Below is a list of small, quality-of-life changes to the game which would probably be very easy to implement and provide the most bang-for-your-buck type of patch addition.
I intentionally skipped any class-specific suggestions, as these are more numerous but affect a much smaller audience. I will add any suggestions others post in the same logical, easy to read format, if they aren't too off the wall.
Toolbars: Add a small arrow indicator at the end of the toolbar, next to the tab function, that allows a player to scroll between 3-to-10 separate toolbars. These toolbars would not be able to be changed or scrolled through while the player is in combat or has any ability on cooldown.
Reason: We can already change these abilities, sometimes in combat or to avoid cooldowns. We already have more powers than one toolbar could possibly handle. And many players already swap abilities between PvP, dungeons, solo, etc. This would streamline, simplify, and hopefully fix exploitation of the process altogether.
Changing Equipment: While fighting or having any ability, power or armor attachment on cooldown, players would no longer be able to swap armor or weapons.
Reason: We can already change our equipment in combat at the moment, and many do so in order to avoid cooldowns that are active. Several hack and mod programs automate the process. This would hinder that type of exploitation and help clear up issues happining in PvP and even in Dungeons. Equipment could still be swapped outside of combat (after respawn, etc) but only if no current cooldown is still in effect.
Campfires: Make a campfire have to be activated in order to respawn there, almost as if it's a save point.
Reason: A common glitch used in dungeon running by a large portion of the playerbase, players can run to certain parts of the map and die, forcing a respawn at a campfire they have never been to and skipping large sections of dungeons. This would resolve this method entirely and allow devs to stop attempting to fix each dungeon campfire zone individually by forcing campfires to be activated out of combat.
Horse Inventory: Provide a tab in the inventory menu to put your horses.
Reason: They are all bound creatures anyhow, and with the options in the zen store and through regular means we can have many different mounts. Let us have access to them if we wish to change.
Queue Population: Show us how many players are in each dungeon, skirmish and pvp queue on the queue screen.
Reason: This allows us to better choose a more active dungeon, instead of one that has nobody in it and let us wait there wondering for hours on end.
Screenshots Folder: Rework screenshots so that they are taken from the game window only, and saved in a game-specific folder within my documents as is common in today's games.
Reason: This would be a nice addition, to have in-game screenshots that take images of just the game and save them in a pre-determined directory. Big addition for those of us with multiple screens and stretched desktops or who play windowed mode.
Preview: A right-click option right under 'Change Appearance' that allows us to view the item on us just as Change Appearance does, only without the ability to customize or pay AD to change. Allow us to choose this option even for items linked in chat, in loot windows or in auction house/NPC vendors.
Reason: This would allow players to view the look of an item before looting or buying, and more easily make choices when customizing their characters.
Party Leader: The current mechanics of switching party leader on queue is counter-intuitive. Allow the player who started the party in premades to remain the party leader. In random groups, party leader would still be applied randomly, but would not swap between instances.
Reason: While I have a suspicion that the reason for the current system is to cut back partial groups kicking the random pick-up when loot drops, the truth be told this system hasn't stopped that yet. Instead, it makes such things as requeueing for GG or dungeons, managing loot, etc ... all much more difficult, as the party lead always seems to pass to the pick-up player without a mic.
Party Loot Mechanics: Provide options that separate drop preferences from profession items and regular items.
Reason: Green drop loot is generally worthless after 60, EXCEPT in the case of profession items. Allow party leaders to 'ignore' green loot without ignoring green profession items.
Auto Loot: This function could be turned on by the player when they are not in a party by right-clicking or with a hotkey. As the same with party loot mechanics, it could be adjusted to skip certain loot types if wanted.
Reason: Makes the hustle and bustle of running over everything hitting F so much simpler and less annoying.
Player Interaction Key (F): Allow us to assign the player interaction menu to something other than the F key. This would separate revive, headstomp (pvp finish) and world interaction (gates, NPC's and objectives) from 'Inspect Player'.
