1. The "Nerf CW" threads, which obviously violate Rule 3.15 of the RoC, come from only 2 - 3 people with multiple accounts. Those people have caused unbalances since beta in the first place.
2. CW does not dominate in PvP. It is at around the same level as the GWF/GF (since the Assailant nerf), while CWs have no chance against good GWFs. The HR stands way over the CW and is the TOP PvP class (and no, I am not asking for a nerf!). And it's good as it is. No matter how good you are as a CW, you will never EVER have a chance against a good HR.
3. TRs and DCs are underperforming. They have been nerfed into their current state, because players with no idea of game dynamics weren't stopped from posting nerf requests on the forums. Please consider suspending those players like other successful MMOs do. Those players are toxic to the community. Anyone who has opened more than one "Nerf Class X" thread should be gotten back on the straight and narrow ASAP.
4. Players without all 7 classes on level 60 and a specific amount of boons on each of them, should not be able to discuss "balance" on the official game forums. Again, that's how successful MMOs do it.
5. As to the SW, I am still testing it in terms of PvP (so far, it doesn't look good; they seem to be where CWs have been last Module: pure support). As far as PvE goes, they are the ultimate PvE kings (Tyrannical Threat :cool:).
Balance is a good thing. We all want balance. But the moment you have to open a SECOND thread, on the same matter, you might wanna ask yourself if you're not pushing it too far. Plus, PvP is competitive. And players see nerf threads concerning their favorite classes as attacks against them. And I've already heard from CWs who are planning the same attacks against other classes on the forums (multiple "nerf HR/GWF/GF" threads). Forums should stay productive.
"2. CW does not dominate in PvP. It is at around the same level as the GWF/GF (since the Assailant nerf), while CWs have no chance against good GWFs. The HR stands way over the CW and is the TOP PvP class (and no, I am not asking for a nerf!). And it's good as it is. No matter how good you are as a CW, you will never EVER have a chance against a good HR."
The issue is not that CW is OP,the issue is CW's extremely low skill floor and gear floor, which makes it that "bad" players are having better results with CW's than "good" players have with other classes.CW's dont even require PVP gear to be sucessful in PVP.Now im not saying they're OP,because they arent,its just that they're too strong with bad/decent gear and require too low skill to play properly i.e give good results in PVP.As 99% of the playerbase doesnt have T10 enchants and perfects,the game should balance around the majority and not the minority.
Like,really CW's can literally smash their keyboard and kill things,not that its more effective than other things,but its still effective nonethless compared to other classes doing things at that degree of difficulty.
As for the:
"No matter how good you are as a CW, you will never EVER have a chance against a good HR",thats because CW's not only have extremely low skill floor but also extremely low skill roof,so there's not much room for improvement,no matter how good you might be at this class,players playing just "Decently" wont be much weaker than you are.
Actually, the best CW would probably beat the best HR. The HR bases his whole little thing off of self healing and the CW has too many bursts that would prob drain the health of the HR before he can self heal. It's skill-less to play a CW because they base their class off of procs...... Procs should just be removed from the game all together
1. The "Nerf CW" threads, which obviously violate Rule 3.15 of the RoC, come from only 2 - 3 people with multiple accounts. Those people have caused unbalances since beta in the first place.
2. CW does not dominate in PvP. It is at around the same level as the GWF/GF (since the Assailant nerf), while CWs have no chance against good GWFs. The HR stands way over the CW and is the TOP PvP class (and no, I am not asking for a nerf!). And it's good as it is. No matter how good you are as a CW, you will never EVER have a chance against a good HR.
3. TRs and DCs are underperforming. They have been nerfed into their current state, because players with no idea of game dynamics weren't stopped from posting nerf requests on the forums. Please consider suspending those players like other successful MMOs do. Those players are toxic to the community. Anyone who has opened more than one "Nerf Class X" thread should be gotten back on the straight and narrow ASAP.
4. Players without all 7 classes on level 60 and a specific amount of boons on each of them, should not be able to discuss "balance" on the official game forums. Again, that's how successful MMOs do it.
