I have played a lot of Tiamat as it's the new contexts, its required for new gears and boons, but as a fan of D&D lore i cant help it.
Why is Tiamat so stupid?
Seriously a dragon queen eons of years old with 5 heads, i would think she would be a bit smarter.
Why - maybe because 4 heads are standing idle while one is being beaten down to the ground.
I for once am sure that if 10 mosquitoes are biting my leg would use my other limbs a hand for example to splash them.
And i know for sure that i did that since i was a little child - i get bitten i try to splash them. So why is dragon queen less intelligent/reactive than a 5 years old?
We have seen her spit her fires all around the battle field why cant she do that on the concentration of the adventurers next to one of her heads.
That's why i would like to ask that this would fixed and that the dragon heads would support each other by additional dragon breaths if they are not occupied.
This would result in:
1. Making zerg tactic more challenging
2. Require more interaction with dragon soul gems if zerg tactic was in use (people would have to see what color breath is used, try to use it in accordance to other members so not all were used at once)
3. Would provide the incentive to think of better tactics
4. would promote the use of true tanks.
5. would not make dragon queen look that stupid.
Sadly, you cannot use any tactical/smart strategy in this game. PVE is all about zerg,zerg,steamroll, more zerg, blow up mass mobs, etc etc.
The CLOSEST thing to ever reach a tactical play in this game was the T1 Dungeon "The Throne of Idris". This tiamat encounter isn't a "Raid" whatsoever.
but yeah, let's put her intelligence aside and look at the requirements:
Valindra's Tower ? 10.5K
Lair of Lostmauth ? A dragon who serves Tiamat? 13K
Tiamat, the Dragon Queen, who's Lostmauth's boss? A whopping 10K.
^ The above is why no one bothers with "Strategy" or "Tactical" play. Too many people who've skipped the previous campaigns and put on some blue gear join the "Raid", and hinder other players, sadly.
Beta player
One of the many Control Wizards that misses Shard Of The Endless Avalanche. RIP Shard (Beta-Mod3)
Because the dev's didn't take zerg into account when they made it. They never realized we'd try to zerg it and thought we'd be doing 5x5. However since doing 5x5 when we can't preform parties is like herding cats so zerg runs were created. I'd love to see tiamat made harder to require 5x5 tactics but only if we can't make 25 man parties.
Yep the feeling is more that you're fighting a chinese new year carnival dragon made of paper and bamboo. Then the fight itself... each head only aware of her own flow of people, like a supermarket cashier.
It is like already the end of this content, why would you make it harder for new players to get those favors for boons and other stuff?
Easy to talk when u already got the things easily.
It is like already the end of this content, why would you make it harder for new players to get those favors for boons and other stuff?
Easy to talk when u already got the things easily.
I haven't got them - only got the offhand and cape - still half way there, but if they make this harder - they could reduce the amount of favors needed to retain the balance, while making this a bit more challenging and interesting.
But there are raids where 50% wipes each tiamat breath already.
If all the 5 heads would be doing the stuff, then there would be theese issues:
Zerg: since most player run tiamat on 0 graf, because it is badly optimised and laggs like hell, would not see when she is breathing from an other head, because it is out of the range, also most still would not use souls, this would result in more fails.
5x5: hard to make it the way, to every party have the same DPS (impossibru), or yes, you could, but that would take a lot of time to organise that way, only a few class could jump straight to the other head to help out the other party.
But there are raids where 50% wipes each tiamat breath already.
If all the 5 heads would be doing the stuff, then there would be theese issues:
Zerg: since most player run tiamat on 0 graf, because it is badly optimised and laggs like hell, would not see when she is breathing from an other head, because it is out of the range, also most still would not use souls, this would result in more fails.
5x5: hard to make it the way, to every party have the same DPS (impossibru), or yes, you could, but that would take a lot of time to organise that way, only a few class could jump straight to the other head to help out the other party.
1)This HE was not designed to face zerging to begin with it should not be as no brainier as it is now.
2)You can recognize breath by the red area ornaments - I use lowest graphics and i still can see them.
3)5x5 provide the requirement for communication - that is why people play mmos in the first place - what is the difference to play with 24 other people or 24 bots if you are not communicating.
4)yes it would be harder, but that can be changed modifying health of the dragons.
5)Yes there are raids that 50% people are wiped, and most of them consist of PUGs which in my opinion should first do sharandar/dreadring/icewind before doing Tiamat. You don't go knocking on gods before you have the power to withstand them.
6)Souls were designed as key component to the heroic event it's ridiculous as their usage so lowly impact the chance of success.
It is like already the end of this content, why would you make it harder for new players to get those favors for boons and other stuff?
