On the gateway preview mount collection page there is now a new 'Sunite Steed' mount under the summer festival section beside the two (Blue Ribben Pig and Armored Boar) that we got last year. So it seems to be a sure thing that we will get the summer festival again this year with some added content.
I'm not debunking you, I am simply confirming you: yes, Summer Festival is coming back. So will the Winter Festival and so on.
Shouldn't that be...
A panda always pays his debts?
HOORAY MIDSUMMER FESTIVAL!!! I still have a full stack of Hero's Feasts and my lovely Sunite "chef" is ready to cook up more. This was by far my favorite event since the start (Respin's was second...) and it's the kind of massive combo of rp fun and mass slaughter that pleases a wide percentage of the player base. Oh, and let's get our stories straight this year: late September IS "midsummer" in a place called Neverwinter. We get a rainy season when most others are getting snow just a few miles north and south...
We're well into summer.
Neverwinter Wonderland
Neverwinter Wet & Wild
Neverwinter 2nd Anniversary Montage
Neverwinter Anniversary Montage
Protector's Jubilee Speech
Oh the Carnage
Yes. Our Scourge Warlocks will need access to the garden too, you know!
"bring out your prize pigs here"
"bring em out!" *squeeel*
I have a christmas elf riding a slay with rudolf the fawn.
Maybe I'll have a half-orc riding a pig.
...end of September. So its more of a harvest festival.
And the Troll BBQ