Reason: Because when four people go in for a stomp or to revive a player in pvp, it's inevitable to pull up that screen which turns off your camera controls and abilities until you hit escape. And if you spam the key, you can really screw yourself over by not being able to escape.
More to come.
"Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate
Mouse-Wheel Zoom: Provide us the option to adjust our viewing angle out further or closer. First person isn't a requirement, but at least some legitimate depth adjustment would be nice.
Reason: Players from all walks of life prefer different views of the battlefield. Some need/want to see more, some want to be closer to the action.
Foundry Save Tags: Provide players the option to tag and save their favorite foundry quests to make it easier to find them again later.
Reason: The foundry is an amazing system, and some players end up bookmarking so many quests that it's hard to find what your looking for later. A more comprehensive system of local-saved tags and maybe even folders would help players sort through these better.
Costumes Inventory Tab: Another hot zen item, this would add a separate inventory tab just for costumes.
Reason: More options for players who like to collect the costly costumes.
Gear Score on Individual Items: Providing a gear-score value for each piece of gear, allowing players to see not only the sell value but GS value.
Reason: On higher-end gear, the gold value can be the same across multiple strengths of gear, and placing a GS value for each piece should help delineate items more accurately.
Foundry Tier 2: Allow a Cryptic-selected chosen few map creators to 'finalize' player content and add resource nodes and treasure chests for foundry missions that meet the standards of regular missions, including experience and mission payouts. This would finalize the content beyond any changes the maker can add, and put the mission full-fledged into the game.
Reason: A constant source of content to the game that would step away from the 'almost there' feeling the foundry can currently leave players with.
Chat Tab Order: The ability to sort the organization and order of chat tabs, including default tabs.
Reason: A simple addition which would allow a player to change the loading order of their chat tabs, including setting a default chat channel to load first, without having to recreate each channel.
Account Bank: A tab at the top of the character bank, which includes a dozen or so slots which allows all items, resources and companions to be traded between characters on an account. Bank expansion slots from the zen store could be used to extend the size of the account bank.
Reason: We can already do this through a more complex process (barring the sharing of account-bound items) by using either guild banks or the mail system. However, since this has a successful precedence in other PWE games, an example of which is Star Trek Online, it should be very easy to implement and expand upon.
Companion 'Passive' Mode: Coding each companion to have an option to be set between 'active' and 'passive'. Passive mode would turn them into only a stat gain and take away all of their active abilities, as well as the ability to be killed.
Reason: For many, companions are more than a stat increase or a heal now and again. They are also an accessory item that compliments our character's backstory and image. Since PWE has included so many companion options in the game, the AI of active companions is dismal at best, companions must be held down in power in order not to replace fellow players and thus become almost as useless as a GWF at level 60 T2 dungeons, and it's a commonly accepted mantra that to be successful requires the cat or stone, this would in turn help ALL companions be useful. Each companion type would require a passive boost percentage which would fit with the type of companion it is (striker, leader, tank) and it's level. The only major overhaul would be the cat and the stones, which would need active abilities.
Transmutation Saved States: Each piece of gear you pay to transmute saves all states so that you can revert back to previous images as you wish. If you take a greatsword and transmute it into a savage greatsword, you could change the image back to a greatsword or savage greatsword at any time for no additional cost. If you pay for a third transmutation of the same weapon to a tiefling greatsword, you can again change the appearance at any time to the savage or standard greatsword, or tiefling greatsword.
Reason: Expands on the transmutation system with far more adaptability and gives players a longer lasting benefit to the high costs associated with a vanity enhancement.
"Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate
Another nice one would be a costumes tab, so that fashion gear can stay organized and not take up inventory space. It would probably encourage people to purchase / wear more fashion gear. (I finally have more than one set on most of my characters and the wasted space is driving me nuts -- no way I'm getting more fashion at this rate.)