Easy to talk when u already got the things easily.
This is the End game dungeon/raid! it should be extremely hard! like VT or CN was before the artifacts and legendary weapons, new level 60s need to get experience for running in groups in the easier stuff (T2s) and go for end game content after they made their toon strong enough.
Fresh level 60s has nothing to do there and should get their toon stornger before going there.
Realm leader of Guild Medieval
We are always recruiting mature, family-friendly, helpful and courteous people www.guildmedieval.com
1, I dont like tiamat fight at all, PVE is lame and boring i dont even do the daily skirmish, i would be happier if i could just get linus favor from a pvp source instead ( also normal pvp for progress lol, but they dont want to make gs brackets)
2, I could not care less of breaths since I can tank trough them, i just hold up my shield and laugh, only the white head can cause me problem cus stuns trough guard
3, Still bad idea, I have GWF friend i play sometimes when we manage to enter to the same instance and we form buff party, any other time with other GWF in party I am useless buffing alone.
4, You expect them to change too much things, while they don't even care to fix any bugs in the game.
5, Would be nice, but as someone who just recently could star ICW campaign after 2 weeks af agony in farming the daily dungeon in DR I would not want to spend more months before starting to play the game lol, it is already taking away 2 months before you can do anything competetive
6, Agreed, I always take one and use it to protect others, but true, if a small gnome HAMSTER with plastic knives can oneshot my tank then a giant 5 headed dragon should too, maybe implement dmg boost during inside the right color soul.
3. I don't really understand where are you going with this. Currently few even bothers to form parties to begin with, and you are practically playing alone most of the time.
4. That's not much to change - a) adjust coordinates for targeting breaths, b) adjust health c) reduce favour cost. None of these requires a lot of programming as everything is done and only parameters needs to be changed.
This is the End game dungeon/raid! it should be extremely hard! like VT or CN was before the artifacts and legendary weapons, new level 60s need to get experience for running in groups in the easier stuff (T2s) and go for end game content after they made their toon strong enough.
Fresh level 60s has nothing to do there and should get their toon stornger before going there.
Still what is the point of making it ultra hard now when majority of players already have everything from it, I even know someone who have just finished the boons for his 3rd alt.
You know, like there are a lot of freshly started MMO private servers where they tune down something after a few weeks, but then the old players already get somehing relatively easily, and the news have much harder way to get it, or even impossible.
But it could be just like the dragon hoard ench now in fondry has 3 mins CD.
Some where farming it for months 24/7 with some sort of bot macro in foundry, so I understand why they tuned it down, thank it to the abusers as always.
For someone who only starts colecting RP (aka new players) how much will this be harder?
I am just afraid they add new BiS item and 6 more boring daily campaign, before I even manage to get my stuff near orange.
And in T2 gear you won't really have more than 13-14k GS, which is still considered low, so what would be the limit you want?
On the other hand I knew what to do even on my first tiamat run, and as a GF I'm a buffbot even now, so gear made no difference for me.
Zerg is actually the best way because many forgot that you have countless country player and not all speak english.
Making zerg make group loosing around 20-25 % of time by moving but it compensate by the fact that a whole 25 party member will get a better debuff bonus. depending on the party it often between X2 to X3 more damage than an 5*5 party.
Is fresh lvl 60 should be able to goes on tiamat, i'm not agree but it should not be a GS matter but a campaign advance reward, it should be at least requiring IWD lvl 3 but not a GS matter.
Those who asking for a ultra lvl requirement are mainly selfish player who want to get an ultra hard equipment that they can sell an horrible price at AH. They arguing about challenge but let says dev put an epic version with same loot but let says you get loot X2 but experienced group player will get a 25-30 % success rate. nobody will run it+ player will complain about chinese goldfarmer that will organise to do it better way. We get the perfect exemple with epic tuern, since loot nearly same rate between normal and epic most run normal version and many complain came because of that epic was giving same thing as normal but since it was requiring x3 more time at with not a 100% success rate, player mostly don't do it.
And final step about tiamat. Have you checked the size of the thing. if dev would not have done it who would have been happy to fight tiamat's feet. So yes tiamat look little stupid VS zerg but on opposite who would be happy to be killed because the 5 head shoot at once or if player would have forcedd to tun in 5 group on each head, who would be happy to not get reward because an other group was unable to kill his own head.
