you tried to fix the blue dragon glyph for the overlord slot but it is still op, and you never touched the red dragon glyph which is awesome being killed while doing duelist's flurry and having the cw just stand there and do nothing but watch you die.
personally the black ice gear should only be allowed used in IWD and kessels' retreat, its not that good for all classes (ie no crit strike on it for tr's). but at least make players have to have some skill to kill you rather than just slot one or two glyphs and stand and watch everyone die
you tried to fix the blue dragon glyph for the overlord slot but it is still op, and you never touched the red dragon glyph which is awesome being killed while doing duelist's flurry and having the cw just stand there and do nothing but watch you die.
personally the black ice gear should only be allowed used in IWD and kessels' retreat, its not that good for all classes (ie no crit strike on it for tr's). but at least make players have to have some skill to kill you rather than just slot one or two glyphs and stand and watch everyone die
Actually, many people consider black ice the BiS pvp gear right now. Like the new tenacity gear, all it does is offer stats that a)aren't your classes' main stats, rounding out your character, or b)actually has superior stats, but in your classes' weak spots.
Although the dragon glyphs should be fixed with a better ICD or something.
I hear "learn to play" all the time, but it seems to me that it should be defined as "my class is balanced, except when others beat it, then THAT class is OP"...
Just add a 1 second ICD inbetween ticks for all of the glyphs that heal/deal damage. I'm honestly surprised they didn't do that initially since they always end up adding it on later on regardless. They might as well save themselves some time.
The fact that they even added these into the game is just mind boggling. For PvE, sure. PvP? lol!?
Ran into a trio queue of chocolate ATM's earlier. DC CW CW ofc. All using Greater Reds.
Time to start thinking before adding new items to the game Cryptic. Or at the very least, fix the broken stuff when people point it out to you.
I mean, you added an ITC to the blue ones, how could you not think about the red? Hell, all glyphs need an ICD, and longer than the ones you put on the blue ones. If this HAMSTER is actually WAI, then surely they are ment to be used by the 1% that has made their riches from exploits. Although I'm not sure why they should get even more help to make up for their lack of skill. ^^
Someone aware me on how broken the Red one is. I haven't ran into anyone using it so far. I recall the blue one was a nightmare.
What does it do? I just read its description, so is it like the HR's piercing blade but worse or what?
That is 600 damage per hit for 40 seconds per minute. DF hits 15x 600, 9K damage. Clouds 8x 600, 400 damage. But DF is hard to land and Clods has charges, now imagine Ray of Frost ...
Well, that's practically pointless and redundant with Assailing Force and Storm Spell xD
That is 600 damage per hit for 40 seconds per minute. DF hits 15x 600, 9K damage. Clouds 8x 600, 400 damage. But DF is hard to land and Clods has charges, now imagine Ray of Frost ...
Well, that's practically pointless and redundant with Assailing Force and Storm Spell xD
Just Storm Spell. Assailing Force has been nerfed pretty significantly that some CWs are going Oppressor
Red Dragon Glyph needs to have a 1 sec ICD as well. Seriously....
I dont understand the logic of Blue's having the 1 sec ICD and Red not having it.
IMO - the black one is probably fine since its already max stack of 3 (essentially giving it a damage cap") However the red glyphs are ALMOST just as game breaking as the blue....
Im lost as to why nerf Blue and not red? Id also like to see Blue toned back to 300/500 (lesser/greater) from 400/600.
Reason being that being attacked should deal less damage than the same enchant based on attacking players. It goes back to tankiness versus damage, the two should be scaled in opposing directions not aligning them,
all the top end guilds are using this glyph,, its to the point that the minute you enter the match and see what guild you are against its pointless to even try. it kills me how these guilds are supposed to be so superior, but use every broken glitch possible instead of using their supposed awesome pvp skills.
At least now the broken (intentionally broken) greater glyphs drop a lot in the new skirmish and probably dungeon as well.
Greater Red was like 10k last night, before skirmish etc got unlocked for people it was 100k.
What this means is, everyone will figure out how broken and easy to get they are. As a result of this, the rich elitist ppl who currently exploit the glyphs the most will have enough and also join in here at the forums.
This thread should be 20 pages long, but since up until now it was rather exclusive to the CCW elitists, it's 2 pages.
Give it a week or two and this forum should start to become riddled with chocolate FotM's crying as well, and then we might get a fix.
I can do that. Image from BiS TR from premade. Damage is not mitigated. Damage GOES THROUGH DODGES... Damage is affected by Shields, such as the CW one.
As you can see, a TR that can barely hit his DFs suddenly becomes a danger.
The most problematic thing with the gyphs is that now they are cheap as hell and every peasant will use them.
personally the black ice gear should only be allowed used in IWD and kessels' retreat, its not that good for all classes (ie no crit strike on it for tr's). but at least make players have to have some skill to kill you rather than just slot one or two glyphs and stand and watch everyone die
If they took black ice gear from PvP, there would be no point to Mod 3 at all.
People here fail to realize that Storm Spell, Piercing Blade and Reg Glyphs are all equally flawed by design, hence overpowered. But just by setting your eyes against one of the three you're already missing the bigger picture here. How do you suggest your team deals with a BiS Thaum or HR with maxed out defenses then? They are practically unkillable and rely on a broken mechanic to kill your team. So maybe just accept your loss and AFK. Red Glyphs, on the other hand, are accessible to any class.