*Replacement feature of Dungeon Queue (It is ridiculous that this option is still not present, it is an MMO standard)
*Respec for gold, Respec for gold Respec for gold.
*Experience disable option for those of us who want to experience content and not be forced past it with such high gains of experience.
*Allow Foundry creators to place chests and harvest nodes (It is already possible to harvest a single dungeon that Cryptic created over and over so what is the difference in allowing Foundry creators to make nodes and chests?) I realize there is a potential for exploits however limit the nodes and chests placed per map.
*Create Cryptic approved Foundry content that offers chests and nodes (The lack of reward removes an entire layer of design in campaign creation.)
*Create more methods to gain AD
*Put stamina and movement gain and stat on a separate table (The necessity of active dodge in some battles and the need for some characters to have movement makes it so that we should not be forced to choose movement over actual heals or damage. These should be separated.)
*Actually pay attention to suggestions and posts about them (Create a section for them on forums)
*Let the community fix some of your content issues and bug issues directly instead of having to wait for a small team to roll out a few minor changes and patches.
Change the light source on your item previews, so when you're dying items, they're not in the dark and you can actually see them.
Add the ability to create save categories to the foundry catalog, like 'Save for later' or 'Funny' or 'Epic', so I can organize my favorite foundry quests.
Added some more ideas. Thanks for the suggestions, guys!
"Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate
Account Bank: A tab at the top of the character bank, which includes a dozen or so slots which allows all items, resources and companions to be traded between characters on an account. Bank expansion slots from the zen store could be used to extend the size of the account bank.
Reason: We can already do this through a more complex process (barring the sharing of account-bound items) by using either guild banks or the mail system. However, since this has a successful precedence in other PWE games, an example of which is Star Trek Online, it should be very easy to implement and expand upon.
Companion 'Passive' Mode: Coding each companion to have an option to be set between 'active' and 'passive'. Passive mode would turn them into only a stat gain and take away all of their active abilities, as well as the ability to be killed.
Reason: For many, companions are more than a stat increase or a heal now and again. They are also an accessory item that compliments our character's backstory and image. Since PWE has included so many companion options in the game, the AI of active companions is dismal at best, companions must be held down in power in order not to replace fellow players and thus become almost as useless as a GWF at level 60 T2 dungeons, and it's a commonly accepted mantra that to be successful requires the cat or stone, this would in turn help ALL companions be useful. Each companion type would require a passive boost percentage which would fit with the type of companion it is (striker, leader, tank) and it's level. The only major overhaul would be the cat and the stones, which would need active abilities.
Transmutation Saved States: Each piece of gear you pay to transmute saves all states so that you can revert back to previous images as you wish. If you take a greatsword and transmute it into a savage greatsword, you could change the image back to a greatsword or savage greatsword at any time for no additional cost. If you pay for a third transmutation of the same weapon to a tiefling greatsword, you can again change the appearance at any time to the savage or standard greatsword, or tiefling greatsword.
Reason: Expands on the transmutation system with far more adaptability and gives players a longer lasting benefit to the high costs associated with a vanity enhancement.
"Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate
*Add an permission that allows fusing runes directly from the guild tab rather then having to keep switching between player inventory and the guild slots.
*Disable the auto-dismount when using a potion ( The only reason I can think of for it being there is for in pvp, if so then make the auto-dismount only apply to the pvp maps )
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited October 2013
Up the maximum Stack of All currencies to 999 (minimum).
The currency tab is no constantly full due to numerous stacks of the same currency such as Famorian Concoctions which drop like candy as well as Drake Seals and Seals of the Dark Fey which both require over 100 pieces for some items.
- Every stackable item should stack to 999 (dyes for example only go to 20, same with enchants, while scrolls go to 99).
- Leave items on companions once in idle mode. To prevent that they can be used as easy bank slot make it only possible to change from idle to active state in PE or in the companion hall in PE or make it only possible to change items once every 18 hours. Currently collecting companions and equipping them is a pain because you just have lots of items in your backpacks for all your companions.
