Feats and Powers:
Heroic Feats
Toughness; HP is always a thing to do
Disciple of Strength; Damage is pretty awesome
Endless Assault; See above
Armor Specialization; 5% effectiveness is cool considering we are just trying to get to the next row.
Steely Defense; Power equal to my defense? Sign me up.
Devastating Critical; 5% Critical Severity is a must.
Weapon Mastery; Well we got 2 points anyways and I like hitting crits.
Great Weapon Focus; At-wills are A LOT of your damage. Like seriously a lot.
Deep Gash; More damage on your AoE the bleed does a ton.
Disciple of War; You mean I get to stack less Armpen and more Power?? Yes please.
Executioner's Style; Indom doing more damage???? Are you for reals????
Relentless Battle Furry; More Takedown, more Roar?? Ok ty you NW.
Focused Destroyer; So you're telling me that awesome Class Feature I use can be stacked faster? Nice.
Destroyers Purpose; Lmao what else will you spend 1 point on.
Single Target
Daily; Indomitable Strength, Slam, Avalanche of Steel.
Class Features; Bravery, Weapon Master, Destroyer.
Encounters; Takedown, Restoring Strike, Indomitable Battle Strike.
At-Wills; Threating Rush, Sure Strike
Dailies; Use Slam for a boss with adds, the debuff will help the tank or help you tank. Use Avalanche of Steel if your pots are on Cooldown, also if you have no CW, the no target cap on AoS will allow you to prone every target. Use Indomitable Strength if you know your team can handle adds, or if there are no adds.
Class Features; Use Bravery for the run speed and deflection, most of the time you are tanking the boss or kiting the adds and this really helps. I use Bravery and Weapon Master most of the time, but Destroyer can also be used but it will be harder to gain stacks.
Encounters; Takedown has a low Cooldown and moderate damage. Restoring Strike does moderate damage and heals you. Indomitable Battle Strike does absolute tons of damage.
At-Wills; Use Threating rush to get to the target then use Sure Strike.
Daily; Slam, Avalanche of Steel
Class Features; Trample the Fallen, Destroyer
Encounters; Frontline Surge, Roar, Indomitable Battle Strike
At-Wills; Threating Rush, Wicked Strike
Dailies; Slam is a great debuff and you can cast it and while it is active you can use other spells. Avalanche of Steel has no target cap. I use Slam most of the time, but if my Pots are on CD and my Artifact is down I use AoS to give me a few seconds of immune. I also use AoS when i pull 20+ mobs because it does crazy damage since it has no target cap.
Class Features; Trample the Fallen gives you 15% more damage to targets that are controlled. This counts on all slows, snares or whatever else. If you have a CW in your group, you will do crazy damage. Destroyer is great for AoE giving you up to 12% more damage output.
Encounters; I use Frontline surge first since it has the longest CD. I use roar next, then Threating rush into whatever target has a lot of HP but the most missing and then Indom strike their faces.
At-wills; Use Threating Rush to get to targets or if it's the last target. it does more single target damage than Wicked Strike. Use Wicked Strike for AoE.
For solo I use my Trash/AoE. Sometimes, depending on the quests/dailies, I use Sure Strike and Wicked Strike for my At-Wills.
Tips and Tricks
-Always rush ahead of your team so that you can get quick agro. Even if you have a GF, getting the agro at the start of the fight allows you to get quick determination.
-Use roar before you pop Determ, since it builds determ.
-Use encounters whenever they are off CD, but if your Determ is up wait until your full At-Will rotation is done. Sure Strike; 4 hits. Wicked Strike; 3 hits.
-Health pots are a must. I have mine hot keyed to my mouse buttons.
-Always be moving around when you run out of Determ. GWF's think they are tanky but they really are nothing without Determ. So kite mobs until your spells (Roar) are off CD.
I use the Fabled Iliyanbruen set to be more tanky. If you want straight damage I suggest Avatar of War's.
My chest piece is slotted with a rank 7 Azure and Soulforged.
My Weapon is Fallen Dragon set, from Weaponsmithing. I use this set for the Lifesteal.
My Weapon is slotted with a rank 7 Radiant and GVorp.
My rings and neck are the Hrimnir set, I have this set because I like how it gives you 180 of each stat total. You can go with other rings or neck (The Ancient ones from CN) depending on the stats you need. I will most likely be changing my rings and neck eventually but for right now this is what I run.
My rings and neck are slotted with 3 rank 7 Radiants.
For the belt I use a blue belt. Need that Offense slot.
My belt is slotted with a rank 7 Radiant.
Gemmed pants and shirt because more enchants means more swagger. Trust me.
My pants are slotted with a rank 7 Dark and my shirt with a rank 7 Radiant.
My Artifacts are the PvP Bloodcrystal, for the regen and it really saves your life in a bad situation. Waters for the Recovery, Regen and Defense. Those are sick stats bro. Lastly I use Lantern mainly for the Armpen and the active. More damage when I don't need the safety for Bloodcrsytal. I haven't actually got my Sigil's because I don't have 3 boons on any of my other characters. So I don't know what one I would use, I'll update later.
I have my stone summoned. The gems on it are:
Empowered Offense slots for Power.
Eldritch for more stat gain from stone.
The gear on it is just filler gear, to cap my stats. The 3 pieces of gear all have Offense slots so I have 2 rank 7 Radiants, and 1 rank 7 Dark.
I have the Blacksmith active for 15% chance to reflect 10% damage taken. If the same target is hit with the 10% 4 times it will reflect 3 times as much.
I have the Galeb Duhr active to deal 10% more damage based on the damage you've taken.
I have the Renegade Evoker active so that when a mob crits me it deal fire damage to them.
I have Wild Hunt Rider so when I use my encounters I have a chance to increase my damage by 10%.
I may switch my Renegade Evoker for some better companion if I find one I like.
Stats are ALL about Hardcaps and Softcaps. For instance, Armpen; Armpen should never be over 24% for PvE. Most mobs have anywhere from 10-22% damage resistance and bosses tend to have around 24%. So having lets say, 26% would be a waste of 2%. Armpen is the only stat with a hardcap. For the GWF you have to take your resistance ignored from your CON ability and add it to the percent you get from armpen. Don't forget to get the campfire buff. In the picture I do NOT have the campfire buff, giving me 19 CON (9%), but with the buff I have 20 CON (10%). Because of this I only need around 1400 Armpen to get 14% which totals to 24%.
Other than Armpen, stats only have soft caps. You can tell when stats start to reach those softcaps by looknig at this website;
From what I gathered on that website, the stats I have in the picture are what I believe to be the best use of Stat caps.
Power is cool.
Deflect is nice since my Crit is already pretty high.
HP is always balling.
400 Arcane damage? Sure.
Dread Ring
Lifesteal goes good with power.
Armpen because I hate stacking that in my gear.
Shadowtouch does like 0 damage at a terrible rate but extra damage is extra damage.
Icewind Dale
Please come back another time.
I am a Dwarf, My name is Hawkblade C Ashclaw@punkrobart
This guide is what I use, but I did not make all of it. Thanks to Shmooty for being my master and just being the most helpful and best GWF in NW. Seriously though, that guy does tons of damage.