So in that, at least you can have it too. Heck I encourage everyone with Black Ice to. The more people who uses it the faster the public will realize it needs a toning down. In the meantime, banning the black ice set entirely is crazy beyond astronomical proportions.
You don't hold players responsible for using a system forced upon them. Why didn't the roar abusers last mod get banned? Because the Devs take responsibility for their mistake and correct it in due time.
TL;DR If you're one of the aforementioned Thaum CW, PB HR, or even perma TR posting here, you are embracing hypocrisy no less.
well they had a fix for roar over a month before they actually put it on live.. so the devs are really the root of the problem. It was pure laziness not to fix the red glyph when they fixed the blue one. Stormspell was supposed to have been fixed but yet again they look the other way. its frustrating because this really is a good game
well they had a fix for roar over a month before they actually put it on live.. so the devs are really the root of the problem. It was pure laziness not to fix the red glyph when they fixed the blue one. Stormspell was supposed to have been fixed but yet again they look the other way. its frustrating because this really is a good game
Storm Spell is the spawn of the devil.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
Actually, many people consider black ice the BiS pvp gear right now. Like the new tenacity gear, all it does is offer stats that a)aren't your classes' main stats, rounding out your character, or b)actually has superior stats, but in your classes' weak spots.
Although the dragon glyphs should be fixed with a better ICD or something.
Ran into a trio queue of chocolate ATM's earlier. DC CW CW ofc. All using Greater Reds.
Time to start thinking before adding new items to the game Cryptic. Or at the very least, fix the broken stuff when people point it out to you.
I mean, you added an ITC to the blue ones, how could you not think about the red? Hell, all glyphs need an ICD, and longer than the ones you put on the blue ones. If this HAMSTER is actually WAI, then surely they are ment to be used by the 1% that has made their riches from exploits. Although I'm not sure why they should get even more help to make up for their lack of skill. ^^
What does it do? I just read its description, so is it like the HR's piercing blade but worse or what?
Each attack = 600 damage. Now, Duelist's Flurry (or any fast attacking ability) + Red Dragon = death.
So.. for example:
A CW using Ray Of Frost + Red Glyph not only freezes you to death, but also destroys you rapidly ? lol..
Pretty much. Each hit will now deal an additional 600 damage on top of what they already do.
That is 600 damage per hit for 40 seconds per minute. DF hits 15x 600, 9K damage. Clouds 8x 600, 400 damage. But DF is hard to land and Clods has charges, now imagine Ray of Frost ...
Well, that's practically pointless and redundant with Assailing Force and Storm Spell xD
Just Storm Spell. Assailing Force has been nerfed pretty significantly that some CWs are going Oppressor
HAHAHA that made me lol
Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
I dont understand the logic of Blue's having the 1 sec ICD and Red not having it.
IMO - the black one is probably fine since its already max stack of 3 (essentially giving it a damage cap") However the red glyphs are ALMOST just as game breaking as the blue....
Im lost as to why nerf Blue and not red? Id also like to see Blue toned back to 300/500 (lesser/greater) from 400/600.
Reason being that being attacked should deal less damage than the same enchant based on attacking players. It goes back to tankiness versus damage, the two should be scaled in opposing directions not aligning them,
come on cryptic can we get a fix for this asap
Greater Red was like 10k last night, before skirmish etc got unlocked for people it was 100k.
What this means is, everyone will figure out how broken and easy to get they are. As a result of this, the rich elitist ppl who currently exploit the glyphs the most will have enough and also join in here at the forums.
This thread should be 20 pages long, but since up until now it was rather exclusive to the CCW elitists, it's 2 pages.
Give it a week or two and this forum should start to become riddled with chocolate FotM's crying as well, and then we might get a fix.
I can do that. Image from BiS TR from premade. Damage is not mitigated. Damage GOES THROUGH DODGES... Damage is affected by Shields, such as the CW one.
As you can see, a TR that can barely hit his DFs suddenly becomes a danger.
The most problematic thing with the gyphs is that now they are cheap as hell and every peasant will use them.
Backbone - 16.7k PvP HR
Fully agree +1.
If they took black ice gear from PvP, there would be no point to Mod 3 at all.
So in that, at least you can have it too. Heck I encourage everyone with Black Ice to. The more people who uses it the faster the public will realize it needs a toning down. In the meantime, banning the black ice set entirely is crazy beyond astronomical proportions.
You don't hold players responsible for using a system forced upon them. Why didn't the roar abusers last mod get banned? Because the Devs take responsibility for their mistake and correct it in due time.
TL;DR If you're one of the aforementioned Thaum CW, PB HR, or even perma TR posting here, you are embracing hypocrisy no less.
Storm Spell is the spawn of the devil.
Thats why, after PVPing vs wizards for some time I put ''Devil Slayer'' under my GF's name :rolleyes:
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
I have both HR and CW and have Purified/Corrupted sets.
You do realize I can use Red Glyphs on both my chars to make them EVEN STRONGER, right?
And no I don't do that. Because if I did, I would have no reasons to flame the idiots that do in pmvspm