IS tiamat should be accessible right after lvl 60. i'm not agree it should be the last campaign, Is tiamat should become an ultra elite mob with ultra elite equip where only ultra high GS group with both team speak and group who know eachother by killing a way for people to do it on average group. Sorry but no too we already have PVP for that.
neverwinter is a game and should remain a game where people should have fun and not require the latest equip on the highest lvl to make it because a couple of player have no life and spend 10 hours or more per day to farm just to be able to access to the full game content. No way, i already have 2 jobs i don't want a third one just because of no life person or student who want to cross their HAMSTER behind the screen by watching their super character.
Still what is the point of making it ultra hard now when majority of players already have everything from it, I even know someone who have just finished the boons for his 3rd alt.
You know, like there are a lot of freshly started MMO private servers where they tune down something after a few weeks, but then the old players already get somehing relatively easily, and the news have much harder way to get it, or even impossible.
But it could be just like the dragon hoard ench now in fondry has 3 mins CD.
Some where farming it for months 24/7 with some sort of bot macro in foundry, so I understand why they tuned it down, thank it to the abusers as always.
For someone who only starts colecting RP (aka new players) how much will this be harder?
I am just afraid they add new BiS item and 6 more boring daily campaign, before I even manage to get my stuff near orange.
And in T2 gear you won't really have more than 13-14k GS, which is still considered low, so what would be the limit you want?
On the other hand I knew what to do even on my first tiamat run, and as a GF I'm a buffbot even now, so gear made no difference for me.
You're now talking about bots, which is one of the biggest problems in this game, and they ruined a lot for legit players (devs - jump on it)
and again, legendary should be achieved in a lot of farming not boting, if it was easy to get a gear to legendary, it wasn't called legendary.
End game content should be hard for new players, so they will have something to look for, and not going with green gear to tiamat/VT/CN and complain that it's too hard.
they should even make much harder dungeons for end game, so people will want to gear up for them.
For example we did a guild run to epic FH yesterday (to gear up 2 fresh level 60), this dungeon was a little bit hard to do in the past, when you needed someone to kite the adds, and the last boss attacks could one shot you, now you can burn everything in 3 minutes boss+adds, and this is not how it suppose to be! it should be HARD to get your gear!
there was a way to do things, you level to 60>start doing T1 + sharandar + dread ring>start doing T2>start doing T2.5
you learned how to play in groups, you learned how to play your toon right, you learned when it's ok to stand in red and when you will die.
now new players go to end game content and say it's to hard O.o of course it will be hard for them they skipped all the process of growing their toon.
Realm leader of Guild Medieval
We are always recruiting mature, family-friendly, helpful and courteous people www.guildmedieval.com
Yep the feeling is more that you're fighting a chinese new year carnival dragon made of paper and bamboo. Then the fight itself... each head only aware of her own flow of people, like a supermarket cashier.
and again, legendary should be achieved in a lot of farming not boting, if it was easy to get a gear to legendary, it wasn't called legendary.
End game content should be hard for new players, so they will have something to look for, and not going with green gear to tiamat/VT/CN and complain that it's too hard.
i'm agree that tiamt should be accessible after IWD. As they made, IWD accessible after complete lvl 3 sharandar /terror it should be the same as tiamat should be available after complete lvl 3 of IWD. that would be logical
For the first point sorry but what do you call hard to get on legendary lvl ? 1 H/ day / equipment for one month ? 12 h/ day / equip for 6 month.? I made an estimate of time to get 1 equipement to legendary lvl with 5 dragon enchant lvl 9 slotted. it around 54 k refine point per hour of pure farming (with the 30 second ICD on the enchant it come more or less 1 drop per min) by checking the rate that look like this way (15% pearl 15% grey stone 50 % peridot 10 % green stone 6 % bleu pearl 3% rubis 1% the violet drop) it mean around medium range of 900 point per drop.
Here i made count with end gear player and not count time to farm rest, just pure farming. it mean around 95 h of farming per equipment to get to legendary. Out of the fact that it can be boring, yes the no life guy that play 10 h / day will get 3 artifact in legendary lvl in one month. On opposite the guy who play 2 h per days and only farm 1 h it take 10 months to do so. hard enough for you ? but in 4 month will come v6 with new gear that is much better than previous and where time will be double. passing on AH ? actually farming AD is worth of it.
Asking for harder content is only an elite matter since what is wanted is an elite equipment and they want to monopolise game and racket new player who want to get equipment, like a salary to have right to play or be bullied.
Making it as a daily connexion reward would be an option (ex: each day you get one lvl on one equip + it would give problem with secondary character that would not be require to play to get max lvl stuff same for XP that goes in equipment)
Making a daily task that allow you to win a book that give you a couple of refine point as long as it attach to character can be a good point.
Actual system ? no life player find it too easy but boring, pay cash player find it too expensive, lower time player or fresh player find it undoable. and yes it undoable since you need at all nearly 30 millions refine points for all equipment.
