretty much everything apart from tiamat, then yes the difficulty is fine.
Bet you next mod someone 3 mans tiamat.
mrvincent1959Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 740Arc User
edited January 2015
I support the idea of making new Legendary dungeons from some of the existing ones with better rewards, but no existing dungeons or Tiamat should be altered considering what you get from them.
How about we get the game running better during this fight then we can worry about whether it's hard enough.
The thing is it can already be beaten with horrendous lag and 5-6 AFKer per instance. Don't get me wrong, I want bug fixes just as much as everyone else but I want something challenging, and entertaining...
I know of a way for Tiamat to be harder. The number of dragon breath attacks scale by the number of people attacking it. So it gets harder the longer the fight goes on, and more dragon hearts run out.
making timat harder would only make it worse it is hard enough as it is now when u get tons of ppl with 13k gs and no weapon enchant in it
i dont think they will make game harder any time soon since they should have learned from sto where they listened few formus posters and buffed up game a lot and now noone plays instances and we lost huge amount of players there
The thing is it can already be beaten with horrendous lag and 5-6 AFKer per instance. Don't get me wrong, I want bug fixes just as much as everyone else but I want something challenging, and entertaining...
Enter at a random time, and you'll get your challenge.
making timat harder would only make it worse it is hard enough as it is now when u get tons of ppl with 13k gs and no weapon enchant in it
i dont think they will make game harder any time soon since they should have learned from sto where they listened few formus posters and buffed up game a lot and now noone plays instances and we lost huge amount of players there
It's a no brainer that this game would die in weeks if some people from these forums would run this game.
I think this game has a one major problem. Gear Scores not well defined for epic dungeons and events. This is both bad for high gs players and for low gs players. bad for low gs players because they think they can win this and they try and try and try again. Bad for high gs players because they are losing time because of low gs players in their group.
Here some Epic dungeons and their wrong GS
Valindra's Tower - 10500
Castle Never - 9200
Temple of the Spider - 8300
The Dread Vault - 8300
Can you believe these scores? These scores must be min 14k if you ask me. And Tiamat must be min 16k and harder and more rewarding.
I think this game has a one major problem. Gear Scores not well defined for epic dungeons and events. This is both bad for high gs players and for low gs players. bad for low gs players because they think they can win this and they try and try and try again. Bad for high gs players because they are losing time because of low gs players in their group.
Here some Epic dungeons and their wrong GS
Valindra's Tower - 10500
Castle Never - 9200
Temple of the Spider - 8300
The Dread Vault - 8300
Can you believe these scores? These scores must be min 14k if you ask me. And Tiamat must be min 16k and harder and more rewarding.
Umm no. If you need them that high, you are using GS to overcome a skill handicap. There is some argument that could be made in bumping them up 1k each but that's it.
mrvincent1959Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 740Arc User
Enter at a random time, and you'll get your challenge.
It's a no brainer that this game would die in weeks if some people from these forums would run this game.
YES! I agree with this. There HAVE been some good ideas presented in these forums, and ALSO some very bad ones. Making a thread with a title "make tiamat harder" is really irresponsible, and does not take into consideration multiple factors.
beatannierMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 692Arc User
Valindra's Tower - 10500
Castle Never - 9200
Temple of the Spider - 8300
The Dread Vault - 8300
Can you believe these scores? These scores must be min 14k if you ask me.
The lower skill you have (the worse you play) the higher GS you need to finish dungeon.
I never kicked/voted anybody because of too low GS. I never saw anybody not to be able to survive/make enough control/dps/heal/… because of too low GS.
However I kicked/voted a few 20k+++ players who was playing weak / disturbing / dieing many times because of no dodge/control/attack/heal/… at the right time/place/…
I would even say that these values should be, imo, a recommended GS while there should be no minimum.
Any GS higher than given values, with a good play, will result in no challenge, just cleaning the next room, defeating the next boss.