- Implement an "Account on Pickup" item tag that replaces "Bind on Pickup". If I loot something in a dungeon that could be useful for my alts or the companion of my alts it should be possible to trade it to them. They are all my chars, so this should be possible. If I use my main to equip them should be my choice.
- Add a "greed only" option for dungeon runs to avoid the stress with all the purple wearing egoists that need on blue items.
- Make it possible that every epic armor piece can be "reinforced" by a crafter, not just the arms. Maybe even make it in a way that you need different crafters for different armor pieces to boost the crafting economy (but see commission crafting for details).
- Add a "commission crafting" system where you can craft something for someone that normally is bind and the item directly goes into the backpack of the guy for whom you make it.
- Add a small chance that bosses also drop various enchants higher than lvl 4. It is quite annoying that you have to upgrade them all the way up to 10. Why not have a chance that sometimes a rank 6 drops or a rank 9. Rare drops of course.
- Add more drops for final bosses. Beating a boss and seeing only 2 items drop is really lame. Even if there is a 0.1 chance for a drop that would encourage people to run dungeons more often. Transmutable items, companions, mounts, crafting materials etc. In other games when you kill an epic mob he drops like 20 items.
- Add recepies for crafters that can drop from bosses rarely to craft some cool gear. Like a receipe for Alchemists to craft "Crimson Red". At the moment crafting is boring. I made hundreds of stupid pants the last days to craft my Mailsmith to 20. This is plain boring. The stuff I can make is weak. I want something to collect, to work for and get it.
- Add multi-craft items. Something a Leatherworker starts, then a Tailor enhances and finally a Platesmith applies something to it to make it a final product and give players some reason to really have more than one crafter.
Here is what I think is a simple one to add to the list:
Please flip the shield when it is held so it is not upside down:
Rotated 180 degrees:
Thank you!
kreatyveMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 10,545Community Moderator
edited October 2013
Here's one:
Please add a "Clear All" to the AH/Gateway search. It gets annoying when I'm looking at certain epic gear for me that is named such and such and is for this level, and then switch to search for something that's rare, and then log onto another character to look for gear and I can't find any cause "Oops, I forgot to clear rare". UGH! Yeah, I'm lazy like that.
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
- Implement an "Account on Pickup" item tag that replaces "Bind on Pickup". If I loot something in a dungeon that could be useful for my alts or the companion of my alts it should be possible to trade it to them. They are all my chars, so this should be possible. If I use my main to equip them should be my choice.
Account bound items exist, but are currently the same as character bound items due to the lack of an account bank. Bound items can not be slotted into the mail so you can't mail them to yourself.
Hopefully we be getting account banks shortly after the shard merge.
Account bound items exist, but are currently the same as character bound items due to the lack of an account bank. Bound items can not be slotted into the mail so you can't mail them to yourself.
Hopefully we be getting account banks shortly after the shard merge.
Only for Zen bought items, not for dropped ones - I want this for the chest items from dungeons. Basically everything that is BoP should just be Account bound.
Another nice one would be a costumes tab, so that fashion gear can stay organized and not take up inventory space. It would probably encourage people to purchase / wear more fashion gear. (I finally have more than one set on most of my characters and the wasted space is driving me nuts -- no way I'm getting more fashion at this rate.)
In The Secret World, you only have to use a fashion-item once to keep it forever. It will be removed from your inventory, but you can then equip it by selecting it from a list of all your fashion-items. Combine this with a Wardrobe add-on that let you save outfits to a list, and you got an awesome fashion mechanic. Nothing is stored in your inventory, and all your saved outfits can be equipped with a click of a button. Couldn't be simpler. Why no one else have done this is beyond me. The closest I've seen is LotRO. That one had two cosmetic outfits, but the stuff stay in your inventory even after you equip it. That way you can use the same shirt on both costumes if you want. It also allow you to use armor as cosmetic clothes (as long as you can equip it), meaning transmutes are pointless. I loved that stuff.