So where is your lvl of farming time ? counting with which category of player ? no life one ? the normal player ? the new player ? the pay cash player ?
i'm agree that tiamt should be accessible after IWD. As they made, IWD accessible after complete lvl 3 sharandar /terror it should be the same as tiamat should be available after complete lvl 3 of IWD. that would be logical
For the first point sorry but what do you call hard to get on legendary lvl ? 1 H/ day / equipment for one month ? 12 h/ day / equip for 6 month.? I made an estimate of time to get 1 equipement to legendary lvl with 5 dragon enchant lvl 9 slotted. it around 54 k refine point per hour of pure farming (with the 30 second ICD on the enchant it come more or less 1 drop per min) by checking the rate that look like this way (15% pearl 15% grey stone 50 % peridot 10 % green stone 6 % bleu pearl 3% rubis 1% the violet drop) it mean around medium range of 900 point per drop.
Here i made count with end gear player and not count time to farm rest, just pure farming. it mean around 95 h of farming per equipment to get to legendary. Out of the fact that it can be boring, yes the no life guy that play 10 h / day will get 3 artifact in legendary lvl in one month. On opposite the guy who play 2 h per days and only farm 1 h it take 10 months to do so. hard enough for you ? but in 4 month will come v6 with new gear that is much better than previous and where time will be double. passing on AH ? actually farming AD is worth of it.
Asking for harder content is only an elite matter since what is wanted is an elite equipment and they want to monopolise game and racket new player who want to get equipment, like a salary to have right to play or be bullied.
Making it as a daily connexion reward would be an option (ex: each day you get one lvl on one equip + it would give problem with secondary character that would not be require to play to get max lvl stuff same for XP that goes in equipment)
Making a daily task that allow you to win a book that give you a couple of refine point as long as it attach to character can be a good point.
Actual system ? no life player find it too easy, pay cash player find it too expensive, lower time player or fresh player find it undoable. and yes it undoable since you need at all nearly 30 millions refine points for all equipment.
So where is your lvl of farming time ? counting with which category of player ? no life one ? the normal player ? the new player ? the pay cash player ?
i'm a working man with real life play when i can (3-4 hours a day, 5 if i'm lucky ), my main toon 17k+ for now has 3 purple artifacts, i haven't spent 1 cent on this game, all the things a got, i got from farming, yes my friend it's possible! i have 2 more toons with blue artifacts gear which will be leveled in the future (and 5 more toons that i level slow with only T2 gear. i did all the T2s+T2.5s multiple times to get my gear, i refined all enchants by farming and i'm proud of it i'm running dungeons with low level GS players that need to and explain everything in the dungeon, so your "elite" nonsense has failed, YES end game should be HARDER, if you want easy go play angry birds ;P about the refine stuff, you are right they are hard to get (if you're not paying) but you can still get them, i'm the living proof for this. all this doesn't mean that a new player should jump straight to end game content, as i said before there's a lot to do before end game to be ready for end game.
Realm leader of Guild Medieval
We are always recruiting mature, family-friendly, helpful and courteous people www.guildmedieval.com
i'm a working man with real life play when i can (3-4 hours a day, 5 if i'm lucky ), my main toon 17k+ for now has 3 purple artifacts, i haven't spent 1 cent on this game, all the things a got, i got from farming, yes my friend it's possible! i have 2 more toons with blue artifacts gear which will be leveled in the future (and 5 more toons that i level slow with only T2 gear. i did all the T2s+T2.5s multiple times to get my gear, i refined all enchants by farming and i'm proud of it i'm running dungeons with low level GS players that need to and explain everything in the dungeon, so your "elite" nonsense has failed, YES end game should be HARDER, if you want easy go play angry birds ;P about the refine stuff, you are right they are hard to get (if you're not paying) but you can still get them, i'm the living proof for this. all this doesn't mean that a new player should jump straight to end game content, as i said before there's a lot to do before end game to be ready for end game.
3-4 h a day is sorry to says that but 21 - 28 h per week, you are near a full time job. how ever my main is 19k GS, and as i said except the point that tiamat should be placed after IWD in term of campaign (only tiamat access like last spot is requiring to enter and yo ucan unlock it after getting lvl 3 of IWD). i Ask you to explain what is your harder content. Why because in term of stuff their is such many way to be stronger without raising GS that is quite hard to measure. Is a 12 K CW would look you strong enough with a lvl 10 vorpal enchant a dark ioun stone lvl 30 and 4 more well choose toons ?. thier is too much gap in what you can call elite, GS only a small part. both in term of non GS equipment but also inside class and feat between a well builded character and a mystake one
* its the only raid you can actually fail, all other dungeons you can retry
* its nearly impossible to organize 1 group for each head, I never saw it happen (more then 100 times now)
* for 25 ppl raid from different countries... I wouldn't expect too much coordination
* even that you call it "easy" I have many fails, and it will take many raids to get off hand, cape and boons
I understand 10K ppl are not "welcomed"
but looking a the rewards, if I was new player I who'd probably be there as well
Im very new to this game, i leveled up to 60 a few days ago. I bought some High Vizier gear in auction house, because a friend recommended me, and then i did Tiamat boss 2 times.
