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GF build guides?

adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
edited August 2014 in The Militia Barracks
So, I haven't played my GF for a year, but with the changes in Mod 4, I'm going to experiment a little bit. However, I need to re-select feats and powers, and I'm wondering if there are any good post-Mod4 build guides.

Basically, my focus is PvE-only and more of a buffing role than DPS - Leaning towards Tactician/Protector, but I need some guidance from those more experienced with GFs.

Any pointers ?
Hoping for improvements...
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  • l0th4ri0l0th4ri0 Member Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    There's been a few posts scattered around about this. Basically, ITF is incredibly good. Not just for everyone else, but for you too. If you can get a nice bunch of defense and AC going, your ITF will give a real nice damage boost. And the extra 15% AP for everyone is kinda sweet as well. The skill has a relatively low CD for what it does, so you will be able to punch it a couple of times during normal fights, and it will regen your shield as well.

    Knight's Valor is basically the GF version of the Shield spell for everyone on the team. It lasts until you get stunned or turn it off.

    Enforced Threat is now a monster. Picture doing a bunch of damage in a nice, fat PBAoE. Now imagine it hitting 20 mobs at once and debuffing them wth mark as it hits. Did I mention that it hard taunts as well?

    Speaking of Mark... your tab mark is now semi-permanent and lasts even after you get hit. I think 10 seconds? Don't quote me on that number. The tab mark and other marks from Threat Rush or ET, for example, also grant Combat Advantage for the whole team now. The "normal" non-tab marks still fall off after you get hit, so if you have a team pulled together keep your shield up so everyone gets CA + 8% extra damage from the mark. You get a 20% bonus damage from hitting your own marked targets.

    Speaking of Shield... it now has infinite hitpoints, works off of a timer like other classes have stamina, and functions a million times better than the old style of shield. It lets 20% damage bleed through, but honestly you won't care so much because you now get 4% HP bonus per point of CON over 10!! Holy HAMSTER!!! LOL Yes, starting with a 20 CON gives you 40% bonus to HP at level one!

    There's a lot to love about the GF now. :)
  • oicidrazoicidraz Member Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    ITF, KV and ET.

    ITF it's just too good to ignore it, it gives the party the 75% of your DR as increased damage, so it's 37.5% more Damage if you have 50% DR, + AP and speed, :)... KV now last forever (until you toggle it off), with this I can protect my party and at the same time deal a nice amount of damage... Fey Thistle, SoS, Guarded Assault, Blacksmith, Renegade Evoker, Blue Dragon Enchantments and more do an amazing job dealing damage to anyone who attack you (and your party). And at least, ET with the new cap of 20 enemies is a must.
  • panisch420panisch420 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    l0th4ri0 wrote: »
    There's been a few posts scattered around about this. Basically, ITF is incredibly good.

    I agree with what l0th4ri0 and oicidraz said.
    In a pve dungeon environment KV ITF ET is the way to go, exceptions prove the rule.
    To increase your parties performance the most (also and especially as in being able to grab almost all monsters) you want to go 21 tactician and 10 prot. Stacking recovery would probably be a good idea when the deminishing returns on your defensive stats kick in.
    Iron vanguard or swordmaster? I prefer swordmaster for multiple reasons but im not yet ready to say that this is the generally "better" choice for that kind of build.
    Kinda the basic idea of the "Iron maiden reflect build" that you can find around here somewhere, not sure if that's updated yet.

    People are still experimenting i guess. I for one am still undecided wether i wanna stay conqureror or go back to the full support tactician. I still miss the tact capstone sometimes.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    adinosii wrote: »
    So, I haven't played my GF for a year, but with the changes in Mod 4, I'm going to experiment a little bit. However, I need to re-select feats and powers, and I'm wondering if there are any good post-Mod4 build guides.

    Basically, my focus is PvE-only and more of a buffing role than DPS - Leaning towards Tactician/Protector, but I need some guidance from those more experienced with GFs.

    Any pointers ?

    Best way to get an answer to that question imo is to copy your toon to Preview and just play in IWD for a few hours
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
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