Enter at a random time, and you'll get your challenge.
It's a no brainer that this game would die in weeks if some people from these forums would run this game.
Like I said previously, Tiamat should not be challenging because I have to PUG it, it should be challenging due to mechanics. I feel that given all the power creep, harder content is urgently needed.
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
Then you can make a normal version and an epic version. Just like every other dungeon/skirmish.
Every player can experience it, but there is a challenging version for people to work up to and reward skill. Then you can make campaign tokens later on for people to shortcut the whole campaign and so we end up with 2 ways to reach BIS: investment of effort/skill and money. Now that's a fair f2p model.
But people already can't handle tiamat without special channels. If you actually make it hard just think of all the extra gear score crying when you people actually loose!
Agreed. But the devs desecrated the god by making it a farm. 15 Linus, then 30 Linus, then 50 Linus, that's for the boons. Add another 15 Linus for your cloak. Tiamat should have bee a once-in-your-life fight, that you can complete only once and that gives you a whole boon.
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
Meh, she desecrated herself by trying to take over the Prime Material Plane. She should have known better than to try that on Toril. Besides, we're not fighting a "god" - we're fighting the god's avatar - big difference. If we were fighting the goddess herself, there'd be no contest unless we were an equal or greater god than her and her entire essence was NOT on her home plane.
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And then what? We're stuck doing nothing. Yet we can kill valindra and all of the other drakes as many times as we want.
If you count people being able to solo pretty much everything apart from tiamat, then yes the difficulty is fine.
Bet you next mod someone 3 mans tiamat.
If maelstrom 1 shots her heads maybe :P
The thing is it can already be beaten with horrendous lag and 5-6 AFKer per instance. Don't get me wrong, I want bug fixes just as much as everyone else but I want something challenging, and entertaining...
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Thaumaturge's Time To Shine: A Complete Guide
Honestly, I doubt either will happen so might as well theorise about what we want from it
i dont think they will make game harder any time soon since they should have learned from sto where they listened few formus posters and buffed up game a lot and now noone plays instances and we lost huge amount of players there
Enter at a random time, and you'll get your challenge.
It's a no brainer that this game would die in weeks if some people from these forums would run this game.
Here some Epic dungeons and their wrong GS
Valindra's Tower - 10500
Castle Never - 9200
Temple of the Spider - 8300
The Dread Vault - 8300
Can you believe these scores? These scores must be min 14k if you ask me. And Tiamat must be min 16k and harder and more rewarding.
Umm no. If you need them that high, you are using GS to overcome a skill handicap. There is some argument that could be made in bumping them up 1k each but that's it.
YES! I agree with this. There HAVE been some good ideas presented in these forums, and ALSO some very bad ones. Making a thread with a title "make tiamat harder" is really irresponsible, and does not take into consideration multiple factors.
The lower skill you have (the worse you play) the higher GS you need to finish dungeon.
I never kicked/voted anybody because of too low GS. I never saw anybody not to be able to survive/make enough control/dps/heal/… because of too low GS.
However I kicked/voted a few 20k+++ players who was playing weak / disturbing / dieing many times because of no dodge/control/attack/heal/… at the right time/place/…
I would even say that these values should be, imo, a recommended GS while there should be no minimum.
Any GS higher than given values, with a good play, will result in no challenge, just cleaning the next room, defeating the next boss.
Like I said previously, Tiamat should not be challenging because I have to PUG it, it should be challenging due to mechanics. I feel that given all the power creep, harder content is urgently needed.
|| Axios Guild Leader || Neverwinter Trade Forum Moderator || Infernal Paragons ||
Check out my foundry, titled "Akro's Gone Wacko", featuring our ex-CM Akromatik!: NW-DL8J7BY5T
Erza Moonstalker | Lara Moonstalker | Julie Marvell | Erza Moonhunter | Annie Hellangel | Jenn Moonstalker
Thaumaturge's Time To Shine: A Complete Guide