5. As to the SW, I am still testing it in terms of PvP (so far, it doesn't look good; they seem to be where CWs have been last Module: pure support). As far as PvE goes, they are the ultimate PvE kings (Tyrannical Threat :cool:).
Balance is a good thing. We all want balance. But the moment you have to open a SECOND thread, on the same matter, you might wanna ask yourself if you're not pushing it too far. Plus, PvP is competitive. And players see nerf threads concerning their favorite classes as attacks against them. And I've already heard from CWs who are planning the same attacks against other classes on the forums (multiple "nerf HR/GWF/GF" threads). Forums should stay productive.
How about this one " People with join date later than mine should not be able to discuss game balance " ? Sounds bad right ? All these 'rules' players try to make cant work because our opinions are always subjective.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Honestly I don't think CWs are OP. The only problem I have is that they made unnecessary changes to make the damage come much easier than before.
Nerfing active damage and buffing/adding procs was a gigantic mistake in my opinion. I'd give fifty Storm Spells and Assailants to get the damage from the powers back.
How about this one " People with join date later than mine should not be able to discuss game balance " ? Sounds bad right ? All these 'rules' players try to make cant work because our opinions are always subjective.
it has nothing to do with the join date. you have to know the class mechanics in the first place. and now even though cw is not op anymore due to the assailant nerf, people are still butthurt and unable to accept change. it is one thing to state your opinion once, it is another thing to open threads over and over again and use alt accounts to mislead the community.
you have an opinion? good. go and state it ONCE.
King Goponov - GWF
Eleanor - CW (retired after Assailing nerf)
1. The "Nerf CW" threads, which obviously violate Rule 3.15 of the RoC,
Err, isn't it incredibly hypocritical of the OP citing a ToS in this thread given:
Rule 3.14 - No Targeted Topics
. . . Topics addressed directly to Staff, including Developers, Managers and Moderators, are subject to removal. Please use the Private Messaging System to contact Forum Staff and the Support System to contact Support Staff.
Err, isn't it incredibly hypocritical of the OP citing a ToS in this thread given the above?
Thanks. It wasn't meant as a "direct" message to the devs (not like "Hey gentlemancrush, you are a……"). But I changed the subject to avoid confusion.
Off topic:
In any legal matter, "directly" refers to addressing a certain individual. The teleological construction of 3.14 prohibits threads that deal with the direct addressing of the staff: Panderus, Crush, Akromatic, etc.
I have constructive arguments. You have "Flipper" (so, who's the attention seeker here?) and "his" 10 alt accounts.
i m not going to push this even more
its not nice to see someone break apart on forum
its just for fun dude
we all have ups and downs im sure when they fix cw u will be back to your old self in no time
Thanks. It wasn't meant as a "direct" message to the devs (not like "Hey gentlemancrush, you are a……"). But I changed the subject to avoid confusion.
what happened to you man ?
u changed so much i cant even reconise u any more
its all good dont stress so much u cant save the world
u couldnt save the cw its not your fault
let it go
just let it go u feel better
Well, GWFs got overnerfed on Unstoppable cause people, CWs too, failed to understand the simple strategy to deal with unstoppable and kept complaining about "spammable unstoppable" (while the only thing making it spammable was the at-will spam on GWFs). Now we have a double nerfed unstoppable with determination gain set at 50% HP lost to activate a 8 seconds unstoppable. Talking about overnerfing a class mechanic.
CWs are now getting the same treatment they reserved to perma TRs and GWFs with indiscriminate nerf requests. But i've never read anyone asking the devs to please stop the nerf threads about TRs and GWFs.
OP or not, sure thing is CWs are not ok this way. DPS must be moved from passive feat proccing from a guaranteed auto-lock laser beam at-will, to a move that actually requires some active work to land it (pressing right mouse button does not count as "active work").
u guys are right mxtime and f2pma.meldanen u use to be only pro cw in the game for a long time,only cw who was viable in premades in mod 3
look at you know.u lost all respect u have earned with this HAMSTER posts
you dont need this u are better
get a hold of yourself man.
i m not going to push this even more
its not nice to see someone break apart on forum
its just for fun dude
we all have ups and downs im sure when they fix cw u will be back to your old self in no time
what happened to you man ?
u changed so much i cant even reconise u any more
its all good dont stress so much u cant save the world
u couldnt save the cw its not your fault
let it go
just let it go u feel better
productivity at its finest
But they have a point. Cryptic will never do anything against **** like this and devs will listen do these morons. i have already a HR ready for the moment they nerf CW. But I am still working on the ToD boons for my GWF now because HR will be the next victim of those idiots.