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
In The Secret World, you only have to use a fashion-item once to keep it forever. It will be removed from your inventory, but you can then equip it by selecting it from a list of all your fashion-items. Combine this with a Wardrobe add-on that let you save outfits to a list, and you got an awesome fashion mechanic. Nothing is stored in your inventory, and all your saved outfits can be equipped with a click of a button. Couldn't be simpler. Why no one else have done this is beyond me. The closest I've seen is LotRO. That one had two cosmetic outfits, but the stuff stay in your inventory even after you equip it. That way you can use the same shirt on both costumes if you want. It also allow you to use armor as cosmetic clothes (as long as you can equip it), meaning transmutes are pointless. I loved that stuff.
Others have done it. In fact, Cryptic themselves has done it on their previous games (which run on the same engine as NW).
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited May 2014
Ive played many MMOs with wardrobe function and it was reasonable prices, unlike just about anything in neverwinter.. you paid 9.99 to unlock on account, then any drop you get can be added to wardrobe, you can stack like 50 things in there or something total.. which was quite enough to make completely unique characters from anyone else.. Also probably a extention of the age of those games, you could come up with literally 10,000 different ways to make a character different from low level drops, to dyes ect.. this game is soooo far behind other mmos on that, they also have the mojo to CHARGE you for unique design and dresses ect.. its quite funny to see. I would never spend a dime as a consumer for just cosmetic gear BY piece, you give it to me in a wardrobe price FOR all account open and I am willing to look at it.
There just isnt enough UNLOCK account features in this game. But Im so despondent about the pricing structure right now, I probably shouldn't even be posting honestly.
Mouse-Wheel Zoom: Provide us the option to adjust our viewing angle out further or closer. First person isn't a requirement, but at least some legitimate depth adjustment would be nice.
Reason: Players from all walks of life prefer different views of the battlefield. Some need/want to see more, some want to be closer to the action.
Foundry Save Tags: Provide players the option to tag and save their favorite foundry quests to make it easier to find them again later.
Reason: The foundry is an amazing system, and some players end up bookmarking so many quests that it's hard to find what your looking for later. A more comprehensive system of local-saved tags and maybe even folders would help players sort through these better.
Costumes Inventory Tab: Another hot zen item, this would add a separate inventory tab just for costumes.
Reason: More options for players who like to collect the costly costumes.
Gear Score on Individual Items: Providing a gear-score value for each piece of gear, allowing players to see not only the sell value but GS value.
Reason: On higher-end gear, the gold value can be the same across multiple strengths of gear, and placing a GS value for each piece should help delineate items more accurately.
Foundry Tier 2: Allow a Cryptic-selected chosen few map creators to 'finalize' player content and add resource nodes and treasure chests for foundry missions that meet the standards of regular missions, including experience and mission payouts. This would finalize the content beyond any changes the maker can add, and put the mission full-fledged into the game.
Reason: A constant source of content to the game that would step away from the 'almost there' feeling the foundry can currently leave players with.
Chat Tab Order: The ability to sort the organization and order of chat tabs, including default tabs.
Reason: A simple addition which would allow a player to change the loading order of their chat tabs, including setting a default chat channel to load first, without having to recreate each channel.
Account Bank: A tab at the top of the character bank, which includes a dozen or so slots which allows all items, resources and companions to be traded between characters on an account. Bank expansion slots from the zen store could be used to extend the size of the account bank.
Reason: We can already do this through a more complex process (barring the sharing of account-bound items) by using either guild banks or the mail system. However, since this has a successful precedence in other PWE games, an example of which is Star Trek Online, it should be very easy to implement and expand upon.
Companion 'Passive' Mode: Coding each companion to have an option to be set between 'active' and 'passive'. Passive mode would turn them into only a stat gain and take away all of their active abilities, as well as the ability to be killed.
