So...with my friends CWs from guild, we made a few pvp test and there is a lot of... i dont know...bugs? defect?
-First of all- i run in oppressor tree, made 5/5 of glacial movement + orb on skills bar, and big fail- it just does not work both renegade and thauma has got that same stuns time like i have on opressor, besides we have strange felling that the whole cw's control abilities are shorter than in mod 4
-second- if my memory is still fine, changes was something like this:
Chill Strike: This power now activates 40% faster.
Entangling Force: This power now activates 40% faster.
Repel: This power now activates 40% faster.
(I am not sure about RoE and Icy rays, i didnt use it, must be tested ;0)
but what i am sure- why only chill strike is activates faster?
Maby i didnt notice some new changes, or it is bugged?
And third- very annoying- chill strike and sudden strom dmg not always but often is just missed, there is no damage, and we suppose it could be caused by new faster casting times
those are only our observations, and i will be happy to hear opinions of other CWs,
Gretting, Obsy.
Post edited by obsydian666 on
kieranmtornMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 382Arc User
edited November 2014
Similar experience, Sudden Storm invocation is fast in WoD, and slower elsewhere (subjective), bigger chance of missing in WoD.
I'm having serious issues with my damage in WoD, just not happening (CS, Sudden Storm), and I'm thinking the Dragon minions are control resistant (I'm +45% on control without the Orb). Try in an old map the same experiments.
I agree with the above posters. I have observed my SS and CS not displaying damage numbers and apparently not causing the mobs HP to reduce, so I am assuming that it was either missing or not causing damage. Seeing as how I rarely miss with SS in all the other content in the game I am confident that I am not missing too much in here either.
I also run an Oppressor build and was wondering if the mobs were control resistant as well. I do not seem to be controlling the mobs for as long as I expected, but I have not really tested this in other content.
I agree with the above posters. I have observed my SS and CS not displaying damage numbers and apparently not causing the mobs HP to reduce, so I am assuming that it was either missing or not causing damage. Seeing as how I rarely miss with SS in all the other content in the game I am confident that I am not missing too much in here either.
I also run an Oppressor build and was wondering if the mobs were control resistant as well. I do not seem to be controlling the mobs for as long as I expected, but I have not really tested this in other content.
Thank you all for saying this about SS because i though i was trippin...... Sometimes it hits and others its like....huh? lol It goes on cd but there was no damage. I'm sure this cant be "working as intended" XD
chemboy613Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,521Arc User
edited November 2014
People have been noticing the bugs with sudden storm. It's not hitting as it should be. Hopefully the fix it soon.
IMO after update CW is the worst in pvp, tenacity casually doesn't work. Rogue kill me by hit kill many times, this is not normal to me, so boring.
Well, devs needs fix it faster.
IMO after update CW is the worst in pvp, tenacity casually doesn't work. Rogue kill me by hit kill many times, this is not normal to me, so boring.
Well, devs needs fix it faster.
Scourge Warlock and Guardian Fighters are arguably worse off.
I would however, take TRs, Hunter Rangers, DCs and intimidation GWFs over a CW right now so we aren't exactly one of the best classes in PVP
I know I am dying 4 times as much in pvp now than I did before. I understand why they took some of our control away, but that was the only way we could survive in pvp without having really high GS. Please give us an increase in armor class or something else to survive. I am sitting at 17 armor class which is HAMSTER even with over 2k defense and nearly 2k tenacity. I have 14.5k GS and die by one shots all the time now. I still can't find the "fixed" perma stealthed rouges 90% of the time. Obviously sometimes I go against the not so good rogues and can easily find and kill them. I also can't seem to dodge out of GFW and GF stun/knock back things as easily as I could before not sure why, they have also one shotted me.
Like I already stated I understand the nerf on control in pvp, but PLEASE give us some survivability. The only CW's I see that survive have the 17k to 21k GS. I am working towards that, but will be awhile, since I generally only pvp. Unless someone has a build suggestion that I am completely missing? Please suggest if you do. I tried the shield, kept me alive longer, but I couldn't kill anyone hardly with the massive loss of a damage spell.
Those changes doesn't really matter for me, i barely noticed them. In dragon fights i can use chill strike now, which was useless before due to very long animation. Appart from that i can't really see those improvements that much in PVE.
As for PVP I can't complain right now - and i'm doing PVP in my HV set, since im PVE oriented EF casts faster, inceed, but since i dont use chill strike in PVP, tneh i dont really care. Icy rays and RoF - dont see any difference and those spells had low casting time anyway. The only thing i would change in PVP is to reduce everyones damage (CW included) by about 25% to make fights more about skill tacticts, and to make 1-shoting impossible - but this is nothing related to the newest CW changes.
look again what i wrote : i run in oppressor tree, made 5/5 of glacial movement + orb on skills bar, and big fail- it just does not work both renegade and thauma has got that same stuns time like i have on opressor. In oppressor tree orb should still increase +15% from orb and +60% from feat so still 75% but it is not working. Besides i was playing without orb in mod and i will tell it again- control is shorter than in mod 4.
look again what i wrote : i run in oppressor tree, made 5/5 of glacial movement + orb on skills bar, and big fail- it just does not work both renegade and thauma has got that same stuns time like i have on opressor. In oppressor tree orb should still increase +15% from orb and +60% from feat so still 75% but it is not working. Besides i was playing without orb in mod and i will tell it again- control is shorter than in mod 4.