Well, GWFs got overnerfed on Unstoppable cause people, CWs too, failed to understand the simple strategy to deal with unstoppable and kept complaining about "spammable unstoppable" (while the only thing making it spammable was the at-will spam on GWFs). Now we have a double nerfed unstoppable with determination gain set at 50% HP lost to activate a 8 seconds unstoppable. Talking about overnerfing a class mechanic.
CWs are now getting the same treatment they reserved to perma TRs and GWFs with indiscriminate nerf requests. But i've never read anyone asking the devs to please stop the nerf threads about TRs and GWFs.
OP or not, sure thing is CWs are not ok this way. DPS must be moved from passive feat proccing from a guaranteed auto-lock laser beam at-will, to a move that actually requires some active work to land it (pressing right mouse button does not count as "active work").
Don't get me wrong. I agree with you 100%. In Module 1/2/3 CWs were the ones that had to learn to play. Instead, they went on the forums bashing other classes. This should've been prohibited! CWs were posting nerf requests without ever having played another class. And that's the biggest problem.
Let me give you an example of something where you make a huge mistake: "more responsive teleport". You assume, it means they can dodge faster and have a lower delay between two dodges. What it actually means: the delay between pressing the button to the teleporting itself has been made shorter. This was not a purely internal delay, meaning that the "command" to dodge reached the character slightly later. If a CW was practiced, he just pressed the button slightly before the need of teleporting. If you just spam dodge nowadays, there is no difference to dodging in M3. The delay between two dodges is still the same. For me, dodging is slightly harder now, since I'm used to the old dodge. New player will appreciate this mechanic.
And yes, I agree with moving damage from passives to active work. I've been stating that over and over again. But the "nerf threads" don't aim at that. It's pure QQ. The QQ that made GFs a joke in M2.5/3, pushed TRs into perma and took away the GWF's prones.
Now, what do I think a good feedback looks like? An example:
Remove the CC immunity from the GWF's sprint and give him his prones back (followed by a more detailed explanation). And the GWF is the only class other than CW I would ever give feedback to, because it's practically my second main. I know the mechanics, feats, numbers, etc. I feel like the HR is OP, but I would never ask for nerfs, because I don't play that class actively. Instead, I would address my own main class(es) and ask for buffs.
Bad post:
GWFs are not CC-able! Remove their CC immunity on sprint. They also hit hard, nerf IBS! It makes Billy the cute little bunny sad.
GWF's prones break deflect, which is the most important deference for HR, since you feel HR is overpower, sure you want to prones back.
But as a HR, I highly disagree
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited August 2014
Discussion of the Rules or Moderation is not allowed and neither are targeted topics. If you truly believe that individuals are doing as you speak, report them the proper way. Which is either through Support or by the Post Report function.
The issue is not that CW is OP,the issue is CW's extremely low skill floor and gear floor, which makes it that "bad" players are having better results with CW's than "good" players have with other classes.CW's dont even require PVP gear to be sucessful in PVP.Now im not saying they're OP,because they arent,its just that they're too strong with bad/decent gear and require too low skill to play properly i.e give good results in PVP.As 99% of the playerbase doesnt have T10 enchants and perfects,the game should balance around the majority and not the minority.
Like,really CW's can literally smash their keyboard and kill things,not that its more effective than other things,but its still effective nonethless compared to other classes doing things at that degree of difficulty.
As for the:
"No matter how good you are as a CW, you will never EVER have a chance against a good HR",thats because CW's not only have extremely low skill floor but also extremely low skill roof,so there's not much room for improvement,no matter how good you might be at this class,players playing just "Decently" wont be much weaker than you are.
jelaus off flipper and his fans
not cool man....
not cool
I have constructive arguments. You have "Flipper" (so, who's the attention seeker here?) and "his" 10 alt accounts.