I feel like im missing something here. Where is the endgame? What am I gearing up to be ready for? Is there any point doing the dailys for my boons and so on?
Sorry for hijacking the thread but i dont know how to start my own thanks
* its the only raid you can actually fail, all other dungeons you can retry
* its nearly impossible to organize 1 group for each head, I never saw it happen (more then 100 times now)
* for 25 ppl raid from different countries... I wouldn't expect too much coordination
* even that you call it "easy" I have many fails, and it will take many raids to get off hand, cape and boons
I understand 10K ppl are not "welcomed"
but looking a the rewards, if I was new player I who'd probably be there as well
Because putting a timer is a cheap way to make something challenging - otherwise lets put timers on all dungeons, lets see how fun is that.
The switch between the clerics and the heads phase is prone to bugs
The encounter is too easy
The encounter requires zero strategy
I my opinion the heads should permanently spawn after phase 1 and be attackable at any time. During the clerics phase nobody can get to them anyway because of the death zone. I guess they need the two different heads because they have different attacks, but if you could merge them, you could get rid of the current bugs and enhance the fight:
Make it so that the heads use their melee breath as soon as two players are on their plateau and otherwise let them use their ranged breath. That way you can counter or at least make it harder for the current zerg meta. If you decide to zerg down the heads, you'll have to deal with attacks of all five heads, one melee breath and four range breaths. I could imagine the blue and white head to be a severe pain and be able to wipe the entire HE.
Albeit not necessary, I would also add a bit more of "driving back" flair to the clerics phase. Let the death zone start directly at the clerics and for every % of progress in the phase, the death zone gets pushed back towards Tiamat. You could even make it so that at 75% (-ish), Ranged would be able to attack the heads.
Last but not least, the frequency of both the ranged and melee breath attacks should be a tad higher.
This would open more strategy and difficulty to the fight without getting it out of reach for lower geared PUGs. Melees could defend the clerics while ranged already start to burn down the heads in the cleric phase and during the head phase, people need to send tanks to other heads unless they want the zerg to deal with all sort of ranged breaths. Furthermore, this would bring all protective gems into play again. Currently nobody get the black and white gems and little do red.
lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
edited January 2015
Players can't even use the correct soul gem at the designated head, and you want them to co-ordinate using multiple gems for breath attacks from many heads? Not gonna happen. So many people are clueless in Tiamat with the simplest of strategies. Giving Tiamat any sort of AI would skew the fight even more in favour of the Dragon Queen. Most Tiamat wipes occur in the first head phase when people move from black to green. No-one takes/uses green soul gem which causes everyone to wipe, resulting in a failed run. Imagine multiple breath attacks at green, we wouldn't stand a chance. The only fix is increasing the GS. People need to earn the right to face Tiamat.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Players can't even use the correct soul gem at the designated head, and you want them to co-ordinate using multiple gems for breath attacks from many heads? Not gonna happen. So many people are clueless in Tiamat with the simplest of strategies. Giving Tiamat any sort of AI would skew the fight even more in favour of the Dragon Queen. Most Tiamat wipes occur in the first head phase when people move from black to green. No-one takes/uses green soul gem which causes everyone to wipe, resulting in a failed run. Imagine multiple breath attacks at green, we wouldn't stand a chance. The only fix is increasing the GS. People need to earn the right to face Tiamat.
I've noticed in the last week a disturbing trend of tons of people using red gems at the green head. More and more people seem to be doing it. /facepalm
Players can't even use the correct soul gem at the designated head, and you want them to co-ordinate using multiple gems for breath attacks from many heads? Not gonna happen. So many people are clueless in Tiamat with the simplest of strategies. Giving Tiamat any sort of AI would skew the fight even more in favour of the Dragon Queen. Most Tiamat wipes occur in the first head phase when people move from black to green. No-one takes/uses green soul gem which causes everyone to wipe, resulting in a failed run. Imagine multiple breath attacks at green, we wouldn't stand a chance. The only fix is increasing the GS. People need to earn the right to face Tiamat.
