And players are asking to nerf CW already for both PvE and PvP (i could not logging earlier, but i am pretty sure non-CW-players asked for the nerfs from the moment they entered on PvP/GG or IWD). XDDDDD. Really nice work, DEVs. You just blew the record set by HR-class on release off by... um... 19 hours. I cant stop laughing... And now, with a lot of satisfaction, i can say this: "I told you and warned about this".

Now, DEVs, i hope you have learned your lesson and, from now on you listen to REAL players doing test, providing data and logs and videos and ignore the whinners who just dont know how to play the game or do not understand the basic data of the game.
2nd problem is that 90% of the players don't enter to the preview server (when this is up for weeks or months) because they are lazy and then they complain in the forum when things were not done right, you could help too.
Rule 3.15 - No Petitions, Ultimatums or Hostile Demands
. . . . Please keep feedback constructive and within a format for Community Discussion. Disallowed topics include things like, "Please Nerf This Class" and anything without the direction of a constructive Community Discussion. Also, "Pay to Win" argument threads and posts are prohibited as they always end in circular arguments that are not conductive of a healthy discussion.