I did a few Runs through LoL now, its a nicly designed dungeon but I think the minimum of 13k GS is to low, so many ppl will complain about the difficult by the epic dungeon, Trashmobs are "hard hitters" if u arent well geard. the First Boss is a Copy and paste Version of FC in GG, Rider on a drake instead a spider ... even the rider talks the same,
Second boss is ok and got some nasty surprises, but for now the final Boss is the funniest ingame, nice mechanic for this casual based game.
BUT !!
We didnt get ANY loot, the "regular" chest is only unlocked while Dungeon Delve time, and the other needs the Key, but the bosses DIDNT DROP ANYTHING !!!! Bug ?!
Just did my first run aswell, Trash mobs are hard hitters but with a GF in the party things go alot smoother.
Went with a full 16k party, 2 CW, 2 GWF, and a DC, mostly because we couldnt find a GF.
We did take alot of hits, it very easy to get 1 shot, the run was very short took us about 15 minutes, and we were very to kill boss after 1 wipe and boss didnt drop anything but a green unidentify gear!,
Without the keys to open chest there is no incentive to run this new dungeon, atleast with the older dungeons you get some items you can atleast salvage so it not completly a waste of time.
Overall tho it was a short nice experience, also the dungeon i did on preview, isnt the one on live.
There's not much incentive to keep running it after the newness dies off because most of the stuff is bop anyway. Plus the traps to avoid are completely pointless meaning you don't need to worry about them since they don't set you back and one of them allows you to just run through the lava. Other than that it's nice. But BoP lets it down and I think it's almost time we've had enough of playing after the newness wears off. They have stopped giving us real repeatable content. Such a shame.
Did 3 more runs while DD, the Bosses still didnt drop anything, inside the regular Chest I got 2 red dragon glyphs, 2 Cheestarmor 1 Ring and 3 Draconic chants. One in Grp got 2 dragongems in 2 runs.
So as for the fact that u dont get any sellable loot, its just worth to run while DD is active, adn this realy sucks cause the dungeon itself is realy nice and a little more challanging then any other dungeon ingame yet.
Oh and Im a gf ^^
/tell me ingame Latarius@lata179
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited September 2014
I unlocked it yesterday, but couldn't get into a group to go there....hopefully tonight....
Just wondering - how long does the dungeon take? Can you do it more than once or twice during the DD hour ?
I think it's the same as SoT skirmish, I did more then 10 runs in epic version, and the boss dropped an epic item only once. As for now, Kessel's is way more rewarding.
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
Aside from combat, is there anything new? At least boss fight uses a different strategy like VT does?
First boss is like fc boss minus the adds, 2nd are twin hard hitting critters, 3rd is your standard drake with a tonne of traps. GF with knights valor helps a lot.
bazgcMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 184Bounty Hunter
Way to easy!
If you ask me its a too easy way to get T3 jewelry and probably kill whats left of the CN business (slavemaster/berserker prices...).
With GF its a very smooth run but totally doable w/o it.
The Drake has too little HP I think.
CN: 1 BiS (at the time) Ring, 1 BiS neck, 1 BiS belt (though debatable), 1 set piece item. All sellable
LoL: 1 BiS item (neck/ring/armour/weapon) per player but bound, 1 rank 5, small chance of gem, miniscule chance of artifact belt/artifact. Another set if you pay 20k/60 zen
CN was definitely the better farmer. Though yes inflated gear and especially a GF make the dungeon easy.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited September 2014
Just did my first run yesterday - we wiped on the first try, as we had not been there before, and didn't know what to expect, but after adjusting a little (things like running to the center when he disappears in mid-fight and such), we had a dead dragon in a very short time.
I was a bit disappointed - I had expected it to be harder. Anyhow, I'll run it a few times to get the Draconic set, but that's about it. The skirmish is better for farming.
During my 60 or so runs Lostmauth himself I have seen drop 1 Boon book,1 CW BoE mainhand and a few assorted class BoE chest pieces. I got my dragon gem from the standard chest during DD. No Artefacts/belts yet
Went with a full 16k party, 2 CW, 2 GWF, and a DC, mostly because we couldnt find a GF.
We did take alot of hits, it very easy to get 1 shot, the run was very short took us about 15 minutes, and we were very
Without the keys to open chest there is no incentive to run this new dungeon, atleast with the older dungeons you get some items you can atleast salvage so it not completly a waste of time.
Overall tho it was a short nice experience, also the dungeon i did on preview, isnt the one on live.
13k is probably enough for a good group though.
Did 3 more runs while DD, the Bosses still didnt drop anything, inside the regular Chest I got 2 red dragon glyphs, 2 Cheestarmor 1 Ring and 3 Draconic chants. One in Grp got 2 dragongems in 2 runs.
So as for the fact that u dont get any sellable loot, its just worth to run while DD is active, adn this realy sucks cause the dungeon itself is realy nice and a little more challanging then any other dungeon ingame yet.
Oh and Im a gf ^^
/tell me ingame Latarius@lata179
Just wondering - how long does the dungeon take? Can you do it more than once or twice during the DD hour ?
Just did another run and the Boss drops the Draconic armor for CWs, i asked the CW and he said it was BOE.
So boss does drop loot, after 8 runs, boss only drop something once.
15 mins with a good group.
First boss is like fc boss minus the adds, 2nd are twin hard hitting critters, 3rd is your standard drake with a tonne of traps. GF with knights valor helps a lot.
That sounds like it's WAI since it is a dungeon chest.
That doesn't seem right though. Bosses should drop something...
The Silver Sword - NW-DEIPWYISA - Daily Qualified
A Relaxing Stay - NW-DEEYNZYZ9 - Daily Qualified but going to be updated
If you ask me its a too easy way to get T3 jewelry and probably kill whats left of the CN business (slavemaster/berserker prices...).
With GF its so smooth that I feel guilty.
Bit harder but totally doable w/o it.
The Drake has too little HP I think.
CN: 1 BiS (at the time) Ring, 1 BiS neck, 1 BiS belt (though debatable), 1 set piece item. All sellable
LoL: 1 BiS item (neck/ring/armour/weapon) per player but bound, 1 rank 5, small chance of gem, miniscule chance of artifact belt/artifact. Another set if you pay 20k/60 zen
CN was definitely the better farmer. Though yes inflated gear and especially a GF make the dungeon easy.
I was a bit disappointed - I had expected it to be harder. Anyhow, I'll run it a few times to get the Draconic set, but that's about it. The skirmish is better for farming.