Yes, a raise in the GS requirement would have to go along with it.
katbozejziemiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 856Arc User
edited January 2015
Let's fight this giant dragon head on a small platform above lava. it's not like she could just swipe everyone down into it or anything.
Players can't even use the correct soul gem at the designated head, and you want them to co-ordinate using multiple gems for breath attacks from many heads? Not gonna happen. So many people are clueless in Tiamat with the simplest of strategies.
That's the point - ppl are clueless. But if this "raid" (haha) required using brain, they would learn really quick, trust me. Just as they've learned how to beat dungeons back in the days when it was actually a challenge. Of course, the fun would be greater if we could queue as a team, not necessary a whole 25 party, but something like gg pvp.
katbozejziemiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 856Arc User
i leveled up to 60 a few days ago. I bought some High Vizier gear in auction house, because a friend recommended me, and then i did Tiamat boss 2 times.
I feel like im missing something here. Where is the endgame? What am I gearing up to be ready for? Is there any point doing the dailys for my boons and so on?
Not every class is a CW. But yes, now you can solo CN and see if you beat Chem's time.
Oh c'mon.
Of course, we had plenty of exploits back then, but people were perfectly able to beat content in a legit way, decently but not necessary BiS geared. Today however the ability to use brain in pve atrophied due to not being used.
Sadly, you cannot use any tactical/smart strategy in this game. PVE is all about zerg,zerg,steamroll, more zerg, blow up mass mobs, etc etc.
The CLOSEST thing to ever reach a tactical play in this game was the T1 Dungeon "The Throne of Idris". This tiamat encounter isn't a "Raid" whatsoever.
but yeah, let's put her intelligence aside and look at the requirements:
Valindra's Tower ? 10.5K
Lair of Lostmauth ? A dragon who serves Tiamat? 13K
Tiamat, the Dragon Queen, who's Lostmauth's boss? A whopping 10K.
^ The above is why no one bothers with "Strategy" or "Tactical" play. Too many people who've skipped the previous campaigns and put on some blue gear join the "Raid", and hinder other players, sadly.
One of the many Control Wizards that misses Shard Of The Endless Avalanche. RIP Shard (Beta-Mod3)
WTB Class Reroll please
Easy to talk when u already got the things easily.
in fact this battle have a really cool retro thing.
I haven't got them - only got the offhand and cape - still half way there, but if they make this harder - they could reduce the amount of favors needed to retain the balance, while making this a bit more challenging and interesting.
If all the 5 heads would be doing the stuff, then there would be theese issues:
Zerg: since most player run tiamat on 0 graf, because it is badly optimised and laggs like hell, would not see when she is breathing from an other head, because it is out of the range, also most still would not use souls, this would result in more fails.
5x5: hard to make it the way, to every party have the same DPS (impossibru), or yes, you could, but that would take a lot of time to organise that way, only a few class could jump straight to the other head to help out the other party.
1)This HE was not designed to face zerging to begin with it should not be as no brainier as it is now.
2)You can recognize breath by the red area ornaments - I use lowest graphics and i still can see them.
3)5x5 provide the requirement for communication - that is why people play mmos in the first place - what is the difference to play with 24 other people or 24 bots if you are not communicating.
4)yes it would be harder, but that can be changed modifying health of the dragons.
5)Yes there are raids that 50% people are wiped, and most of them consist of PUGs which in my opinion should first do sharandar/dreadring/icewind before doing Tiamat. You don't go knocking on gods before you have the power to withstand them.
6)Souls were designed as key component to the heroic event it's ridiculous as their usage so lowly impact the chance of success.
This is the End game dungeon/raid! it should be extremely hard! like VT or CN was before the artifacts and legendary weapons, new level 60s need to get experience for running in groups in the easier stuff (T2s) and go for end game content after they made their toon strong enough.
Fresh level 60s has nothing to do there and should get their toon stornger before going there.
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3. I don't really understand where are you going with this. Currently few even bothers to form parties to begin with, and you are practically playing alone most of the time.
4. That's not much to change - a) adjust coordinates for targeting breaths, b) adjust health c) reduce favour cost. None of these requires a lot of programming as everything is done and only parameters needs to be changed.
Still what is the point of making it ultra hard now when majority of players already have everything from it, I even know someone who have just finished the boons for his 3rd alt.
You know, like there are a lot of freshly started MMO private servers where they tune down something after a few weeks, but then the old players already get somehing relatively easily, and the news have much harder way to get it, or even impossible.
But it could be just like the dragon hoard ench now in fondry has 3 mins CD.
Some where farming it for months 24/7 with some sort of bot macro in foundry, so I understand why they tuned it down, thank it to the abusers as always.