Reason: For many, companions are more than a stat increase or a heal now and again. They are also an accessory item that compliments our character's backstory and image. Since PWE has included so many companion options in the game, the AI of active companions is dismal at best, companions must be held down in power in order not to replace fellow players and thus become almost as useless as a GWF at level 60 T2 dungeons, and it's a commonly accepted mantra that to be successful requires the cat or stone, this would in turn help ALL companions be useful. Each companion type would require a passive boost percentage which would fit with the type of companion it is (striker, leader, tank) and it's level. The only major overhaul would be the cat and the stones, which would need active abilities.
Transmutation Saved States: Each piece of gear you pay to transmute saves all states so that you can revert back to previous images as you wish. If you take a greatsword and transmute it into a savage greatsword, you could change the image back to a greatsword or savage greatsword at any time for no additional cost. If you pay for a third transmutation of the same weapon to a tiefling greatsword, you can again change the appearance at any time to the savage or standard greatsword, or tiefling greatsword.
Reason: Expands on the transmutation system with far more adaptability and gives players a longer lasting benefit to the high costs associated with a vanity enhancement.
"D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.
Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
/gfxsetdefaultfov xx
xx = value to set your camera at.
Default is 55.
the higher you go the further out your camera goes.
Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
Edit: And nice list. Thanks for putting the time and effort into it.
*Respec for gold, Respec for gold Respec for gold.
*Experience disable option for those of us who want to experience content and not be forced past it with such high gains of experience.
*Allow Foundry creators to place chests and harvest nodes (It is already possible to harvest a single dungeon that Cryptic created over and over so what is the difference in allowing Foundry creators to make nodes and chests?) I realize there is a potential for exploits however limit the nodes and chests placed per map.
*Create Cryptic approved Foundry content that offers chests and nodes (The lack of reward removes an entire layer of design in campaign creation.)
*Create more methods to gain AD
*Put stamina and movement gain and stat on a separate table (The necessity of active dodge in some battles and the need for some characters to have movement makes it so that we should not be forced to choose movement over actual heals or damage. These should be separated.)
*Actually pay attention to suggestions and posts about them (Create a section for them on forums)
*Let the community fix some of your content issues and bug issues directly instead of having to wait for a small team to roll out a few minor changes and patches.
Add the ability to create save categories to the foundry catalog, like 'Save for later' or 'Funny' or 'Epic', so I can organize my favorite foundry quests.
RainFeather- Dragonborn DC
Rune Fell- Drow CW
"D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.
Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
Account Bank: A tab at the top of the character bank, which includes a dozen or so slots which allows all items, resources and companions to be traded between characters on an account. Bank expansion slots from the zen store could be used to extend the size of the account bank.
Reason: We can already do this through a more complex process (barring the sharing of account-bound items) by using either guild banks or the mail system. However, since this has a successful precedence in other PWE games, an example of which is Star Trek Online, it should be very easy to implement and expand upon.
Companion 'Passive' Mode: Coding each companion to have an option to be set between 'active' and 'passive'. Passive mode would turn them into only a stat gain and take away all of their active abilities, as well as the ability to be killed.
Reason: For many, companions are more than a stat increase or a heal now and again. They are also an accessory item that compliments our character's backstory and image. Since PWE has included so many companion options in the game, the AI of active companions is dismal at best, companions must be held down in power in order not to replace fellow players and thus become almost as useless as a GWF at level 60 T2 dungeons, and it's a commonly accepted mantra that to be successful requires the cat or stone, this would in turn help ALL companions be useful. Each companion type would require a passive boost percentage which would fit with the type of companion it is (striker, leader, tank) and it's level. The only major overhaul would be the cat and the stones, which would need active abilities.
Transmutation Saved States: Each piece of gear you pay to transmute saves all states so that you can revert back to previous images as you wish. If you take a greatsword and transmute it into a savage greatsword, you could change the image back to a greatsword or savage greatsword at any time for no additional cost. If you pay for a third transmutation of the same weapon to a tiefling greatsword, you can again change the appearance at any time to the savage or standard greatsword, or tiefling greatsword.
