I do not know if i posted this one here before or not..
After struggling to log into my alt account (forgot email address)
I finally was able to find my 2 last quests I made before quitting Neverwinter last year
One was the Fun House and the other was my last quest called Kong King Jump Challenge..as the title suggests..it is a jump challenge.. this jump challenge has 2 different endings
There is a problem with it though that i just cannot seem to fix, it is like a permanent bug and i have no way of fixing it. the bug is the bone golems suppose to patrol along the squared platforms but they just don't seem to want to work which is strange since it works on the test
It was the same problem with my fire world stage where the maga golems were suppose to patrol up down the spiral path way inside the volcano..again works in test not in live, instead i get them inside the lava flailing there hands like idiots. It is funny to watch but it is not intended to work like that
Here is the quest
It is either an S or a 5 i cant read it properly those 2 look similar
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