For someone who only starts colecting RP (aka new players) how much will this be harder?
I am just afraid they add new BiS item and 6 more boring daily campaign, before I even manage to get my stuff near orange.
And in T2 gear you won't really have more than 13-14k GS, which is still considered low, so what would be the limit you want?
On the other hand I knew what to do even on my first tiamat run, and as a GF I'm a buffbot even now, so gear made no difference for me.
1 month ago tiamat was too hard, now it'S not.
Zerg is actually the best way because many forgot that you have countless country player and not all speak english.
Making zerg make group loosing around 20-25 % of time by moving but it compensate by the fact that a whole 25 party member will get a better debuff bonus. depending on the party it often between X2 to X3 more damage than an 5*5 party.
Is fresh lvl 60 should be able to goes on tiamat, i'm not agree but it should not be a GS matter but a campaign advance reward, it should be at least requiring IWD lvl 3 but not a GS matter.
Those who asking for a ultra lvl requirement are mainly selfish player who want to get an ultra hard equipment that they can sell an horrible price at AH. They arguing about challenge but let says dev put an epic version with same loot but let says you get loot X2 but experienced group player will get a 25-30 % success rate. nobody will run it+ player will complain about chinese goldfarmer that will organise to do it better way. We get the perfect exemple with epic tuern, since loot nearly same rate between normal and epic most run normal version and many complain came because of that epic was giving same thing as normal but since it was requiring x3 more time at with not a 100% success rate, player mostly don't do it.
And final step about tiamat. Have you checked the size of the thing. if dev would not have done it who would have been happy to fight tiamat's feet. So yes tiamat look little stupid VS zerg but on opposite who would be happy to be killed because the 5 head shoot at once or if player would have forcedd to tun in 5 group on each head, who would be happy to not get reward because an other group was unable to kill his own head.
IS tiamat should be accessible right after lvl 60. i'm not agree it should be the last campaign, Is tiamat should become an ultra elite mob with ultra elite equip where only ultra high GS group with both team speak and group who know eachother by killing a way for people to do it on average group. Sorry but no too we already have PVP for that.
neverwinter is a game and should remain a game where people should have fun and not require the latest equip on the highest lvl to make it because a couple of player have no life and spend 10 hours or more per day to farm just to be able to access to the full game content. No way, i already have 2 jobs i don't want a third one just because of no life person or student who want to cross their HAMSTER behind the screen by watching their super character.
You're now talking about bots, which is one of the biggest problems in this game, and they ruined a lot for legit players (devs - jump on it)
and again, legendary should be achieved in a lot of farming not boting, if it was easy to get a gear to legendary, it wasn't called legendary.
End game content should be hard for new players, so they will have something to look for, and not going with green gear to tiamat/VT/CN and complain that it's too hard.
they should even make much harder dungeons for end game, so people will want to gear up for them.
For example we did a guild run to epic FH yesterday (to gear up 2 fresh level 60), this dungeon was a little bit hard to do in the past, when you needed someone to kite the adds, and the last boss attacks could one shot you, now you can burn everything in 3 minutes boss+adds, and this is not how it suppose to be! it should be HARD to get your gear!
there was a way to do things, you level to 60>start doing T1 + sharandar + dread ring>start doing T2>start doing T2.5
you learned how to play in groups, you learned how to play your toon right, you learned when it's ok to stand in red and when you will die.
now new players go to end game content and say it's to hard O.o of course it will be hard for them they skipped all the process of growing their toon.
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Hilarious and well said, thanks for that.
i'm agree that tiamt should be accessible after IWD. As they made, IWD accessible after complete lvl 3 sharandar /terror it should be the same as tiamat should be available after complete lvl 3 of IWD. that would be logical
For the first point sorry but what do you call hard to get on legendary lvl ? 1 H/ day / equipment for one month ? 12 h/ day / equip for 6 month.? I made an estimate of time to get 1 equipement to legendary lvl with 5 dragon enchant lvl 9 slotted. it around 54 k refine point per hour of pure farming (with the 30 second ICD on the enchant it come more or less 1 drop per min) by checking the rate that look like this way (15% pearl 15% grey stone 50 % peridot 10 % green stone 6 % bleu pearl 3% rubis 1% the violet drop) it mean around medium range of 900 point per drop.
Here i made count with end gear player and not count time to farm rest, just pure farming. it mean around 95 h of farming per equipment to get to legendary. Out of the fact that it can be boring, yes the no life guy that play 10 h / day will get 3 artifact in legendary lvl in one month. On opposite the guy who play 2 h per days and only farm 1 h it take 10 months to do so. hard enough for you ? but in 4 month will come v6 with new gear that is much better than previous and where time will be double. passing on AH ? actually farming AD is worth of it.