Reason: Expands on the transmutation system with far more adaptability and gives players a longer lasting benefit to the high costs associated with a vanity enhancement.
"D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.
Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
*A sort option for the guild bank slots
*Remove the cooldown on searching items on the AH
*Add an permission that allows fusing runes directly from the guild tab rather then having to keep switching between player inventory and the guild slots.
*Disable the auto-dismount when using a potion ( The only reason I can think of for it being there is for in pvp, if so then make the auto-dismount only apply to the pvp maps )
The currency tab is no constantly full due to numerous stacks of the same currency such as Famorian Concoctions which drop like candy as well as Drake Seals and Seals of the Dark Fey which both require over 100 pieces for some items.
- Every stackable item should stack to 999 (dyes for example only go to 20, same with enchants, while scrolls go to 99).
- Leave items on companions once in idle mode. To prevent that they can be used as easy bank slot make it only possible to change from idle to active state in PE or in the companion hall in PE or make it only possible to change items once every 18 hours. Currently collecting companions and equipping them is a pain because you just have lots of items in your backpacks for all your companions.
- Implement an "Account on Pickup" item tag that replaces "Bind on Pickup". If I loot something in a dungeon that could be useful for my alts or the companion of my alts it should be possible to trade it to them. They are all my chars, so this should be possible. If I use my main to equip them should be my choice.
- Add a "greed only" option for dungeon runs to avoid the stress with all the purple wearing egoists that need on blue items.
- Make it possible that every epic armor piece can be "reinforced" by a crafter, not just the arms. Maybe even make it in a way that you need different crafters for different armor pieces to boost the crafting economy (but see commission crafting for details).
- Add a "commission crafting" system where you can craft something for someone that normally is bind and the item directly goes into the backpack of the guy for whom you make it.
- Add a small chance that bosses also drop various enchants higher than lvl 4. It is quite annoying that you have to upgrade them all the way up to 10. Why not have a chance that sometimes a rank 6 drops or a rank 9. Rare drops of course.
- Add more drops for final bosses. Beating a boss and seeing only 2 items drop is really lame. Even if there is a 0.1 chance for a drop that would encourage people to run dungeons more often. Transmutable items, companions, mounts, crafting materials etc. In other games when you kill an epic mob he drops like 20 items.
- Add recepies for crafters that can drop from bosses rarely to craft some cool gear. Like a receipe for Alchemists to craft "Crimson Red". At the moment crafting is boring. I made hundreds of stupid pants the last days to craft my Mailsmith to 20. This is plain boring. The stuff I can make is weak. I want something to collect, to work for and get it.
- Add multi-craft items. Something a Leatherworker starts, then a Tailor enhances and finally a Platesmith applies something to it to make it a final product and give players some reason to really have more than one crafter.
Please flip the shield when it is held so it is not upside down:
Rotated 180 degrees:
Thank you!
Please add a "Clear All" to the AH/Gateway search. It gets annoying when I'm looking at certain epic gear for me that is named such and such and is for this level, and then switch to search for something that's rare, and then log onto another character to look for gear and I can't find any cause "Oops, I forgot to clear rare". UGH! Yeah, I'm lazy like that.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Account bound items exist, but are currently the same as character bound items due to the lack of an account bank. Bound items can not be slotted into the mail so you can't mail them to yourself.
Hopefully we be getting account banks shortly after the shard merge.
Only for Zen bought items, not for dropped ones - I want this for the chest items from dungeons. Basically everything that is BoP should just be Account bound.
Would like to see the ability to change the order of our characters at the character selection screen.
Others have done it. In fact, Cryptic themselves has done it on their previous games (which run on the same engine as NW).
There just isnt enough UNLOCK account features in this game. But Im so despondent about the pricing structure right now, I probably shouldn't even be posting honestly.