Honest question! I've been following the preview test threads etc. Some things look great, not sure on others. Admittedly I'm no TR expert and have only been playing for a short time now. With how much I work etc I honestly have no time to test things, have time to do my dailies and then pretty much log off right now. I see people hating the changes, some loving them, some having great success(in solo/pvp/small HE encounter stuff etc) and some not.
How are we being changed/improved for group desirability though? What niche are we going to fill now?(I remember way back HAVING to bring a TR to CN) being desired like WAY back then. Obviously TR's are capable of doing content, honestly though does that even matter? People Want to be Wanted, not just a guild/friends/legit channel pick or
@just fine@ for solo/semi solo content. So for those that really know what's what, are TR's soon to be enjoying some desirability come Mod5?
When it comes to party PvE content, the preconception and bias towards any other class that is not the GWF/CW is so strong, that it simply doesn't matter what you can or cannot do. Most people who actively build parties and do dungeon runs does it for either farming or quick daily runs for AD. We can become the "one-shot one-kill" class and still, people would prefer the GWF-CW-CW-CW-DC parties.
The only way people's perception can change, by way of modifying the class itself, is to give our class so cockamimey broken levels of OP damage that people begin to consider us superior to either GWFs or CWs. That means it's either;
Deal as much damage as GWFs AND be able to facetank anything
Be all that the TR is, and then also be able to deal your damage in massive AoE bursts + AoE CCs
In otherwords, either ask the developers to give you a GWF that can stealth, or a CW that can stealth. That's some people's bright idea of altering the class itself to match every other contendor in the market.
The problem lies in more deeply than meets the eye. Asking for the TR to be able to do whatever the GWF/CWs can do, is totally missing the point, IMO.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Beside that we deal now more single target damage, including with the new AoE skills we can deal more damage as an CW in Dungeons like eLOL with smaller groups and bigger monsters. If we are in dungeons with more trash monsters like Castle Never we deal less damage as an CW and a bit less as an GWF.
I really like the new changes. the new playstyle of the Executioneer TR feels fresh and we deal a good amount of damage to be a real help and to have an impaxt on battles.
All changes made were not made to help TR. These changes were made to satisfy other classes demands to destroy perma stealth. And after it was done they upgraded a bit damage but also nerfed a lot of damage. Overall we have approximately same dmg, feats that are not useless anymore, and stealth which is basically useless. TR had role on pvp to keep enemy point and they pretty much destroyed only role TR had. Now we can still keep that point but we have no hope to kill anyone. You can also go other way with first strike and full power and feats based on dmg but i can assure you that no serious party would ever take you on pvp. That is simply because there is nothing then that yourclass would be best at-CW still would have more dmg and control and few times better survivabilty. Out of stealth you are same dead as in mod 4.
In pve there are 2 ways as well, you can go full perma and you won't die at all and you will have minimal dmg which means your usefullness to group is zero(all you can is do micro dmg and revive someone who will die). The other way is full dmg with zero defence you will die all the time as fly because out of stealth TR has no defence. Well there is also scoundrel way which i don't really consider much of a choice because you will be just another wannabe CW few times worse than cw in dmg and control.
Asha-DC(Faithful-Anointed Champion)
To be honest, I like most of the changes, but I don't know if it's gonna make us more wanted. We got a couple of good things and we lost some things. The developers are not gonna change their ideas about this class no matter what we say, so all we can do is wait and see what the future brings.
let s be fair, we bring nothing. nothing. or the only thing we bring to the table is nothing, thats still something xD
they have right, we are companion with some more slots for equip.
JUST SAYING: your beloved class advocate didnt write a single thing in the feedback thread.
this is why we all should have pushed for sicarius. you cares how much exploited, he at least shows interest and knowledge
I don't run with pugs from mod 2 there are few major reasons:
-their requirements are like programmed like in bot-we take classes everyone takes no matter what
-they want 2 times better gs people than instance required which is laughable
-they go crazy in instances sometimes and make voting fest-everyone kicks everyone i've seen it kicking people for no reason all instance voting fest(too bad i got persuaded by friend to go with pugs)
-they don't care about skills all they want is op class and op gear
In any instance in this game same skilled CW and TR with same gear-CW will have always at least 2 times better dps. CW has more control and he easly takes TR aggro. You know the problem is that this game became one huge chaos. CW were not supposed to have all aggro and yet they do easly. When playing TR for example in Lostmouth those scorpions will run around after CW which can't tank and you won't even attack them. That is what i've been saying that balance is upside down and TR has no chance to get aggro so they won't tank anything. Some people can go with their silly theories that wicked reminder will do much good that it's so cool but it won't change fact that it's just addition and there are classes which have better addition like DC. Other thing is that class which adds something not have specified role is not really respected and considered as priority to have in party.
Asha-DC(Faithful-Anointed Champion)
i really dont thing much would change but at least he would be nice to show some "presence" . i dont know if he told you something but here, on the forum, i read 0.
That's still way better than showing up in preview server attacking people without provocation or permission, just killing and slaying everyone on the other faction and until people are fed up and just refuse to flag for PvP. That and his wonderful personality of his will get him the "Douch*bag of the Year" award, I think.
It is no wonder everyone just shuns him in the preview when he shows face. Nobody will play with him, test with him, or even talk to him. And to think some people actually root for this guy. :rolleyes:
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
They've quit. Realized there are better things in life than video games.