How about this one " People with join date later than mine should not be able to discuss game balance " ? Sounds bad right ? All these 'rules' players try to make cant work because our opinions are always subjective.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Nerfing active damage and buffing/adding procs was a gigantic mistake in my opinion. I'd give fifty Storm Spells and Assailants to get the damage from the powers back.
meldanen - 0
it has nothing to do with the join date. you have to know the class mechanics in the first place. and now even though cw is not op anymore due to the assailant nerf, people are still butthurt and unable to accept change. it is one thing to state your opinion once, it is another thing to open threads over and over again and use alt accounts to mislead the community.
you have an opinion? good. go and state it ONCE.
Eleanor - CW (retired after Assailing nerf)
- Brazil PvP Fraternité -
Err, isn't it incredibly hypocritical of the OP citing a ToS in this thread given:
tee hee hee
We are always looking for new models --- Borderline Fashiondolls ---
Thanks. It wasn't meant as a "direct" message to the devs (not like "Hey gentlemancrush, you are a……"). But I changed the subject to avoid confusion.
Off topic:
In any legal matter, "directly" refers to addressing a certain individual. The teleological construction of 3.14 prohibits threads that deal with the direct addressing of the staff: Panderus, Crush, Akromatic, etc.
i m not going to push this even more
its not nice to see someone break apart on forum
its just for fun dude
we all have ups and downs im sure when they fix cw u will be back to your old self in no time
what happened to you man ?
u changed so much i cant even reconise u any more
its all good dont stress so much u cant save the world
u couldnt save the cw its not your fault
let it go
just let it go u feel better
CWs are now getting the same treatment they reserved to perma TRs and GWFs with indiscriminate nerf requests. But i've never read anyone asking the devs to please stop the nerf threads about TRs and GWFs.
OP or not, sure thing is CWs are not ok this way. DPS must be moved from passive feat proccing from a guaranteed auto-lock laser beam at-will, to a move that actually requires some active work to land it (pressing right mouse button does not count as "active work").
look at you know.u lost all respect u have earned with this HAMSTER posts
you dont need this u are better
get a hold of yourself man.
productivity at its finest
But they have a point. Cryptic will never do anything against **** like this and devs will listen do these morons. i have already a HR ready for the moment they nerf CW. But I am still working on the ToD boons for my GWF now because HR will be the next victim of those idiots.
Don't get me wrong. I agree with you 100%. In Module 1/2/3 CWs were the ones that had to learn to play. Instead, they went on the forums bashing other classes. This should've been prohibited! CWs were posting nerf requests without ever having played another class. And that's the biggest problem.
Let me give you an example of something where you make a huge mistake: "more responsive teleport". You assume, it means they can dodge faster and have a lower delay between two dodges. What it actually means: the delay between pressing the button to the teleporting itself has been made shorter. This was not a purely internal delay, meaning that the "command" to dodge reached the character slightly later. If a CW was practiced, he just pressed the button slightly before the need of teleporting. If you just spam dodge nowadays, there is no difference to dodging in M3. The delay between two dodges is still the same. For me, dodging is slightly harder now, since I'm used to the old dodge. New player will appreciate this mechanic.
And yes, I agree with moving damage from passives to active work. I've been stating that over and over again. But the "nerf threads" don't aim at that. It's pure QQ. The QQ that made GFs a joke in M2.5/3, pushed TRs into perma and took away the GWF's prones.
Now, what do I think a good feedback looks like? An example:
Remove the CC immunity from the GWF's sprint and give him his prones back (followed by a more detailed explanation). And the GWF is the only class other than CW I would ever give feedback to, because it's practically my second main. I know the mechanics, feats, numbers, etc. I feel like the HR is OP, but I would never ask for nerfs, because I don't play that class actively. Instead, I would address my own main class(es) and ask for buffs.
Bad post:
GWFs are not CC-able! Remove their CC immunity on sprint. They also hit hard, nerf IBS! It makes Billy the cute little bunny sad.
Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
But as a HR, I highly disagree
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