So i got the chicken effect from unstable potion. Im mad because There isnt a way to craft a chicken potion by itself. I want to go around the summer festival as a chicken ; -;. Why do you hate me NW D;
There's some other animals you can transform in as well. You can also change your size. It would be awesome if we could make stable versions of these potions.
Yes The small potion was fun to use.
So far I got 1 poison 1 damage 3 size and 1 chicken. @_ @ If we leave feedback will they take it into consideration.
There's some other animals you can transform in as well. You can also change your size. It would be awesome if we could make stable versions of these potions.
It could even make alchemy actually worth something too...
It could even make alchemy actually worth something too...
Hmmm your right about that. Ill leave feedback later on
I am a hero wannabe. :<
dragoness10Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 780Arc User
edited August 2014
I give thee the Rod of Wonder. Occasional chicken transformation, often green spouting sparkles, random buff, random debuff, and... oh right this isn't NWN Classic.
Well I suppose Unstable Potions take the place of it. Bit of advice though - beware using either in PvP. Death by chickening is just embaressing. Trust me on this one. :hides screenshots of self:
" I tried to figure out the enigma that was you, and then I realized mastering Wild Magic was easier." - Old Wizard in Waterdeep
"Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."
"Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
But seriously, what the... Couldn't you just have rainbows?
I'm HAMSTER, and even I take offense to the OP's sig. >_>
OT: Can you mount up while you're transmuted into a chicken? CHICKEN RIDING A HORSE! yes plz!
... Tired of running dungeons with exploiters and cheaters? Join the legit channel by visiting to apply!
Performing ritual pony sacrifices to Tiamat to earn favor with the RNG Gods since 2014.
I like the OP's sig, but that is a bit off topic. As far as the potions that sounds like a great idea. I haven't gotten anything other than heal and damage, but would definately make chicken potions to throw at random people. (Would do PvP just to do it too XD)
If I remember correctly the effects of the unstable potions are either:
Polymorph into a chicken
Polymorph into a bear
Poison DOT
Healing DOT
All only last around 10-30 seconds.
And yeah, it'd be great if you could make potions that had the individuals effects for a much longer time....well except the poison and nothing ones...They could even make it so you unlocked those recipes by getting that effect from using an unstable potion.
I like the OP's sig, but that is a bit off topic. As far as the potions that sounds like a great idea. I haven't gotten anything other than heal and damage, but would definately make chicken potions to throw at random people. (Would do PvP just to do it too XD)
LOL Chicken battle version of Water fight LOLOL! Yes we can call it chicken week.
Being a HAMSTER man my self i dont fine any thing offensive about the sig but i can see how it offends someone any way its going off topic
Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
It's weird but I don't see any problem if we can have sexy chicks kissing each other on our signatures too...
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited August 2014
ChasingTheMudkip, please read your Private Messages. This thread will be cleansed and re-opened upon compliance of the rules.
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Yes The small potion was fun to use.
So far I got 1 poison 1 damage 3 size and 1 chicken. @_ @ If we leave feedback will they take it into consideration.
I am a hero wannabe. :<
It could even make alchemy actually worth something too...
Enforce rainbow parties in PvP ---- 10v10 PvP ----
Hmmm your right about that. Ill leave feedback later on
I am a hero wannabe. :<
Well I suppose Unstable Potions take the place of it. Bit of advice though - beware using either in PvP. Death by chickening is just embaressing. Trust me on this one. :hides screenshots of self:
"Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."
"Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
Chickens good, I like chicken
I like the judgement look his avatar has.
But seriously, what the... Couldn't you just have rainbows?
I'm HAMSTER, and even I take offense to the OP's sig. >_>
OT: Can you mount up while you're transmuted into a chicken? CHICKEN RIDING A HORSE! yes plz!
Tired of running dungeons with exploiters and cheaters? Join the legit channel by visiting to apply!
Performing ritual pony sacrifices to Tiamat to earn favor with the RNG Gods since 2014.
Polymorph into a chicken
Polymorph into a bear
Poison DOT
Healing DOT
All only last around 10-30 seconds.
And yeah, it'd be great if you could make potions that had the individuals effects for a much longer time....well except the poison and nothing ones...They could even make it so you unlocked those recipes by getting that effect from using an unstable potion.
Okay, Panic.
That sig always make close the page before reading
WTB Class Reroll please
LOL Chicken battle version of Water fight LOLOL! Yes we can call it chicken week.
I am a hero wannabe. :<
Signatures must pertain to Neverwinter and/or any D&D Product and be acceptable material for all ages:
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