apart from mindlessly grinding boring daily quests, scratching our arses for 15min til dragon spawns, to get the 6 books that have 0.0000000000000000000000001% chance to drop from actual content, and maybe get belt and black ice gloves that have similar drop chance.
No new class, seems like theres no new zone, armor set is worse than t2 thats been in the game since launch, no new campaign just more grind on the old one, no new boons cause most ppl cant afford the 3mil/book for the ToD boons, and new ones will be even more expensive
apart from mindlessly grinding boring daily quests, scratching our arses for 15min til dragon spawns, to get the 6 books that have 0.0000000000000000000000001% chance to drop from actual content, and maybe get belt and black ice gloves that have similar drop chance.
No new class, seems like theres no new zone, armor set is worse than t2 thats been in the game since launch, no new campaign just more grind on the old one, no new boons cause most ppl cant afford the 3mil/book for the ToD boons, and new ones will be even more expensive
so what do we do ?
WE play Archeage
Tairev-TR(All kind of killing tools) Asha-DC(Faithful-Anointed Champion) Vilgefortz-CW(Thaumaturge-balance)
log in.
do dailys just to keep up.
play something else after that.
wait untill they make something interesing that doesnt require ridiculous amount of luck,time and AD.
Take a look at the ToD campaign window on preview, enjoy, think about an escape plan to greener pastures.
More books, more of the same books which never drop for some reason, so farm 20 days to get one, since you need 6, make the math. There's a new thing called "the well of the dragon". Not sure about what it is, probably a skirmish or something. They're also adding new dragon encounters. More timers and more waiting inbound! Exactly what the forums asked for!
Take a look at the ToD campaign window on preview, enjoy, think about an escape plan to greener pastures.
More books, more of the same books which never drop for some reason, so farm 20 days to get one, since you need 6, make the math. There's a new thing called "the well of the dragon". Not sure about what it is, probably a skirmish or something. They're also adding new dragon encounters. More timers and more waiting inbound! Exactly what the forums asked for!
What I hate most is that these insane grind and farming are only for PvP purposes which have 2 maps or you can go for desert OPvP, and that's it, you don't need to be more than 16K to feel that all the PvE content is a walk in the park.
This to be honest. I would still go for the weekly missions (Cult Secrets) because when you come back you will eventually need A LOT of them to finish your boons.
What I hate most is that these insane grind and farming are only for PvP purposes which have 2 maps or you can go for desert OPvP, and that's it, you don't need to be more than 16K to feel that all the PvE content is a walk in the park.
Good point. There is no reason to max out your character unless you are going for PvP.
Yeah, open world not zone style as here. Also you can sail by boat rent some land, use flying vehicles. Also open world pvp, very interesting quests, 3 classes in one character, and many more. Worth checking out.
Tairev-TR(All kind of killing tools) Asha-DC(Faithful-Anointed Champion) Vilgefortz-CW(Thaumaturge-balance)
Take a look at the ToD campaign window on preview, enjoy, think about an escape plan to greener pastures.
More books, more of the same books which never drop for some reason, so farm 20 days to get one, since you need 6, make the math. There's a new thing called "the well of the dragon". Not sure about what it is, probably a skirmish or something. They're also adding new dragon encounters. More timers and more waiting inbound! Exactly what the forums asked for!
20 days to get one plus another 20 days to reearn the sigils and the currency you spend to buy the book.You need them PLUS the book .So it is actualy double the time.
90% of the forumers forget that fact
For the first boon people say it is aproximattely one month.Wrong it is one month fgor the book.But you will lose you r currency to buy it.You have to reearn that currency with dailies again.So i think it is one month plus 20 days for first boon
apart from mindlessly grinding boring daily quests, scratching our arses for 15min til dragon spawns, to get the 6 books that have 0.0000000000000000000000001% chance to drop from actual content, and maybe get belt and black ice gloves that have similar drop chance.
No new class, seems like theres no new zone, armor set is worse than t2 thats been in the game since launch, no new campaign just more grind on the old one, no new boons cause most ppl cant afford the 3mil/book for the ToD boons, and new ones will be even more expensive
so what do we do ?
as far as we know there could be still one new campaign coming it is not first time for them u push balance changes first few weeks before rest of the update comes to test server
as far as we know there could be still one new campaign coming it is not first time for them u push balance changes first few weeks before rest of the update comes to test server
Extended ToD plus some another new campaign? C'mon, man!
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
We do more of this. Honestly I have been getting bored of this game every day. Mod 4 came and wore out it's welcome quickly.
It's so hard to do dailies on one toon and then go to another toon just to do the same dailies again. Over and over. Then farm the same skirms and dungeons over and over. I can barely get through dragon dailies on a single toon as it is.
Play something else till M6.
Would've stuck with the first 3 words tbh.
WE play Archeage
Asha-DC(Faithful-Anointed Champion)
do dailys just to keep up.
play something else after that.
wait untill they make something interesing that doesnt require ridiculous amount of luck,time and AD.
No one plays Archeage. You hack it, or be hacked.
More books, more of the same books which never drop for some reason, so farm 20 days to get one, since you need 6, make the math. There's a new thing called "the well of the dragon". Not sure about what it is, probably a skirmish or something. They're also adding new dragon encounters. More timers and more waiting inbound! Exactly what the forums asked for!
More people probably play it than this game. I mostly say because archeage is newer and nwo has done a good job of scaring a lot of its players away.
+1/10 char!
Everything you need to know about CW:
This to be honest. I would still go for the weekly missions (Cult Secrets) because when you come back you will eventually need A LOT of them to finish your boons.
Good point. There is no reason to max out your character unless you are going for PvP.
Already started this
Asha-DC(Faithful-Anointed Champion)
20 days to get one plus another 20 days to reearn the sigils and the currency you spend to buy the book.You need them PLUS the book
90% of the forumers forget that fact
For the first boon people say it is aproximattely one month.Wrong it is one month fgor the book.But you will lose you r currency to buy it.You have to reearn that currency with dailies again.So i think it is one month plus 20 days for first boon
as far as we know there could be still one new campaign coming it is not first time for them u push balance changes first few weeks before rest of the update comes to test server
Extended ToD plus some another new campaign? C'mon, man!
We do more of this. Honestly I have been getting bored of this game every day. Mod 4 came and wore out it's welcome quickly.
It's so hard to do dailies on one toon and then go to another toon just to do the same dailies again. Over and over. Then farm the same skirms and dungeons over and over. I can barely get through dragon dailies on a single toon as it is.