Asking for harder content is only an elite matter since what is wanted is an elite equipment and they want to monopolise game and racket new player who want to get equipment, like a salary to have right to play or be bullied.
Making it as a daily connexion reward would be an option (ex: each day you get one lvl on one equip + it would give problem with secondary character that would not be require to play to get max lvl stuff same for XP that goes in equipment)
Making a daily task that allow you to win a book that give you a couple of refine point as long as it attach to character can be a good point.
Actual system ? no life player find it too easy but boring, pay cash player find it too expensive, lower time player or fresh player find it undoable. and yes it undoable since you need at all nearly 30 millions refine points for all equipment.
So where is your lvl of farming time ? counting with which category of player ? no life one ? the normal player ? the new player ? the pay cash player ?
i'm a working man with real life play when i can (3-4 hours a day, 5 if i'm lucky
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3-4 h a day is sorry to says that but 21 - 28 h per week, you are near a full time job. how ever my main is 19k GS, and as i said except the point that tiamat should be placed after IWD in term of campaign (only tiamat access like last spot is requiring to enter and yo ucan unlock it after getting lvl 3 of IWD). i Ask you to explain what is your harder content. Why because in term of stuff their is such many way to be stronger without raising GS that is quite hard to measure. Is a 12 K CW would look you strong enough with a lvl 10 vorpal enchant a dark ioun stone lvl 30 and 4 more well choose toons ?. thier is too much gap in what you can call elite, GS only a small part. both in term of non GS equipment but also inside class and feat between a well builded character and a mystake one
* its the only raid you can actually fail, all other dungeons you can retry
* its nearly impossible to organize 1 group for each head, I never saw it happen (more then 100 times now)
* for 25 ppl raid from different countries... I wouldn't expect too much coordination
* even that you call it "easy" I have many fails, and it will take many raids to get off hand, cape and boons
I understand 10K ppl are not "welcomed"
but looking a the rewards, if I was new player I who'd probably be there as well
Im very new to this game, i leveled up to 60 a few days ago. I bought some High Vizier gear in auction house, because a friend recommended me, and then i did Tiamat boss 2 times.
I feel like im missing something here. Where is the endgame? What am I gearing up to be ready for? Is there any point doing the dailys for my boons and so on?
Sorry for hijacking the thread but i dont know how to start my own
Because putting a timer is a cheap way to make something challenging - otherwise lets put timers on all dungeons, lets see how fun is that.
I my opinion the heads should permanently spawn after phase 1 and be attackable at any time. During the clerics phase nobody can get to them anyway because of the death zone. I guess they need the two different heads because they have different attacks, but if you could merge them, you could get rid of the current bugs and enhance the fight:
Make it so that the heads use their melee breath as soon as two players are on their plateau and otherwise let them use their ranged breath. That way you can counter or at least make it harder for the current zerg meta. If you decide to zerg down the heads, you'll have to deal with attacks of all five heads, one melee breath and four range breaths. I could imagine the blue and white head to be a severe pain and be able to wipe the entire HE.
Albeit not necessary, I would also add a bit more of "driving back" flair to the clerics phase. Let the death zone start directly at the clerics and for every % of progress in the phase, the death zone gets pushed back towards Tiamat. You could even make it so that at 75% (-ish), Ranged would be able to attack the heads.
Last but not least, the frequency of both the ranged and melee breath attacks should be a tad higher.
This would open more strategy and difficulty to the fight without getting it out of reach for lower geared PUGs. Melees could defend the clerics while ranged already start to burn down the heads in the cleric phase and during the head phase, people need to send tanks to other heads unless they want the zerg to deal with all sort of ranged breaths. Furthermore, this would bring all protective gems into play again. Currently nobody get the black and white gems and little do red.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
I've noticed in the last week a disturbing trend of tons of people using red gems at the green head. More and more people seem to be doing it. /facepalm
Yes, a raise in the GS requirement would have to go along with it.
That's the point - ppl are clueless. But if this "raid" (haha) required using brain, they would learn really quick, trust me. Just as they've learned how to beat dungeons back in the days when it was actually a challenge. Of course, the fun would be greater if we could queue as a team, not necessary a whole 25 party, but something like gg pvp.
Not every class is a CW. But yes, now you can solo CN and see if you beat Chem's time.
Oh c'mon.
Of course, we had plenty of exploits back then, but people were perfectly able to beat content in a legit way, decently but not necessary BiS geared. Today however the ability to use brain in pve atrophied due to not being used.