I was fairly unimpressed with the "uber-buffed" Orb of Imposition when it gave +25% per level.
Even with the new feat buffing it, I really don't like it at all compared to other potential feats.
kieranmtornMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 382Arc User
look again what i wrote : i run in oppressor tree, made 5/5 of glacial movement + orb on skills bar, and big fail- it just does not work both renegade and thauma has got that same stuns time like i have on opressor. In oppressor tree orb should still increase +15% from orb and +60% from feat so still 75% but it is not working. Besides i was playing without orb in mod and i will tell it again- control is shorter than in mod 4.
Depending on where you're playing, in PVE, I'm pretty sure the mob's in WoD are control resistant, much like the mobs in IWD. Shard prones for such a short time, that it's basically only an interrupt (I'm +45% Control without orb). I haven't checked my control times in normal T1/T2 dungeons since WoD came out, but it wouldn't surprise me.
I cant make my own post but can someone tell me the difference between the wizard and the warlock? like the pros and cons and what each one is known for?
I cant make my own post but can someone tell me the difference between the wizard and the warlock? like the pros and cons and what each one is known for?
Warlock was introduced more recently and is therefore better. Wizard has shiny, glowing animations, Warlock has dark animations with bats and black heads spitting petroleum. Warlock moves stealthed and fast, Wizard has a short-range teleport and walks at snail speed. Both have cc features, the wizard ones can be dodged. Warlock has high survivability due to numerous vampiric features, Wizard hasn't. Warlock always fights 2v1 or 3v1 due to his perma puppet(s). Wizard fiercely fights alone.
Your choice entirely.
ToD = ..........
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
I'm having serious issues with my damage in WoD, just not happening (CS, Sudden Storm), and I'm thinking the Dragon minions are control resistant (I'm +45% on control without the Orb). Try in an old map the same experiments.
I also run an Oppressor build and was wondering if the mobs were control resistant as well. I do not seem to be controlling the mobs for as long as I expected, but I have not really tested this in other content.
Thank you all for saying this about SS because i though i was trippin...... Sometimes it hits and others its like....huh? lol It goes on cd but there was no damage. I'm sure this cant be "working as intended" XD
Everything you need to know about CW:
Don't know if ts because of the tenacity or something
it could be in PvP. In PvE, cold and freeze are working normally.
Everything you need to know about CW:
Well, devs needs fix it faster.
Scourge Warlock and Guardian Fighters are arguably worse off.
I would however, take TRs, Hunter Rangers, DCs and intimidation GWFs over a CW right now so we aren't exactly one of the best classes in PVP
Like I already stated I understand the nerf on control in pvp, but PLEASE give us some survivability. The only CW's I see that survive have the 17k to 21k GS. I am working towards that, but will be awhile, since I generally only pvp. Unless someone has a build suggestion that I am completely missing? Please suggest if you do. I tried the shield, kept me alive longer, but I couldn't kill anyone hardly with the massive loss of a damage spell.
As for PVP I can't complain right now - and i'm doing PVP in my HV set, since im PVE oriented
Before the mod I could top most pvp matches.
Now I struggle against all other classes even with much lower gear scores. I die alot against the DC and the TR.
Seems like my Black Ice armor is weaker or something.
I noticed too my damage is lower before the mod with no change in settings. Power is nearly 10K, defence 3.5K, most major stats around the 3K mark
Also Im using single target powers but not getting the freezes at all in PVP.
Losing interest in the game as my gear score is highest I can get it, but my toon is so weak in both attack and defense
Yep much shorter. Orb of imposition was nerfed.
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
look again what i wrote : i run in oppressor tree, made 5/5 of glacial movement + orb on skills bar, and big fail- it just does not work both renegade and thauma has got that same stuns time like i have on opressor. In oppressor tree orb should still increase +15% from orb and +60% from feat so still 75% but it is not working. Besides i was playing without orb in mod and i will tell it again- control is shorter than in mod 4.
I was fairly unimpressed with the "uber-buffed" Orb of Imposition when it gave +25% per level.
Even with the new feat buffing it, I really don't like it at all compared to other potential feats.
Depending on where you're playing, in PVE, I'm pretty sure the mob's in WoD are control resistant, much like the mobs in IWD. Shard prones for such a short time, that it's basically only an interrupt (I'm +45% Control without orb). I haven't checked my control times in normal T1/T2 dungeons since WoD came out, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Warlock was introduced more recently and is therefore better. Wizard has shiny, glowing animations, Warlock has dark animations with bats and black heads spitting petroleum. Warlock moves stealthed and fast, Wizard has a short-range teleport and walks at snail speed. Both have cc features, the wizard ones can be dodged. Warlock has high survivability due to numerous vampiric features, Wizard hasn't. Warlock always fights 2v1 or 3v1 due to his perma puppet(s). Wizard fiercely fights alone.
Your choice entirely.
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs