Just curious about, how other players earn AD's.
Through which ways?
-Dungeons? (Salvage)
-Auction House?
Let's start with my average AD income per day:
Doing once per day one hour while Dungeon Delves PK grinding to get items to refine the daily 24k on ALL characters (3). --> 72k AD
Vorpal/soulforge shards get sold in AH. --> 15-20k
Any sort of marks (potency, power, stab, union) - here's it difficult to find an average amount of earned AD cause the price-range goes from 2k - 100k.
Since I'm doing it this way, every of my three chars on account have like 200k+ rough ADs.
So Leadship is kinda useless in my opinion cause you will only earn more rough ADs which can't be refined.
To sum it up, getting something around 100k ADs per day. Think it's a good amount, nothing special but you can eork with.
Would be nice if you would share your ways and thoughts how to make many ADs.
Depend on some things, for me : if we consider that RP farming as AD income, and buying 1 peridot is ~1k ad (2 AD/1 RP) and I farm 5 hour a day, getting 10-30k/ hour then I get around 100k RP whic I won't have to purchase ==>200k AD worth RP only from this one source + some daily/tiamat run and invoking on my single char makes it nearly 300k/day.
If i feel insane urge to stack up rough AD, then I farm delzuon crypt all day to get purple stuff and glory which I can get purple gear to salvage.
Leadership - Fifteen (15) level 60 characters with max leadership making on average 17.5k a day per character which pulls in roughly 260k AD per day (or about 1.8 million AD a week - not including any items achieved through praying). All of which gets transferred to my main play character.
350k from a fairly safe estimate on leadership+invoking since I don't know the exact average number. (28 characters)
100-200k from jewelcrafting, but it varies (3 sets)
That covers most of it because everything else doesn't seem worth it
3k just started playing and have the world most crappy dice rolls for loot. I don't PVP at all.
Best thing for you to do will be to hit skirmish hours, and make sure to pick up the daily quests for dungeons, skirmishes, GG, etc. Remember if you just step into GG at the end of phase 1 and kill 1 mob you can get credit for the daily.
Take this ad and put it into the zax and buy character slots to run more toons up to 60 and start working on leadership for them. This will be your best way to start getting reliable ad input.
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
Currently solely Leadership and invoking, ~100k across 7 characters.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited January 2015
Depends on how active I am that day. It can be anywhere from 50k to 350k, or more depending on salvage and AH profits. Mostly from invokes/leadership across 28 characters, most of which are 20 in Leadership and level 60. My leadership income is complimented by any AH income and salvage income.
Well baseline I have 6 toons doing professions call it 18K a peice because I am lazy. If I decide to do a few dragon runs or Tiamat I'll get that up another 20-30K in refinables so 100-140 refined. Of course I have my platesmithing toon that's good for a few rares and 2 epic Gambesons. Which is about 115K refined after taxes and aroung 25K per dragon so another 65K. My leather and jewelcrafting toon will make 1 attempt at an epic in each every day for a combined return of about 230K sale value. At 60% success that's 138 but the failures sell for 5-30K, average it to 17.5 at 40% is 7k for 145K average minus 2 dragons is 95K. Add 20K in rares waiting for tasks and 115K. Probably ends up being 300K a day if I don't do anything but professions and PVP.
Still building that leadership army but I get 160k to 180K per day, all of which goes to my main. If I persevere with the army the figure should be around 250K per day in a couple of months. It could probably be about 30% more but I usually only choose the big paying leadership tasks to save time so often my toons have a few unused prof slots. It's my morning ritual before work: invoke and prod the profs. If only we could queue up prof tasks.
My only other AD income is from salvaging purples from WoD (guess 50K per week) and from selling event stuff on AH. The winter festival earned me about 2 million AD.
So, leadership is my salary. Event stuff is my bonus.
To sum it up, getting something around 100k ADs per day.
That's much more than a fresh player can get. Still, what does this give to you? Your 100k can buy one stack of peridots. That's a few months before you refine your artifact to Legendary. One artifact.
have 10 characters 7 of them have lvl 20 leadership , i dont realy know how much i get never counted and i play like 2-5 dungeons so i get from drops or box like 40-50k ad playing prob on 2 characters and rest from leadership then log-off cuz i get booored
Just curious about, how other players earn AD's.
Through which ways?
-Dungeons? (Salvage)
-Auction House?
Let's start with my average AD income per day:
Doing once per day one hour while Dungeon Delves PK grinding to get items to refine the daily 24k on ALL characters (3). --> 72k AD
Vorpal/soulforge shards get sold in AH. --> 15-20k
Any sort of marks (potency, power, stab, union) - here's it difficult to find an average amount of earned AD cause the price-range goes from 2k - 100k.
Since I'm doing it this way, every of my three chars on account have like 200k+ rough ADs.
So Leadship is kinda useless in my opinion cause you will only earn more rough ADs which can't be refined.
To sum it up, getting something around 100k ADs per day. Think it's a good amount, nothing special but you can eork with.
Would be nice if you would share your ways and thoughts how to make many ADs.
My average daily AD income is to put it in a word - miserable I do a few of the daily quests and get some thru Leadership and salvage of a lucky purple drop. Cant buy anything worthy of note with that income but I cant do more with my limited playtime anyway.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
I am also a somewhat new player working on building a leadership army. I think the leadership army thing is one of the best pieces of advice I got from olders players when I was new. Definitely want to do that for easier AD. Every time I get 50k on one toon I transfer it to zen. Every time I get 500 zen, I buy 2 more slots and level them to 11 so I can invoke and train them in leadership. I'll probably stop doing that around 30 characters. Sure you can have 20 more, but do I really want to spend over an hour just invoking and collecting SCA rewards? Setting tasks on the gateway is already taking me like 20 minutes or so at a time, a few times a day, and I only have 12 going right now. Gateway could really use some QoL improvements to speed that process up, especially a repeat task button.
Yeah, that sure looks like envy to me. Who are you to say what we are supposed or not supposed to do in our game?
You also seem to be under the impression that the long-term players from Beta are the only ones benefiting from Leadership. I've only been playing for around six months and I have 6 level 60 toons with max leadership and a bunch of others coming up through the ranks. Anyone can do it with a bit of patience. And, guess what, I actually enjoy the profs thing and I'm sure others do too. It's part of the game. You can choose not to do it but you really should not hate on those who do.
I'm pretty sure Leadership is WAI and I certainly don't see it being nerfed.
it already happened once, recently they put a timer to conclude each task... we will get there
even spamming bots can have lv 20 leadership just saying...
urlord283Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,084Arc User
edited January 2015
I have 1 Char and I get about 25K...
I did get more from Item sale but I now use all items for refining
250k-300k AD per day, imo it is nothing these days because of RP costs. Even if i did x5 per each char, it will still take me months to bring two chars (DC, GF) closer to baseline. I dropped pursue to uplift another 4 class chars because of RP wall and i have feeling all effort in gathering RP will be lost with another wave of gear.
If i feel insane urge to stack up rough AD, then I farm delzuon crypt all day to get purple stuff and glory which I can get purple gear to salvage.
24k-100k drops depending on the day and luck I'd say
100-200k from jewelcrafting, but it varies (3 sets)
That covers most of it because everything else doesn't seem worth it
Best thing for you to do will be to hit skirmish hours, and make sure to pick up the daily quests for dungeons, skirmishes, GG, etc. Remember if you just step into GG at the end of phase 1 and kill 1 mob you can get credit for the daily.
Take this ad and put it into the zax and buy character slots to run more toons up to 60 and start working on leadership for them. This will be your best way to start getting reliable ad input.
Actually, you don't even have to kill a mob. Just be inside at the starting area and you get credit for GG PVE
15 characters = about 80k AD per day (not all of them have level 20 Leadership and most have 6 slots unlocked).
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
I thought you had to get a point and killing a mob does that. Well killing is still fun.
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My only other AD income is from salvaging purples from WoD (guess 50K per week) and from selling event stuff on AH. The winter festival earned me about 2 million AD.
So, leadership is my salary. Event stuff is my bonus.
That's much more than a fresh player can get. Still, what does this give to you? Your 100k can buy one stack of peridots. That's a few months before you refine your artifact to Legendary. One artifact.
My average daily AD income is to put it in a word - miserable
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
it already happened once, recently they put a timer to conclude each task... we will get there
even spamming bots can have lv 20 leadership just saying...
I did get more from Item sale but I now use all items for refining
— (The unwritten rule)